Chapter 8

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In the animal kingdom, the rule is, eat or be eaten; in the human kingdom, define or be defined. - Thomas Szasz

John's POV

When I heard the rumor I assumed "Oh it's just rumor", but when I heard the rumor that the King is having a mental breakdown, I thought "Well that sounds like him. This could be true." Then I heard a rumor that Seraphina got so mad, she flipped the table. So I thought "Welp! This is definitely just a rumor."

But now Seraphina is at my doorstep in casual clothes, no crown, and a mischievous smile. So now I'm thinking "Oh, this is way more than a rumor." 

"Guess who just quit her job as Queen!" Sera says enthusiastically." I sigh. 

"You know, when asked you to be more rebellious, I didn't mean quit one of the most powerful jobs in the world!" I exclaim. "I know this gives you more freedom, but wow! I honestly didn't think you had it in you." I tease. 

Sera glares at me and lets herself in. "I never really wanted to be the Queen. I would've been Ace if it wasn't for Arlo." she says as she sits on my small and cheap sofa. "Cecile and I were tied to be the next in line for the throne. Because I was more powerful, Arlo chose me to his Queen. Sometime after that Arlo and Cecile suddenly had serious beef and he demoted her to Duchess."

I sit down across from Sera. "If he wanted you to be Queen, he won't let you get away with quitting easily." I point out. Sera sighs and says "I'll figure it out."

Not the best answer I've ever heard, but Sera is powerful. She'll handle whatever comes her way.

"This means you'll have to marry Blyke sometime this year." I tease. Sera grimaced at the thought. "He's better than Arlo though." Sera points out. That's true. Maybe everything will be okay. 

"How about we go to the market?" Sera suggests. I groan. "Why?! It's the most boring place on earth!"

Sera huff's in frustration. "Well I heard it's cool. Come on!" she says and pulls me out the door. Urggghhh. I hate the market! I don't like shopping relentlessly around for hours! But Sera wants to go... so I'll go too!

"Fine!" I sigh. "But keep it short!"

Two Hour Time Skip Sponsored By John's Burning Hair Gel

I truge behind Sera holding 4 sacs of clothes, shotskizes, and some bored games. "Why did you have to buy so much?!" I ask while trying to keep up with her. She laughs and says "Actually I was light on shopping today."

Seriously? Maybe I should have been picker when choosing my first friend here. "Oh and I got you a game I thought you'd like. It's called "Flappy Pigs!"" She says. Never mind. I wouldn't trade Sera for anyone else. 

I notice Sera looking at a stall that says "Ability Gauging! Prize For 5.0s and over!" She fixed at the teddy bear prize sitting on the stall's table. 

"Why don't you give it a shot?" I ask her nudging her over. We go over to the stall and I make sire to stand a few feet away from the guy at the booth. I can't let him tell Sera that I have an ability. 

"Oh my! Quee- I mean, Ace Seraphina! It's an honor!" the man at the booth exclaims. "Are you two here to be read?" he asks. 

I push Sera forward. "Yup! She is!" I say. The laughs and says "Is this why you quit? You found a boyfriend?". Sera reply to his teasing with an eye roll. "As if! This idiot?" she says. Ouch. 

The man takes her hand and his eyes glow. "Congratulations! You're an 8!" he exclaims. He hands her a teddy bear. "Are you ready to have yours read?" he asks me and reached toward me. I quickly pull back. 

"Oh sorry! I should've asked your permission first." he says. "It's okay. You wouldn't get anything for me anyway." I say. 

Then we leave the market and start walking back to my place. "Have you thought of a name for this guy yet?" I ask her pointing to her bear. "No. Do you have anything in mind?" she asks. 

"How about John?" I suggest. "Oh, that's real creative." Sera says sarcastically. Even the bear looks unimpressed with the name. 

Suddenly I sensed someone's aura behind us. I turn around but no ones there. But I here the light sound of footsteps. I quickly drag Sera to an alley. 

"What are you doing?!" Sera asks. I put her sacs down and pull out a simple dress. I throw out the alley way, and sure enough, it floats in the air, hitting someone invisible. 

"It's invisi-" before I could finish, Sera must've paused time and kicked the invisible person, because suddenly the figure went flying into a wall 40 feet behind him. 

"Lets go!" Sera yells as she runs toward my tiny house. I grab her sacs and follow her. We then both collapse on the floor at my house, out of breath. 

"Holy cow! I think that guy was trying to mug us!" I exclaim. "It could be more than that. He could have been one of Arlo's henchmen!" Sera panics. 

I stand up and take a deep breath. "Let's try to be positive." I say. Sera rolls her eyes, then asks "How did you know we were being followed?"

Uhhh... What do I say? "Just a feeling I guess?" I say nervously. "Anyway... do you want something to eat? My cooking's nothing like your castles food but still delicious." I say to change the topic. 

"Nah, it's getting late. I should back to the castle before they send an army to find me." she says. 

"WAH! Are you crazy?!" I shout. "After that?! What if there are more?! It's too dangerous!" 

Sera rolls her eyes but says "Fine." and sits on my couch. "Just remember, if Arlo comes banging down the door, it's your fault."

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