Chapter 14

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Ah, if I were not king, I should lose my temper. - Louis XIV

Remi's POV

"I-i-i failed..." Arlo stutters, distraught. He has been mumbling on his throne all day. "I was supposed to be-e powerful, and defeat those who da-a-red to co-ontradict me-e." Arlo looks like he's on verge of insanity. 

"Arlo, please calm down!" I say cheerfully. "Everyone loses at some point. But knowing you, you'll bounce right back from this!"

Arlo gives me the most menacing glare I've ever seen. He stands up and grabs me by the collar. "CALM DOWN!" he shouts. "HOW COULD I POSSIBLY CALM DOWN WHEN THERE'S SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO CAN CHALLENGE MY THRONE!"

"Bu- but I thought you have to have either been or are royal to challenge the throne!" I say, croaking in fear of what will happen when the King loses his temper. "That's the problem!" he yells, letting go of me. 

Wait... does this mean that he CAN be dethroned. Arlo will go insane if that happens! He'll kill everyone! What will happen to the other royals?! Will we be exiled?! Killed!?

I can't let this happen. I will not let my kingdom fall to the ashes. 

"Who did this?" I ask Arlo with as much confidence I could muster. "It's best you didn't know!" he says as he paces around the room. 

"Shut up. I don't want to hear that nonsense. As the Queen, it's my duty to put a stop to this. So tell me who almost dethroned you, and I will 'take care of them.'" I say regally. I'm starting to get a hand on the whole Queen thing. 

"You're not the true Queen. Seraphina is. But she's now lurk-headed thanks to my stupid challenger!" Arlo shouts in rage. He grabs a nearby vase and throws it to the ground. Then he puts a barrier around the chandelier above us and knocks it down. I dive out of the way just in time, using my ability. 

Arlo throws his crown in anger and it hits one of the butlers. "URGAHH!" the butler cries out, in pain. "Sorry! I'd run if I were you!" I yell out to him. The butler quickly ducks out of the room. I can hear him yelling, "This is way above my paygrade!" from afar. 

I grab Arlo's arm before he tries to punch a wall. "Okay! I get it! This is bad!" I yell. "But this doesn't mean you get to cause 100s of golds for property damage!"

He stops struggling and looks at me with dead eyes. "We can figure this out. We will put a stop to this! But I need you to help me." I say.

Arlo breaks out of my grip and leaves the throne room, saying nothing. I collapse on the floor. 

"What am I doing wrong?" I ask myself. "Nothing. Arlo's just being stubborn." I hear someone say. 

I turn around and see Blyke. He's wearing his casualish robes and a simple crown. "Isen couldn't convince Cecile to come over. Apparently, she's to busy hocking up with someone." he says. 

Strange. That doesn't sound like Cecile. "What about this mysterious challenger? Any info?" I ask as I try to stand back up, but I keep stepping on my dress. "No." Blyke says distraught. "Even Isen didn't find anything! He acted really weird about it too!"

Was Isen holding back information? He wouldn't hide anything. Right? I sigh. "I don't know what to do here. Seraphina abandoned her responsibilities, Arlo's gone insane, and Cecile hates me for some reason! What do I do?" I ask. 

"I'm here for you. We'll figure out what to do together!" he says hugging me. I hug him back. 

Now, what to do? "We need a source of information. There must be someone who witnessed the fight!" I say. "Lady Meili and Lord Ventus were there, but when they woke up, they lost their memory of the fight." Blyke says. "We need to narrow down who it could e, and who's powerful enough."

Suddenly, I get an idea. "The hall of records! We can go through them and sort out all the god-tiers and narrow it down from there!" I exclaim. 

"Perfect!" Blyke says. "You really are getting the hang of being Queen."

I smile to myself. Maybe everything will be okay. 

Timeskip to about 6 hours from now

Cecile's POV

"Knock, Knock, Knock." I hear from the doorway. "I'll get it!" Otis yells. What if it's John? I can't let him open the door if it's him! 

I activate my ability and make Otis trip on a rope. "No fair!" he says grumpily as I rush to get the door. 

To my surprise, it's not John. It's Remi. "Oh, it's you." I say looking at her with disgust. Her hair and dress are dripping wet from the rain. Blyke was behind her in their carriage. 

"I need your help." she says. There is no way am I helping her! "And... goodbye!" I say shutting the front door. 

Remi grabs the door before it closes. "Please. This is important!" Remi begs. I sigh and open the door. "Fine. What do you want?" I ask.

"I need access to the hall of records. May Blyke and I go through them?" She asks. Is she kidding me right now? 

"I'm the head of information, and without proper resoning I can't let you in." I tell her. "I would tell you the reason, but that's confidential to lower royals." she says. Did she just call me a low royal!?

I try to shut the door again. "No way!" I say. Remi stops the door with her foot. "Please! There something big happening, and we need information!" she begs. 

"No. Get your information somewhere else." I command her. Remi sighs and says "Duchess Cecile, in case you've forgotten, I'm Queen. Let us in."

I can't help but laugh. "Oh, you're playing the Queen card on me!" I giggle. "What a joke!" I say activating my ability. I move closer to her and stare her down. Luckily she's almost half a foot shorter than me, so she easily gets intimidated. 

"You want me to let you in? Then make me!" I challenge her. Remi looks at me conflictedly. "I knew it." I say. "You hold a grand title, yet you're too weak and pathetic to establish authority!"

"You have to learn to establish your dominance, or you'll lose your pitiful kingdom." I tell her. "What do you mean?!" she asks me. 

Whoops! I let the kingdom comment slip! "You'll see. Someday. Especially if you keep up your brothers reputation." I say. "What does Rei have to do with this?!" Remi questions. Is she being serious right now?

"You don't what kind of a king he was? Do you?" I ask. Remi looks at me confused. "He ignored hierarchy and gave low-tiers false hope. So the low-tiers got into fights they couldn't win, causing several casualties." I tell her. 

"He left the Kingdom in complete chaos! People were actually happy when they found him dead on the castle doorstep!" I say. Remi started to cry. 

"He just wanted to help everyone!" she cried. I sigh. "The world isn't all cupcakes and rainbows! "Helping" people only got them hurt! If I were you I'd step up!" I shout. 

Then I slam the door and leave Queen Remi crying outside. 

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