Chapter 27

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Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, but you go on. - U2

Blyke's POV

Remi and I collapse on the sofa of Isen's parlor. None of us have spoken a word to each other since Otis kicked us out. I feel like I should be the one to break the awkward silence. 

"So... great weather we're having aren't we!" I say optimistically. Remi looks at me as if I had told her that we are in a comic. Then I remember that we got caught in the rain on our way here. She must think I'm going crazy!

"Umm... Anyway, at least we have our first clue to finding the guy that dethroned Arlo!" Remi points out. Right! "Shadow King." I say, repeating what Otis said. "Why does that sound familiar?" she asks. I shrugged and stood up. 

I'm starving! "Do you want anything to eat?" I ask. "Sure." Remi says. I go over to the kitchen to find Isen rummaging the pantry. "Isen?! I thought you were passed out!" I shout in surprise. 

Isen looked at me as if I was a ghost. "Blyke! I was... but I woke up feeling hungry... so I came in here to hide from you guys... I MEAN... um... I was kinda Passed out and I heard you guys walk in before you tried to break into a house... I panicked and I... ummm... I faked! I mean I didn't! I mean..." Isen stutters. I can't believe this! "You pretended to be drunk and asleep?!" I shout. "He what?!" Remi yells from the parlor. 

Remi comes into the kitchen, glaring at Isen. "Did you seriously chicken out on us tonight?" she asks coldly. "Well... no, I mean yes! No, it's just complicated!" Isen stammers. "Are you hiding something from us?!" I yell. 

Isen panics and bolts for the front door. Remi powers up and rushes in front of Isen, blocking the door. "You're not going anywhere without us answers!" she yells. Isen sighs and says, "Why did Arlo have to drag me into his problems?! First the low-tier thing, now this!"

Low-tier thing? How many secrets is he keeping for Arlo?! "What are you talking about?! What about low-tiers?" Remi yells in frustration. "Arlo forbid me from telling anyone! Especially royals! I'm not even supposed to know anything! I'm sorry!" Isen shouts and retreats up the stairs.

"Do you have any idea what he's talking about?" Remi asks me. I shake my head. "No. I don't know what he's hiding about low-tiers." 

Remi starts pacing around the room. "What makes low-tiers so important right now? They are just average peasants with weaker abilities. They have the same rights as us, live in the same places as us, and our economy is balanced no matter what rank anyone is." she says. Is she kidding? "You are literally stating the opposite of the truth." I say. Is she okay? Hierarchy throughout ranks is common.

"No. Rei gave everyone equal rights when he was King." Remi says, still pacing. "What else could it be?" she wonders aloud. "Umm... I thought Arlo brought hierarchy back to the way it was before Rei. Did he give him their rights to vote back and stuff recently?" I ask. I should really keep up with the laws nowadays. 

Remi looked at me with confusion, then she looked like she was about to murder me. "WHAT!? Arlo revoked Rei's laws?! How did I not know about this?!" she yells. "Wait, you didn't know? Arlo made a public statement about it and everything! Of course, I don't agree to the new policy, but if that's the way Arlo is running this kingdom, I can't exactly stop him." I say. 

"He tried to hide it from me! He knew I would try to stop him, so he hid everything from me!" Remi shouts in rage. "King Asslo strikes again." I mutter under my breath. "Why would he do this?! Take away innocents rights and status just because of their ability?!" Remi asks. 

"Revenge." we hear. Remi and I turn to the top of the cobblestone staircase to see Isen standing there. He had a look of terror on his face. It was as if what he just said would get him killed.

Remi glares at him and reactivates her ability. "What are you talking about?" she asks. "You do know that Rei died because he was a rogue knight, right?" Isen asks. We both nod. It was a royals only secret. "Arlo blamed his death on the low-tiers that he risked his life trying to save. He suspects that one of the low-tiers even turned on Rei during a save, and murdered him with fire. That was why his body had burn wounds. Arlo was mad and wanted the murderer punished." Isen explains. 

"He couldn't figure out who the murderer was and that tore him apart. He felt like he needed someone to blame because he blamed himself for not noticing that Rei was a rogue knight. So, he blamed all low-tiers. He took away their rights and established a string hierarchy." Isen says. 

I knew that Arlo did that but I never understood why. "The hierarchy was strong, that mid-tiers and commoners would constantly beat up the peasants and low-tiers. Even killing them. But Arlo refuses to arrest any of those mids for their wrongdoing. I knew everyone else knew that besides the last part. Arlo doesn't want anyone to know that he's corrupted the justice system for revenge." Isen finishes with a weary breath. 

"Then how do you know about it?" I ask. "I was helping the guards find the murderer. I thought it would be a good idea to help Arlo and to help Rei move on peacefully. I was wrong. I got wrapped up in this kingdoms most deadly conspiracy." Isen responds. 

I can't believe this! He can't arrest innocents because someone in the latter could have killed Rei. What's worse, is that he didn't tell any of the royals! He is going to get an earful when I see him at the castle!

I turn to Remi expecting her to say something. She only glares at the floor as if the floor is Arlo himself. Her left fist is clenched and her other hand is wrapped around the handle of her sword. 

"I have to fix this." Remi mutters. "You haven't even been officially coronated into your queen role yet. You don't have the power to revoke Arlo's laws." Isen points out. Remi stomps over to a closet and pulls out a few jars of pigment.

"Then I'll become a rogue knight, and stop anyone who tries to harm people over abilities!" Remi says dramatically. Is she insane?! "Can you two help me dye my armor? You two should come along with me too as my backup."

Isen and I give each other an 'oh what the heck, fine' look. We both kneel down and help paint Remi's armor. This idea is one of the stupidest ones we have ever had. Let's do it anyway!

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