Chapter 28

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History will decide if I'm a villain or a hero. - Harlan Ellison

Remi's POV

I ride my horse, Utopia, across the valley. Me, Isen, and Blyke decided to split up, so we won't create suspicion. We decided to go to a village near the kingdom borders. The farther away from the capital, the better. 

Suddenly, Utopia stops. He stiffs the ground as if he's looking for something. "Utopia! We have to go!" I say, trying to nudge him forward. He doesn't move. Instead, he jolts his head up and stares at the woods. As if there is something important in there. Maybe I should... NO! Now is not the time to get distracted! I have to fix everything that Arlo did! I have to make things right! 

Besides, what could be so important in the woods? An odd-looking tree that looks kinda hollow? Pshh!

I nudge Utopia again and he finally starts running towards the village. I better get there soon or Blyke and Isen will get mad for keeping them waiting. They are already mad at me for doing this in the first place. I think they are just too scared to admit it. 

Timeskip sponsored by Isen's precious pen

"There you are." Isen says. He's leaning against a wall of an alley. They are both wearing masks to hide their identity, but Isen's looks more like a ninja wrap. 

"You shouldn't be talking! You've been "waiting" to tell us about the Shadow King for ages!" Blyke shouts, pointing his finger at Isen and advancing towards him. 

Isen pushes him away. "Hey! I'm not the only one who has been keeping secrets! You and Remi are still in a relationship even though she's engaged to the King! Arlo is going murder both of you! Knowing him, it will bloody!"

"Shut up!" Blyke yells. He charges up an energy beam in his hands. What is wrong with him! I shoot a lightning bolt between them. "Stop fighting! This is not the time! We all did some bad things but right now we have to focus! We'll work this out later!" I shout.

They both step away from each other sheepishly and turns to me. "Sorry about that Remi." Blyke apologizes. "Yeah, sorry." Isen mutters. I ignore them and put on my chain mail helmet, then put down the visor. 

Suddenly, we hear a scream from a distance. "STOP IT! WE'RE SORRY! PLEASE!" someone yells. "Sorry won't cut it darling." someone else says. The voices are coming from a nearby shop.

This is our chance! I can rescue the screaming woman and become a Rogue Knight! I'll fix Arlo's mistakes and make things right again!

"WE'LL DO ANYTHING! AS A BAILIFF, I CAN GET YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT! JUST DON'T HARM ANYONE! WE'VE DONE WHAT YOU HAVE WANTED UNTIL NOW, SO HAVE MERCY!" the woman screamed. That woman's a bailiff? That would mean she's the leader of the village! If someone of that power is giving up, how powerful is the person who is threatening her?!

Isen steps out of the alley and sneaks a look at the shop. His eyes suddenly widen. "What's wrong?" Blyke asks. Isen doesn't say anything. It's as if he was paralyzed. 

"Holy shit. The bailiff is dead. Someone just killed her with fire." Isen mutters. He collapses onto the muddy ground. Fire?

Blyke grabs my arm. "Let's get out of here. We never should've come anyway." he says. I shake him off and activate my ability. The bailiff was killed with fire. 

"Look, that person is clearly powerful. Let's just send some guards to arrest the attacker in the morning." Blyke says. "Don't be an idiot Remi. Let's grab Isen and get out of this village."

The bailiff was killed with fire. No way...

"Isen, are you okay?" Blyke asks while helping him up. "Yeah, sorry I'm just in shock." he says brushing himself off. Then his eyes widen again. 

"Let's go Remi! I can see through the walls! The attacker is a woman with some sort of fire ability! It looks like she setting that shop on fire! That's going to spread throughout the entire street! Let's warn people and get out of here!" Isen says in a whisper-yell. 

The bailiff was killed with fire.

Blyke runs out onto the street. "EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE! FIRE! EVACUATE YOUR HOMES IN THE NAME OF WELLSTON'S ROYALS!" The bailiff was killed with fire.

I don't move. My stomach has butterflies and I feel like someone is smashing my brain with a hammer. The smell of smoke filled the air. 

"Earth to Remi! Let's go!" Isen yells, shaking my arm. The bailiff was killed with fire. That woman has fire powers. 

Isen starts pushing me out of the alley. "Come on!" he shouts. The bailiff was killed with fire. That woman has fire powers. My brother was killed with fire. 

My brother was killed with fire.

That woman murdered my brother. 

"Blyke! She isn't moving!" Isen calls out to him. I hear a lot of screaming. The whole street was lit up in flames. In the middle of the chaos, the woman was standing there calmly. 

She has a long black cloak and a dark mask that covered her mouth. Her blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun that had a hat covering it. I couldn't see her face, but I could tell she is smiling. The arsonist and the murderer is smiling. 


I lunge out of Isen's grip and charged towards the masked woman. "Remi?!" Blyke shouts. I ignore him. He doesn't matter right now. My bother matters. My brother is dead.

"YOU!" I shout. I activate my ability and stop in front of the woman. "I'LL KILL YOU!" I scream. 

I put my hand out to electrocute her. The woman easily dodges to her right. Firey inferno is swirling around her. 

"Ah, another silly rogue knight!" the woman giggles. "How cute!"

"Run Remi!" Isen shouts from somewhere behind me. I ignore the boys again. They still don't matter. I'm determined to make this woman pay. 

No matter what the cost!

A/N: Okay...


I haven't updated in almost months! I know I promised this chapter a few weeks ago but then I just couldn't. I did not intend for this to happen! I actually had a lot of ideas for this story. I have tried to write it down, but whenever did I either didn't have the energy to finish, scraped the chapter because I thought it sucks, or I wrote down the chapter with a lot of detail but then I realized that what I wrote didn't make any sense what so ever. At least I finally got this done! 

I don't know when I can update next. I have a lot of school stuff going on so... yeah.  Sorry!


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