Chapter 25

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The world is full of Kings and Queens, who blind your eyes and steal your dreams. - Ronnie James Dio

Remi's POV

Blyke walks through the door first. I reluctantly follow, then I look around. Everything in this house is beautiful! Everything was so modern and fancy! There is a giant painting of a garden of roses hanging on the wall, a huge bookcase, and comfortable furniture. We have stuff like this in the castle, but not as new and comfortable. 

"Is it weird that I like this place better than the castle?!" I ask Blyke enthusiastically. "Um... Yes." he responds. Jeez. 

"Lets split up and look for the hall of records." Blyke says. I nod and walk upstairs. 

I peak into every single room. Most of these rooms are bedrooms or parlors. Finally, I come across a different room. It's an observatory! I remember that Rei wanted one in the castle but he... yeah...

I step into the room and look around. The third isn't above this room, and there's a glass ceiling. The walls are painted dark blue and there are a lot of bookshelves containing astronomy books and star maps. It the center of the room there's a giant, brass telescope. 

Wait until Blyke sees this! I'm about to walk out to get him when I notice something in the corner of my eyes. A shooting star!

I rush to the telescope and watch the star go by through the lens. "Amazing!" I say out loud by accident. 

"I know, right!" someone enthusiastically says from behind me. That voice doesn't sound like Blyke!

My hand charges with electricity and my eyes glow. Who's could be there? Cecile should still be in the capital!

"You're late again, Cecile." the voice says from behind the bookshelf. The voice is definitely male. 

"Did you pass by the low-tier village and pick up the chocolate cake?" he asks. He suddenly comes into view.

It's a guy around my age in royal-looking clothes and light blue hair that covers one of his eyes. "You're not Cecile!" he screams. Yikes! I'm outta here!

I duck past him and flee to the hall. The guy is chasing after me and shouting, "Stop! I'm a lord and I command you to stop!"

He's a royal? He looked a little familiar, but I don't remember ever talking to him. I continue running, and I almost make it to the door. But, I bump into Blyke. Shoot! 

We both fall over and hit our heads against the floor. "Ouch!" I say, rubbing the bump on my head. 

"Don't move!" the guy yells. As if! Me and Blyke are probably much more powerful! I turn to Blyke, and to my surprise, the guy is holding a sword near Blykes throat. Where did he get a sword from!?

The guy scans us both cautiously. "Wait a second... You're Queen Remi and Jack Blyke! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" the guy says. He lowers the sword away from Blyke's neck and bows. 

I turn to Blyke. "What do we do?" I whisper to Blyke. "Just play along." he whispers. 

"It was a common mistake. I understand that we looked like two petty knights that were trying to steal stuff, so it makes sense that you would attack us." Blyke says robotically. He's a terrible actor! There is no way this guy will believe him!

The guy laughs. "Of course! An honest mistake! You two definitely weren't robbing me! Where are my manners? Would you two like tea?" he asks. He bought it?! WTF?!

"I'm Lord Otis, by the way. Welcome to my humble abode!" the guy says as he leads us to the kitchen. Wait... He lives here?! Did we break into the wrong house?!

Otis must've noticed my confusion, because he says, "I'm Duchess Cecile's brother." She has a brother? Well, you learn something new every day!

"Thank you for allowing us in. We are on important royal duties. Very important!" Blyke says in a very monotone voice. I've never seen someone so bad at lying!

"Of course! I will not stand in your way! Since you are here, I'm assuming you need something from the Hall of Records." Otis says, sipping his tea. "Um... yeah." I say nervously. There is no way he'll let us go in. The hall of records is a room full of documents of the most importance. He won't let us in without Cecile's permission.

Otis stands up and pulls a key out of his pocket. "In that case. here you go!" he says handing me the key. "The room is upstairs on the third door to your left." Seriously?! How gullible is this guy?!

"Just remember that no document can leave the room. Have a good time!" Otis says with a wave. Blyke and I start walking up the stairs. "Got it. There will totally not be a very important document missing by the time we leave." Blyke says. "I'm counting on it!" Otis says enthusiastically. Are these two for real?

Once we walk into the hall of records, I raise my eyebrow at Blyke. "What?" he asks innocently. "Nevermind." I say. 

The room is like a giant library except without books. Just documents, parchment, and old newspapers. Blyke and I turn to the bookshelf containing the files on every citizen in the kingdom. 

"Let's get to work!" I exclaim. 

A few moments later...

"This is impossible! We've checked every file three times and no one is powerful enough to take on Arlo!" Blyke yells in frustration. "We can't give up!" I say. "This guy can't be nonexistent!"

Then I get an idea. "What if he didn't live in Wellston?" I ask. Blyke raises his eyebrow. "I doubt it. He has to live here to be in line for King." he says. "He doesn't have to live here." I point out. "Just has to be from here."

So, we walk over to the other section of the Hall of Records. The only files we have of other kingdoms citizens are of important and royal people. The shelf was smaller than the last shelf we looked in, but still just as daunting.

"This will take forever! Cecile will be back by the time we find the file!" I exclaim in worry. "We won't find the file." Blyke says. "We will if we hurry!" I say, pulling a file off the shelf. 

Blyke grabs my shoulder. "I meant we can't find it because it's not here. It's gone" he says. Huh? How would he know if it's gone? Blyke points to an empty space on the shelf. "It can't be a coincidence." he says. 

Blyke's right! The guy that dethroned Arlo probably took precautions and got rid of anything that could be traced back to him!

"Did you two find what you're looking for?" someone asks from behind me. I jump up in surprise. Otis is standing behind us sipping his tea. 

Blyke clears his throat. "No we did not." he says in a robotic voice. "Our very important royal file we need is not here." Why is he saying this so robotically? We're not even lying this time!

"We were wondering if someone was here in the past month that could've taken a file. Was there?" I ask. "Hmmm... well, Isen was the only one in the Hall of Records this month beside Cecile and me." Otis says. 

Isen? Why did he need a file? Did he know who dethroned Arlo this whole time?! Did I almost break into someone's house for nothing?!

Otis takes a long sip of his tea, then says, "Oh, and Cecile's boyfriend was here a few weeks ago. But he didn't go into the Hall of Records." Cecile has a boyfriend and he came here? To date Cecile, he must be powerful enough for her standards. Could he be the guy who dethroned Arlo?!

"What's his name?" I ask. Otis opens his mouth to answer but then closes it. "Oh. I know why you are here now." he says gravely. "I can't tell you anything. Did you really think you could blind me with your petty lies? You were her to steal something originally. Right? I'm going to have to ask you two to leave." Shoot! We're busted!

Blyke clenches his fists and shouts, "No way! We need to figure out something and you know the answer! Tell us who he is, in the name of the King!" Otis doesn't seem fazed by his threats and takes another long sip of tea. 

"Sorry. I only answer to the Shadow King. Get out."

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