Chapter 21

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A man who is free is like a mangy sheep in a herd. He will contaminate my entire kingdom and ruin my work. - Jean-paul Sartre

Cecile's POV

I joined Wellston's newspaper staff for two reasons. The first is to learn about all the secrets and news that don't get published in the paper. The second is the power of knowing information before anyone else.

I now have new information. But the question is: what to do with it?

The unpublished paper in front of me was a game changer. The headline is: 'New Boston arrests over 30 innocents!' I heard John wasn't a good King, but this new guy makes John look as harmless as a caterpillar!

Jack Niles arrested people for shaming his awful deed to become King. John would never do that! Will New Boston have 2 revolutions in a year? That must be a new record. How will I tell John about this?

"Excuse me? Duchess Cecile?" I hear someone at my office door say. "Come in." I tell her. 

Juni, one of my reporters, steps in with a piece of paper in her hand. "I recently discovered something about the royals. Please take a look at this sketch." she says.

To my surprise, it's a sketch of Arlo. He's bruised and bleeding. How is this possible? No one can defeat Arlo except- Oh no. This is a sketch of Arlo after his battle with John!

"I saw this a few weeks ago. King Arlo somehow got injured! Doesn't that mean someone tried to dethrone him?" Juni says. She's catching on! I have to make sure John doesn't get exposed yet!

Juni takes back the sketch and says, "I was hoping to write a story about this. I have a theory that King Arlo is trying to hide his defeat from the public." "Is this all you have?" I interrupt her. "A pencil sketch of Arlo bloody?"

"Umm... yes?" she stammers. "Forget it. Not enough evidence." I say. "The news will lose it's credibility if this turns out to be fake."

Juni looks at me distraught. "But... I... I spent 5 hours on that sketch." She whines. 

I roll my eyes and say, "Next time you're proposing to write an article, bring real evidence." Juni still stands in my office, unsure of what to do or say. 

"What are you waiting for? Get out." I command her. Juni squeaks and runs out of the room. 

Crisis averted! Knowing Juni, she would've done anything to spread the news of Arlo's defeat. I can't have that happening!

Not yet, anyway.

John's POV

I've spent the last 12 hours in my new room in the castle. I don't want to leave. I missed sleeping in a giant bed and waking up to a large breakfast. 

I also don't want to go out because of all the elite and high tiers around. If they knew I was here, they'd beat me to death! I look in the closet and see all the grand clothes hanging up on flimsy hangers. It's been so long since I've worn clothes like these!

The last time I was wearing my crown and regal clothes was right before the attack. 

"I have a surprise for you!" Claire says with a silly smile. I roll my eyes. "Are you going to try to prank me again? Isn't getting flour poured on my head enough for you?" I say, thinking back to Claire's last attempt to prank me. 

She shakes her head. "Nope! Trust me, you're going to love it!" she says enthusiastically. "Meet me in the fields at 6:00. Be there or be square!"

I laugh as she runs into her room happily. I can't believe Adrion tried to convince me that Claire was plotting against me. She too sweet to ever do that to me!

I pass by Duke Adrion's room. To my surprise, he's packing a piece of luggage. What's he doing? Is he going somewhere? 

"Duke Adrion? Where are you off to?" I ask him. He looks at me in fear for a moment, but then his face fills with sadness. "I'm renouncing my title." he says. What?!

I step into his room and look around. The closets are now bare and all his drawings have disappeared from his desk. "What do you mean?! Why so sudden?" I ask. 

"Something bad is going to happen, and I don't want anything to do with it." Adrion says. "What are you talking about?!" I persist. 

Adrion sighs and says, "I'm not allowed to share. But I can assure you, I'll be happier wherever I'm going." He's leaving just like that? Who told him he's not allowed to share information?

"Will I ever see you again?" I ask. Adrion shakes his head. "I'm sorry to leave you like this but-" I interrupt him by giving him a hug. "I'll miss you. You have helped me so much over the years. I wish there was a way to repay you for all you have done for me." I say. 

Adrion looks surprised but he hugs back. "I'll miss you too. Promise me that you'll be safe." he says. I laugh as we break apart. "Of course! Why would I be in any danger anyway?" 

I was naive at the time. Cruel too. If I could go back in time I would've done things differently. I would've ran my kingdom better, not trusted Claire, and beg Adrion to stay by my side. I would've tried to stop him.

Now... It's far too late. 

A/N: Happy 4th of July to all my fellow Americans!

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