Chapter 15

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Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret, and depression. Do not repeat them in the future. - Swami Sivananda

Seraphina's POV

When I walk into the throne room, I see the chandelier on the floor, glass shards all over, and King Arlo. Who is currently lying down on his throne with a pillow smushed against his face. 

"I've seen a lot of weird things in this throne room, but today's look wins the trophy for the strangest!" I say. Arlo doesn't even look up at me. "Hey! Are you alright?" I ask. 

Arlo slowly gets his face of the pillow and glares at me. "What do you think?" he asks me. "What's getting you down?" I question. "Everything! Nothing is in order anymore! I feel like... I'm no longer a King. I may still have the title, but I have no influence." he says. "I feel like I failed everyone."

I roll my eyes. "Arlo, you remember what I was like when I was Queen, right? Well, I was so obsessed with being perfect and afraid of failing, I lost myself." I say, sitting down in Remi's throne. "You can't dwell on your past mistakes like this! Focus on fixing the problem and moving on!" 

Arlo smiles. That's right. He smiled! (It's scary!)

"You know, most people think that I choose you to be Queen because of your ability." Arlo says. No duh. Everyone thinks that! 

"But they're wrong." he says surprising me. Why would Arlo want me to be his Queen then? Please don't tell me he has a crush on me!

"I choose you because you're a great leader. You will never hesitate to rush to your duties, and you help me whenever I need help ruling." Arlo says. Thank goodness! No crush!

"I can rely on you without being judged for it." Arlo continues. "Thank you."

I smile and say, "You're a great King, with or without me. I just gave you the confidence to make the right decisions." Arlo thinks about this for a moment and looks at his crown in hand. 

He puts the crown back on his head and turns to me. "I know your not Queen anymore, but can you do me a favor?" Arlo asks me. "I made a mess, and we could use more staff in the castle to clean up. Do you mind?"

"No problem. I'll hire 10 new staff members by tomorrow." I say as a give him a dramatic bow to tease him. Arlo rolls his eyes and walks into the hallway. Then I remembered something.

Argh! I forgot I was supposed to meet John for boba today! If I go now I can still make it!

Timeskip sponsored by my writing block

Of course, there just had to be carriage traffic getting out of the capital! Why is the world against me today!

I look at a nearby clock tower. I'm already half an hour late! I look out at the road ahead of me. Maybe I can walk around and slow down time! That'll save me 45 minutes!

Without even telling the coachman I'm leaving, I jump out of the carriage and activate my ability. With time slowed down, by the time I got to John's village, I was 45 minutes late. 

Dang it! I thought I could make it! Maybe I'll get a boba to go and then walk over to John's place. 

I order a mango boba and walk out of the store. As I walk towards John's house, I notice a woman following me. Huh? Why would she be following me? This better not be the same person that was invisible before!

"Excuse me." the woman says tapping my shoulder. Does she really think she can just walk up to me and tap my shoulder? "I'm a tourist, and I was wondering how to get to the park fountain from here." the woman says. 

Oh. If she's a tourist, she probably wouldn't know who I am. "Straight down the road, then make a lef-" I freeze. I feel like a fave of ice fell over me. I drop my drink in surprise. 

I realize that I'm soaking wet. That tourist just spilled some sort of colorful liquid on me. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I spilled my potio- drink on you!" She says. 

I stand up and squeeze some of the drink out of my blouse. "It's fine." I mutter. For some reason, I feel weaker. Why?

"Straight down the road, then make a left." I repeat. "Ah! Thank you!" the tourist says and walks off. I look at my soaking wet clothes. Maybe I have some clothes to change into at John's place. 

I walk along the road when suddenly, a large, slightly rundown carriage comes charging toward me. I quickly freeze time and jump out of the way. The carriage nearly hits me and crashes into the wall of the blacksmith. 

I look down at my hands. They're shaking? That's not right. I should've been able to dodge that carriage easily. 

"Holy cow!" a man yells, jumping out of the carriage. "We are so sorry! The horse got a little out of control!" We? 

Suddenly two more people jump out. "Are you injured at all miss?" one of the carriage riders ask me. "I'm fine. The carriage didn't touch me." I say. 

"Are you sure your okay? Let us take you to the closest infirmary!" another rider says. "Come with us!" she says, grabbing my arm and pulling me to her carriage. 

"Stop it!" I yell breaking out of the woman's grip. Suddenly, a man appears behind me out of nowhere. Before I could do anything, a feel a sharp stab in my neck. What the? 

I freeze time again and push all of these strange people away. "Leave me alone! Unless you would like to feel the wrath of Wellston's Ace!" I threaten. 

I look at the object on the floor that the man had used to stab me. It looks like some sort of injection filled with a potion. I try to rewind the injection, but it doesn't work. 

"What's going on!?" I ask the man. "What did you do to me?!" 

The man smiles and suddenly I feel another sharp pain in my back. A woman just stabbed me with a knife! Blood was gushing out of my wound. I push the woman back and pull out the knife to defend myself. 

The other men have knives too. Are these people trying to kill me? I freeze time for just a moment to allow me to escape. As soon as I'm a street away from them, time suddenly unpauses. What's going on?

I run as fast as I can to John's house. I occasionally look back to check if they're following me, but the attackers are nowhere in sight. 

When I get to John's front step, I drop to the ground. I've lost a lot of blood and the injection is making me really tired. The last thing I remember before passing out is someone calling my name. 


A/N: Sorry for the late update! I've been really busy lately but from now on I'll try to update a chapter at least every two days. Thanks for being patient with me! 

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