Chapter 12

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The common bees will never use their sting upon the queen; if she is to be disposed of, they starve her to death, and the queen herself will sting nothing but royalty, nothing but a rival queen. - John Burroughs

Elaine's POV

Arlo messaged me to meet him in the fields immediately and not tell anyone I was going there. So I thought this was so he could murder me in the fields without witnesses. But when I got there, it looked like he had been murdered!

He was covered in blood. According to my ability, most of it was his, but some weren't. Was he trying to fight someone? 

I notice Lady Meili and Lord Ventus unconscious on the grass. Did Arlo fight them? Did he make them fight each other? "Elaine." Arlo says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Can you heal them?" 

"Um, Of course!" I say. "Right away." I hover my hands over Ventus and Meili and heal them. "Arlo? May I ask what happened?" I question. 

"It's best you didn't know." Arlo tells me. Seriously?! I know I shouldn't question the acts of a King, but he should tell me!" When someone as strong as you gets hurt, it really gets people like me worried." I say. 

Arlo looks at me pitifully. "It was John." he says. "Wha? Who's John?" I ask. I don't remember a Wellston royal named John. "John is the so-called cripple that convinced Seraphina to quit. He's also the former King of New Boston."

King of New Boston?! The Shadow King?! He used to beat all of his subjects to the point where they revolted! Why would he hurt Wellston royals!? Will I be a target too?!

I must have looked like I was having a mental breakdown because Arlo said, "Don't worry. Lie low and don't tell Seraphina. That way you won't be targeted." 

Suddenly I start to cry. But why? Because I'm scared? Because I'm grieving the soon to dead kingdom? Because I'm happy that Arlo's opening up to me? Arlo pulls me into a hug. He says, "Everything will be fine."

Cecile's POV

Someone's carriage crashed on the main road so I'm stuck on a side path with my steed. A carriage won't fit on this road. The problem is, horses don't like me. They like my coachman. Not me. 

My horse, Requisition, keeps galloping, then suddenly slowing down into a trot. So far, I've almost gotten thrown off the horse twice. 

It's a good thing I decided to wear casual clothes because my dresses would've gotten really dirty. 

As Requisition walked toward home, I notice a figure walking in the opposite direction of the fields. Doesn't he have a horse? Why is he on the side of the road. 

I get closer and see that it's a guy my age with messy raven hair and striking golden eyes. He's kinda cute. He wearing a nice, silk tunic but it's ripped and has blood all over it. Some came from some open wounds. Some were just bloodstains. Did he get into a fight?

I stop in front of him. "Do you need a ride?" I ask. The guy looks at me with distrust and confusion. 

"Okay, first of all, I don't trust strangers. Not anymore. Second of all, it's safer to walk than ride that horse." the guys says pointing at Requisition. "Are sure you can control that guy?"

"Ummm... No. He hates me." I say. On cue, Requisition throws me off the saddle. I land on the dirt behind me. The guy bursts out in laughter. 

"Excuse me! You could help me up instead of standing there laughing like an idiot!" I yell. He continues to laugh but helps me up. "Sorry! But it's really funny!" he says, still laughing. 

"Whatever. Thanks." I say, brushing myself off. The guy tries to pet the horse's muzzle. "I wouldn't do that. He'll kill you." I warn him. 

To my surprise, Requisition looks like he's enjoying being pet. That's a first. "I guess he likes me!" says the guy. "I guess so." 

"Maybe your the one who needs me to ride you home!" the guy jokes. I don't need this guy's help! Requisition will listen to me if it's the last thing he does!

I try to approach the horse, but he kicks me. "Are you kidding me!" I yell. "The guy laughs and helps me up again. "Yeah, I'll take you home." he says. 

He helps me climb onto Requisition without the horse's resistance. He climbs on behind me. "No wonder you couldn't ride this guy! You were holding the reins the wrong way!" he says. Whoops. 

 "I'm John by the way." he says as we canter along the road. "I'm Duchess Cecile." I say. John looks surprised. 

"You're a royal?!" John asks with some fear in his voice. "Yeah. You got a problem with that?" I say coldly. "Well yes. Two royals I know ganged up on me and thought it was a great idea to beat me up."

Ganged and beat up? King Arlo. That scoundrel! "Arlo?" I ask. "How did you know?" John asks. 

"We have some history. This sounds like the selfish and stupid thing he'd do." I say. "By the way what's your ability?" I ask. 

"Ummm... I don't exactly have one." he says. I laugh. "As if. Judging by the fact that your conscious, means you bear Arlo. You have to be a god-tier to do that."

John looks like he was caught red-handed. "Fine. I'm a 7.0. I can copy abilities." he says. Copy abilities? That sounds like... 

"You're the former King of New Boston!" I shout. John puts his hand over my mouth. "Shut up! It's supposed to be a secret!" He whisper-yells. He lets go and says, "You better not tell anyone."

"Never! In fact, this is great!" I say. This the moment I've been waiting for my whole life! "You're the real King of Wellston! You can dethrone Arlo! You can stop his tyranny and selfishness!"

"Umm... Why do you want to overthrow him?" he asks. "He betrayed me too. He promised me he'd make me his Queen when he inherited the throne, but he lied! He wanted to promote Remi and Seraphina instead of me because they were more powerful!" I say angrily.

 I thought he loved me. 

"I know a thing or two about betrayal like that." John says. "I'll rein Wellston if it means I can bring justice back." he says as we both hop off of Requisition. I smile and say

"In that case, I'm at your service, Shadow King."

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