Chapter 13

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What makes a champion great is how he dethrones the guy before him. Look at Mike Tyson against Trevor Berbick and how he crushed him. You have to rip the title away from him. - Anthony Joshua

John's POV

Cecile invites me inside her large mansion on the outskirts of Wellston. The mansion is 4 stories tall and has to have over 40 rooms at least. This place is huge compared to my house! But compared to my old castle, this place is the size of a mouse. 

When we walk in, I see another guy eating a large, chocolate cake in the kitchen. "Otis! I told you not to eat that! It's reserved for me when I need to stress eat!" Cecile yells at the blue-haired guy. 

Cecile then remembers that I'm here and blushes in embarrassment. "Ummm... I mean..." she stutters. "Relax. I can't think of a better way to deal with emotions: eat it out." I say. I remember the fight I had earlier. "I could actually use some of that cake right now." I say while staring at the cake in its chocolaty goodness. 

Otis smirks and hands me and Cecile forks. "Ahhh... the cake treatment! Works every time!" Otis says as I devour the cake happily. 

Cecile turns to Otis. "We have to talk privately. You've had your cake so you can leave now." she says. "Ahhh... Private? I see what's happening. I'll let you two have your "fun." Otis says winking at Cecile, then leaving. 

What a strange guy. Cecile's face goes bright red and she makes an excuse to leave the room and "wash up." When she gets back, the cake is gone.

"Where'd the cake go?!" Cecile asks. "Oh, I ate it already." I say proudly. Cecile sighs and says, "No slice for me? Ouch."

I slide a plate of cake toward her. "Don't worry. I've got you covered."

We go to the dining room to eat and discuss our plan to dethrone Arlo. "Wie cogh frghm im or a bagh rime." Cecile says with her mouth full. "Wha?" I question. 

Cecile swallows and says, "We could frame him for a bad crime. The kingdom would never let him rule then." "It'd have to be something really big though. It's hard to get a king banned from the throne." I say. "I beat up and sometimes killed my old subjects and I still wasn't dethroned. It took almost ten royals to dethrone me."

"Good point." Cecile says. "Maybe that's the answer!" Cecile says. "What is?!" I ask eagerly. 

"Royals. They are at the top of social hierarchy and on everyone's watch list! Seeing them get beat up despite being so powerful, and the King isn't able to do anything about it! Arlo will be mocked and loathed!" She says. 

"Which means the other royals will have no choice but to promote someone else who can take charge!" I say finally catching on. "There's one problem though." I say. "What?"

"How will I beat up the Royals?! They'll guards around them when they're outside the castle and I can't go in the castle." I say dejectedly. 

Cecile rolls her eyes and says "Easy. I make a distraction for the guards and give each royal a fake message or something."

"Well, then it looks like we have our plan!" I say enthusiastically. Suddenly we hear a crash from upstairs. "What was that!?" I ask scared. 

Cecile rolls her eyes again. "It's just Lord Otis. He likes to make a mess." she says. Why does Otis live here?

"So... are you and Otis a thing... or just roommates or something?" I ask. 

"Otis is my younger brother." Cecile says. "I'm a single pringle." "Same." I reply. So she's single, huh. 

"So what's your ability?" I ask her. "It's the ability to create energy ropes." Cecile says proudly. "It can choke someone or keep them in place."

"That sounds like a powerful ability!" I say impressed. "Not as cool as yours." Cecile says. "Nah. Mines basic." I say. 

Cecile's POV

Me and John chat a bit longer. We discuss abilities, awful hierarchy, and for some reason, how bad hair gel is. 

So far, this is one of the best nights of my life. Until I hear a knock on the door. To my surprise, it's Duke Isen. 

"Cecile! I need your help!" he begs. "Arlo is freaking out because someone defeated him today so I'm hoping your sarcastic jokes will cheer him up!"

Does he really expect me to help Arlo? After he betrayed me?! "No way Isen! I'm busy right now!" I say. 

Isen peaks around and see's the back of John's head in the living room. "Oh. You managed to land a guy! Good for you!" he says. "It's not like that!" I yell, but I can tell that I'm blushing. 

"Please. Arlo needs you." Isen begs again. "No. Tell him that he should've known that his actions have consequences." I say, slamming the door. 

John notices my worried expression. "Is everything ok?" he asks. "no. Just a desperate Duke." I reply. 

 John nods and stands up. "It's really late. I should go." John says. "I'll walk you out." I say. 

When we get downstairs, John says, "I know what my first decision as King will be." "What will it be?" I ask as I walk out the door. 

Suddenly John kisses me in the check and says, "I will make you my Queen." Then he runs off. 

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