One year later...

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Dear humans who apparently like my story (why?),

This story is done. I've lost my all motivation for writing it. 

See, I've tried to write the next chapter, but I just can't. 

I'm also sorry to say that I'm not even a big fan of UnOrdinary anymore. John's intriguing motivations have been ruined, all of Arlo's character development has gone out the window, Sera is getting on my nerves with how oblivious she's being, and Remi has just gotten annoying. Just my opinion.

Anyway, I don't want to be a jerk and leave you in suspense so here's what would've happened:

-The rebels attack during Remi's coronation while Cecile and John slip in.

-Sera confronts Arlo about the lies he told her and they have a epic fight™ on the castle roof

-The other royals fight the rebels in the ballroom

-Cecile runs into Blyke and he's like "you can't trust John!" But Cecile is like "bitch I can do what I want." And she kills him.

-Remi and the rest of the guards fight the rebels till they surrender.

-Then PlOt TwIsT Volcan marches in like "time to fork some shit up" and defeats Remi but doesn't kill her

-John watches the whole thing from the window smiling like the creepy piece of shit he is. 

-Sera knocks Arlo off one of the towers

-Sera walks into the ballroom to find Remi almost being murduerd and she has one of those moments where she's like "aM I tHe BaD gUy?!"

-She convinces Adrion to run away from Volcan with her and Remi.

-Arlo follows them cause he's to embarrassed to talk to sera after she just pushed him off a tower.

-Volcan does a "HAHA WE HAVE WON" speech but then John and Cecile make a dramatic entrance™ and kill Volcan, claiming her rebels as their soldiers.

-John and Cecile take over Wellston 

-John tortures his kingdom and Cecile starts having her doubts about him.

-Remi, Arlo, Sera, and Adrion try to come up with a plan but all of them involve a nonexistent army. 

-Adrion is like "let's go ask my old kingdom, New Bostin for an army!" The squad is like "Yeah!" And King Niles is like "No."

-Then they promise him some control of Wellston and he agrees.

-Cecile gets caught trying to escape John so being a reasonable human, John decides to publicly exacute her.

-The day fo the execution, the squad + the bostin peeps attack Wellstons castle.

-Ceciles already dead by the time they arrive.

-(Insert big fight here)

-John finally can't take it anymore and he starts to have a mental break down.

-Niles does a "HAHA I HAVE DEFEATED YOU!" While john cries. 

-pLoT tWiSt: Elaine (there's a reason I didn't mention her ;) ) stabs Niles in the back as he makes the speech.

-Sera and John decide to back away from the royal life and leave the kingdom for a quiet change.

-The squad decide the Adrion and Claire's sister (Because they're the most sane) will rule Wellston and New Bostin (now united)

-Arlo becomes an ambassador for the low tier towns of the kingdom to try and learn from his mistakes 

-Remi and Elaine remain in the castle as advisors

-The conclusion of the story is John thinking "I should write book about this." And creating UnOrdinary

-The End

Sorry for not finishing this! I hope you all have a lovely day! 😊 

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