Chapter 26

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Don't monsters burn down kingdoms and countries? - Alexandra Bracken

Claire's POV

"Niles?" I call out. "Niles!"

I haven't seen him in over a week. I'm kinda worried about him. Especially because of that stunt he pulled during his speech! I can't wait to give him a piece of my mind!

I continue searching the castle for him. I notice one of the bedroom doors open. "Niles?" I say, peaking into the room. I expect to find Niles sitting on the bed, but instead, I see Ace Isadora. Her long lavender hair covers her face, so I can't see what her expression is. She's clutching a piece of paper tightly as if her life depended on it. 

"Hey, sis. May I come in?" I ask her. She nods and pats the space next to her on the bed, urging me to sit down. "Is everything alright?" I ask as I sit down. "What do you think?" she says coldly, glaring at me with her alarming red eyes that match mine. 

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! I wonder what's going on? I'll try to help her! "Izzy, you know you can tell me anything! If there is anything on your mind, you can talk to me." I say, giving her a reassuring smile as I push her hair out of her face.

"How can you smiling at a time like this?!" Isadora asks callously. "You do realize that several innocents were arrested and harmed because of a protest right?! Niles sent those people to jail without a trial! That's an injustice!" 

She's so loud! "I didn't want that to happen eith-" "What's worse," Isadora interrupts, "Is that those people were right!"

What?! The people protesting believed that we've caused more harm than John! He was a monster and a tyrant! How dare she compare me to him!

"Izzy! That's not true! We did the right thing by dethroning John!" I argue. Isadora snorts. "Are you sure about that? Last time I checked, dethroning John was our plan if he refused to stop harming our people!"

"I admit, the army and I had to stray from that plan a little bit." I confess. "Who attacked first?" she asks. "I don't want to talk about this." I say, not daring to look her in the eyes. 

"Who attacked first?" she asks again. I sigh and admit the truth. "We did."

Isadora crumbles the piece of paper that was in her hand and stands up angrily. "I knew it! You had no right to kick John out of the kingdom! You lead over a hundred people to their deaths!" she yells. 

"John killed them! Not me!" I shouted, standing up. "It was self-defense! According to New Boston's law, his acts were legal!" Isadora argues. "I thought you were his friend! Heck, I thought you loved each other! But I guess Adrion was right."

Huh?! What did Adrion tell her?! "I don't know what you're talking about." I say, crossing my arms. "Yeah right. He told me everything! While you were visited Wellston, you had a vision of John gain lots of power, so you befriended him!" she says. 

Adrion told her that?! I thought he was on my side! "Adrion must be lying! I would never do that!" I lie. "Why would you trust him over your sister?" 

"Are kidding me?! After what you have done, I shouldn't even call you my sister!" Isadora shouts. What? Does she really mean that? "Izzy I'm sorry." I say. I can feel tears pricking my eyes. 

"Did you ever bother to wonder where Adrion is right now?!" she yells. Suddenly I notice what room we are in. This is Adrion's room. But he's not here. "If you didn't know, he ran away before you turned against John."

He what?! When did this happen?! Why didn't he tell me?! "He left?! Just like that?!" I shout. "That's not possible! Why?!"

Isadora rolls her eyes and says, "Isn't it obvious?! It's because of you and you awful plan!" Was it really my fault?!

"I never should've helped you dethrone John! All we have done is replace one monster for another! Niles is just as much of a tyrant as John!" she shouts.

She's right. This is all my fault. Now Niles is King and Adrion is missing! And it's all because of me. 

Isadora scans me from head to toe, expecting some sort of reaction. All I do is sit on the bed and cry. I let out all my burdens and fears through the tears that are flowing down my cheeks. 

"I'm sorry Izzy. You're right. I'm an awful Queen!" I say. Isadora's angry face drops into an expression of pity. She sits back down next to me. 

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have snapped at you." she says while pulling out a handkerchief from the pocket of her purple gown. I wipe my tears and then wrap in my arms, hugging her. 

Isadora hugs back, then gives me the piece of paper she had crumbled earlier. "What's this?" I ask, sniffling. "Just open it." she says. 

I uncrumble the parchment, revealing a beautiful drawing of the castle in a starry sky. The drawing is very exact and shows every grand turret, room, and garden outside the castle in vibrant colors. I only know one person with art skills like this: Adrion. I notice one small detail of the drawing, on one of the turrets. It's us. Adrion drew Me, John, Niles, Isadora, and himself, sitting on the turret. It looks like we are all watching the stars like we used to do when we were younger. I notice something else important. John and I are holding hands in the drawing.

"I miss him. I really miss him." I say, wiping more tears from my eyes. "I miss him too. Adrion was a great person with a lot going for him. But now he's gone to who knows where." Isadora says. 

I won't correct her and say that I was referring to John, not Adrion. 

Suddenly we hear a knock on the door. I quickly wipe off the rest of my tears and stuff the drawing under the bed. Then I say, "Come in."

"Hello, ladies. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Niles says, walking in with his usual smug smile. Another guy with cyan hair and silver eyes follows him in. "Nothing at all." Isadora says with a hint of coldness. 

"What are doing in Duke Adrion's old room?" he asks. "We were just trying to figure out where he is. He left on such short notice and we want to make sure he's alright." I lie. 

Niles snorts. "Seriously? He's not a royal anymore. He just another trash citizen of New Boston that you shouldn't waste your time on." he says. "But he's my friend! We should at least send a search party." I argue. Niles glares at me and says, "I said no, didn't I"

After the whole Joh fiasco, I have to pick my battles better. This is one I definitely won't win. Niles is a god-tier who could only be beaten by John. And he's nowhere in sight. 

"Sorry." I apologize. "Anyway, I have news! This is Jasper." Niles says referring to the guy next to him. "He was the commander of the royal guard, Now he's going to be crowned Jack."

What?! "What about Duke Xavier?" I ask. "Xavier believes equality for low tiers plus Jasper is more powerful than him." Niles points out. 

"I have been helping him decide what to do with the traitors in the dungeons." Jasper says in a southern accent. "They will be executed at dawn tomorrow." 

Isadora stands up and grabs Jasper by his collar and shouts, "That's illegal and cruel! As a royal, I should get a say in this!" Niles' eyes glow bright green and he outstretches his hand in Isadora's direction. "Stop!" I shout. But it's too late. Isadora goes flying back into the wall behind her as a result of Niles' ability. 

"I believe we're done here." Niles says smirking. Jasper and him, walk out of the room, leaving Isadora on the floor, bloody. I go to her side and say, "Don't worry. Everything will be okay." 

I wish I could say I'm not lying. 

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