Chapter 3

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How does a queen bee behave? However she wants to. But please don't wait for someone to hold the door open for you when your own arms work perfectly fine. Do it yourself. -Whitney Wolfe Herd

Sera's POV

How could I have lost my temper so quickly? There is no doubt that this will be in next weeks newspaper. 

I try to shake off the guilt and regret and focus on my work. I have to finish perfecting my speech for next weeks conference.

I look up to check on the guy in the hospital bed. I honestly felt really bad for hurting him to that extent. The doctor said he should stay overnight but will be conscious soon. I stayed because I wanted to formally apologize and ask his not to tell anyone about my little "rant." 

"Where am I?" The man says slowly getting up. He rubs his bruised eyes in tiredness. 

"Doctors office. After the situation, I brought you here for healing." I say. "Oh." he says. I give him a sharp glare. "A thank you would be nice!" I say. 

The man rolls his eyes and stares out the small window. "You're the reason I need healing! Why would I thank you?" 

I can't believe this guy! "I would show some more respect for your Queen." I say solemnly with a hint of poison. 

"Whatever. I'm out." he says as he tries to get out of the hospital bed. "You're not allowed to leave yet." I tell him. He ignores me and walks out. 

He can't leave yet! I have to ask him something! I quickly freeze time and block his way out. Then I unfreeze it. 

"What the heck! Let me by." the guy commanded. "First I need to ask you an important question." I say, standing my ground. 

"It's ok. I already know what you're going to ask. You were going to ask me not to tell anyone what you told me while you were beating me up. I get it. I know how much pressure is put on to royals these days and I know how serious your reputation will get damaged. Sorry for ticking you off and causing all this but really? You just had to try to kill me by the library? That sounds like such a lame death." he says. For some reason, this makes me laugh. 

"Thank you for understanding. But I actually have a different question." I say. The guy looks at me curiously. "Shoot."

"When I was crying, you told me that it would be okay, but how? The rumors and gossip will never stop unless I live up my reputation as the perfect queen." I say. "I feel like no matter how hard I work, it's not enough for anyone."

The guy sighs and puts his hands on my shoulders. This felt kinda strange since Arlo and my dad were the only boys that have ever put their arm around my shoulder. "Don't listen to them. I've only known you for a few minutes and I already know that your a great person, who doesn't need a perfect reputation to be happy."

Can I really be happy with more rumors and gossip? "Be yourself. Don't be what others expect you to be." the guy says. Suddenly I hug him. I'm unsure why, but I hug him. 

The guy is taken by surprise but doesn't push me off him. When I let go, he flashes me a kind smile and says "I'm John Doe." 

"You already know my name. Seraphina of course." I say. "I think I'll call you Sera." John says with a goofy yet friendly smile. Sera? I have to admit... It has a nice ring to it. 

"So... do you want to do something that will really shove expectations on in the people's face." he asks. I smile mischievously. "What do you have in mind?"

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