Chapter 24

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No kingdom can endure two kings. - Agesilaus

Terrence's POV

Time rewind back to John running away

I watch John rush down the hallway to see Cecile. Welp, if he dies, at least I can say I tried to stop him. 

Now it's time to do what my other boss instructed me to do. I turn invisible and head downstairs, into the King's wing. I tiptoe through the dark hallways and avoid walking near the guards patrolling the castle. 

I finally find King Arlo's bedroom. I quietly open the door and peak in. He's asleep. Perfect. 

The room is twice as big as my house and 20 times nicer. I tiptoe to the King's desk and search through the papers on the desk. Where is it?

"Snoreeeeeeeee." I hear from behind. I quickly turn around and grab a knife out of my satchel. Thankfully, Arlo isn't awake. Just snoring. Then I realize what I'm doing...

This is so weird! I'm sneaking into someone's room while they are sleeping! This is so creepy! Then again, I've done creepier things. I followed Ace Seraphina around for a whole day and I spy on the royals a lot! Dang, I am creepy. 

I get back to focusing and searching through papers. Most of these are crime reports and the kingdom's economic statistics. Finally, I find the report I'm looking for. It's the crime report from the month Rei died. 


Blyke's POV

Back to the present

I knock on Isen's door. No answer. "Maybe he's not home." Remi says. We are both standing outside Isen's mansion in our light armor and horses. 

"No way. Where else would he be? John is in his guest room in the castle so he can't be sleeping over there." I point out. "So which means he must be here." Remi concludes. 

I knock on the door again. There is still no answer. "That's it." I say, annoyed. I place my finger on the doorknob and activate my ability. I blast an energy beam through the doorknob. The door opens from the force of the beam. 

"Now it's unlocked!" I say as I walk in. Remi doesn't follow me. "Seriously!? That's breaking and entering!" she says angrily. I roll my eyes. "We're here to ask Isen to break and enter into Cecile's place." I point out. She sighs and walks in. 

We walk into Isen's living room, only to see him asleep on his sofa. There are some bottles of alcohol on the floor. 

"Seriously?! The day we decide to break into someone's house, our accomplice has to get drunk! Didn't he?!" I shout in annoyance. Remi pulls on my arm. "He's no use to us right now. We'll figure out how to get into Cecile's without him." she says to calm down. 

I sigh and walk out of the mansion with her. "Are you sure this a good idea?" I ask her as I mount my horse. "Nope. But it's the only way to figure out who defeated Arlo so we can stop him from taking over the kingdom." she says. 

"Why are we doing this? Maybe this new King won't be so bad?" I suggest. "No way! The way Arlo was sounding when he described the fight... He sounded traumatized! This King beat Arlo to such scary content! Anyone who would do that means that they're trouble." She says as we ride off. 

I sigh. "I guess. We don't know that though! Both these Kings sound awful, but why go through all this?" I ask. Remi sighs. "Arlo may be cruel, but he can change." she says. Why is she taking his side?!

The drama around these two kings is exhausting!

We ride the rest of the way in silence. What do I say to her? Think of something! Anything! "Any news about Seraphina?" I blurt out. 

Remi glares at me. "No. She's still missing." she says coldly. What's up with her? All I did was ask her about Seraphina. She's so powerful, yet someone kidnapped her. I'm really worried about her, and the kingdom. Someone really powerful must've taken her, and that could mean trouble. 

Wait a second... Could it be... 

"Remi! Do think the person who almost dethroned Arlo was the one that took Seraphina?!" I say. "It makes sense! That person could be planning on using Seraphina as a hostage to gain the throne!"

Remi looks at me quizzingly. "No. That guy could dethrone Arlo without hostages easily." she points out. She's right.

"Still, it's a theory we should consider. Maybe we should focus on finding Seraphina. That's probably easier than breaking into someone's house." I suggest. 

Remi unexpectantly shot a lightning bolt at me. I duck just in time. My horse almost throws me off. What the heck?! Is she trying to hurt me?! 

"Can we stop talking about Seraphina and focus?!" Remi says, stopping her horse. Hold on... Is she jealous? Of course! I technically have to marry Seraphina instead of her! No wonder!

"I'm sorry Remi. I was just worried about her. You do realize she would be fine if I asked her permission to marry you? Right?" I say. Remi nods. "I know, but Arlo would never allow it. Seraphina is only the Ace now, so his word goes. I'm sorry for almost killing you." she apologizes. 

"It's fine." I say. "It wouldn't be the first time we've almost killed each other with our abilities." I think back to the time me, Isen, and Remi went swimming in a lake when we were younger. Remi activated her ability and almost electrocuted me! I also accidentally shot her when I was practicing my aim. 

I calm my horse down and continue on the path to Cecile's mansion. "Are we sure she's not home?" Remi asks. "Yeah. I think she works really late at the press hq on Thursdays." I say. 

After a long, half-hour ride, we arrive at the mansion. I dismount and walk towards one of the windows. "I can't believe we're doing this! We're breaking and entering!" Remi exclaims. 

"Not if we don't break anything." I point out. Remi rolls her eyes and takes out her hairpin. She picks the lock on Cecile's door. After a minute, the door swings open. 

Time to find out who tried to dethrone Arlo!

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