Chapter 11

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The king must die so that the country can live. - Maximilien Robespierre

Arlo's POV

When I get back to the palace, I summon the royal messenger. "What would you like to send your highness?" the messenger asks. 

"Tell Lord Ventus and Lady Meili to meet me in the field at 2 pm tomorrow, because a certain cripple must learn his place." I command. The messenger obeys and runs off. 

Now all that's left to do is wait for tomorrow.

Time skip to tomorrow afternoon. Arlo: "Wow that was fast"

John's POV

Arlo's coachman drops us off in an empty field miles away from civilization. I tried to ask Arlo what he wanted me to do, but he refused. He said I'd have to wait until we get there. 

Arlo leads me to the center of the field, where I notice to figures in armor waiting. Arlo didn't tell me there would be anyone else here? "What's going on?" I ask him. "I'll let those two explain." he says pointing to the figures. 

As we got closer I recognized them. It was Lord Ventus and Lady Meili. Instead of wearing their usual formal getup, they were wearing knight armor used for battles. Wait... battles? Uh oh. 

"Ummm... I just remembered! I have to go to the... umm... shop to uhhh... buy stuff..." I stutter. "BYE!" I yell and turn around to run. 

"Lock him down." Arlo commands Meili. She rushes toward me and activates her ability. Her hands suddenly turn into dark red claws. She easily catches up to me and knocks me over. Ventus runs to join her. 

Meili burns me with her claws and Ventus creates a whirlwind of pain. I'm defenseless now. I could end up going to the hospital at this rate! I can't afford that! 

Ventus bangs my head against the ground. "Arlo!" I shout. "Please help me!" Arlo rolls his eyes and says, "Why would I help you?" Huh?

"You never wondered why I was able to tolerate you?" he asks. "Why would someone of my status associate myself with you?"

Why? Why is this happening? All I wanted was to be ordinary. 

"John, Claire wants you to meet her behind the castle." a messenger says to me. 

When I walk outside I see Claire and several other royals gathered around her. They are all glaring at me. "Claire?" I ask. 

All I wanted was to get along with others. Why is it that when I finally get what I want...

"John. The real reason I called you here is to get rid of you."

It all turns out to be fake!

What am I doing wrong? Why am I a monster? 

Meili cuts me in the face with her claws. The pain makes me want to yell out in pain, but I won't give Arlo that satisfaction. 

I didn't hurt anyone here. I tried to lay low. How did things turn out like this again?! 


No. This time I'm not the monster. They are! Ventus tries to blast me back with a whirlwind, but little does he know, beating me isn't this easy.

"ARLO!" I shout. I mimic Ventus's whirlwind and create a tornado around me. Ventus and Meili are blasted 20 feet back. Despite my usage of an ability, Arlo smirks, as if this was his whole plan all along. I yell:


Arlo's POV

Isen was right he does have an ability. For the past two months, he's been hiding it. Time to see what he can do. 

John turns his hands into claws and charges toward me. Does he really think he can defeat me with that? 

Meili rushes in front of me and catches Johns claw before it slashes my face. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" he shouts and cuts Meili across her chest. It burns right through the armor and blood pours out of her wound. "Ahhh!" she cries in pain and falls to her knees. 

"WHO SAID YOU COULD INTERFERE!" John yells and staps Meili in the heart. She goes unconscious. "DON'T HURT HER!" Ventus shouts and blasts John away from her with a whirlwind. 

John gets pushed back but he doesn't seem hurt by Ventus's ability. "Trash." John says and shoots blades of wind at him. Ventus tries to dodge but fails. He falls to floor coughing blood. 

John then turns to me with his ability activated. So... he can mimic abilities. Not bad. But how powerful can he be? 

Wait... I recall something that came up during my conversation with Arlo. He said John used to be a King. Didn't the old King of New Boston able to mimic abilities? 

Oh No. 

John shoots a blade of wind at me. I quickly catch it and throw it to the ground. He then shoots a whirlwind at me. To my surprise, the whirlwind doesn't hit me, but it circles around me. 

John, if you think obstructing my vision and throwing a bit of wind at me, you'll get to use my barrier?

He charges toward me and runs through the wind and tries to slash me with his claw. I duck down and crawl out of the tornado that was surrounding me. John looks surprised that I managed to dodge his attack. 

Using the wind from the tornado, John floats into the air surrounded by wind. He then charges at me from above. There's no way I can dodge him this time. I have to use my barrier. 

Before he hits me, I put my barrier around myself. His claw hits the barrier and blood floods out from all over his arm. But to my shock, he managed to crack my barrier. I cough out some blood. 

I quickly punch him, and John goes flying back 15 feet. I trap a barrier around him and slowly start to crush him. 

He creates a barrier inside my own and uses it to break out. The barrier cracks open leaving me with wounds and cuts all over my body. John charges to me in a whirlwind and punches me in the gut. I fall to my knees. 

How could I be losing to this guy?

He kicks me back and smashes into John's barrier behind me. He slashes me in the face with his claws. This time, I'm too weak to dodge. He tries to punch me again but I catch his fist weakly. John smashes his forehead against mine. Blood comes flooding out. 

I fall to the ground with a thud. John presses his foot against my face. He then says, "If anyone finds out about what happened just now..."

"I'll dethrone you."

A/N: That was a bad fight scene, But I tried! 😐👍

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