Chapter 7

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My whole thing is loyalty. Loyalty over royalty; word is bond. - Fetty Wap

Remi's POV

I finished writing my letter to my parents yesterday, but I still feel guilty for not being with them. Yesterday is the 3rd anniversary of Rei's death. My brother's death. 

Thankfully, Arlo allowed me to stay in my room instead of going to the banquet. Which is good because I needed some time to myself. 

Suddenly Elaine burst into the room. "Remi! You won't believe this! Sera just renounced her position and she made you the new queen and she even attacked Arlo in front of the Agwin royals! And now i'm in trouble because I was supposed to keep an eye on her but I failed and now she's acting rebellious! Gahhhhhhh!" Then she ran out of breath. 

"Ummm... I couldn't understand a word you just said. Can you summarize that a bit?" I say. Elaine sighs grabs my shoulders and says "Remi, Seraphina appointed you as the new Queen."


Isen's POV

"Good afternoon your majesty. Jack Blyke and Queen Remi are waiting for you in the 3rd parlor." A butler says to me. Wait... There's a third parlor now? How many parlors does a guy need?

The butler leads me to a large room with several sofas and tables. It has been built with red pine wood and has red brick decorations. Large, rectangular windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the room in a fairly asymmetrical pattern.

I walk in. "Sorry, I'm late. Traffic's killer. What I miss?" I ask. Blyke gives me an "are you kidding me" look. 

"Oh, nothing! Seraphina just renounced her title, I'm Queen, and have to marry King Asslo in a few months! So yeah, you didn't miss anything important at all." Remi says sarcastically. 

I can't help but laugh a bit. I sit down across from Remi and Blyke. "At least you get to be Queen! That's pretty cool!" I say to try to raise her spirits. "I guess..." Remi says. Then I remember what yesterday was.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Rei. He would be really proud of you." I tell her. This seems to make her feel better and she smiles. "Thanks, Isen!"

"So... do you know why Arlo called you here?" Blyke asks me. "No, but I'm assuming I'm in trouble as usual." I say rolling my eyes. 

Remi and Blyke exchange worried glances. "Well, actually Arlo needs you to track someone down... again..." Blyke says. Wait... NO WAY. 

"Are you kidding me?! Last time I had to track down a spy, I got caught and feel off a cliff!" I scream. "Wait... I remember the getting caught... but did you really almost fall off a cliff?!" Remi laughed.

"Not important right now!" I say embarrassed. "I didn't come here to almost die you know!" 

Blyke sighs and stares out one of the windows. "We know. We had nothing to do with the decision. Arlo's gone insane after Seraphina rejected him in front of King Broven." Blyke says. 

I laugh "He got rejected in public!? Lol!" "Ahem." I turn around to see Arlo standing at the doorway. Whoops. 

"Instead of conversating with these two, I'd prefer we have a chat." Arlo says. Remi and Blyke quickly hurry out the door. Traitors. 

"So... you called for me?" I say awkwardly. "I need your expertise. You can find information on anyone right?" He asks. Is that supposed to be a compliment?

"Well, that's kinda an overstatement. What info do you need?" I ask. "Somebody influenced Seraphina into quitting. I need you to find out who." He says. Great, now I have to stalk someone. 

"I don't know much about him or her, but they live in a low tier village on the outskirts of Wellston. Seraphina will most likely go to talk to them again." he says. 

I was confused. This didn't seem like that big of a deal. "Is this really necessary? This person is probably a rebellious low tier." I ask. Suddenly, Arlo's eyes glow. Yikes! I made him angry!

"I don't remember asking your opinion. Oh, and don't let me down."

Time skip sponsored by Arlo's favorite weapon: fork

Dang, why do I have to do all of Arlo's dirty work? Just because I'm good at my job, doesn't mean I actually have to work on the job! Wait...

"Isen!" Someone yells out to me. I turn to my carriage and see Duchess Cecile waiting for me. "What did Arlo say to you?" She asks immediately. "Hello, good to see you too." I say sarcastically, but Cecile doesn't seem to be in the mood for a joke.

"Cut the crap! Did he mention anything about Seraphina's pick for Queen?" Cecile persisted. "No, you or Remi didn't come up in the conversation at all." I reassure her. "Are you sure?" Cecile asks with a glare. She doesn't believe me?

"Yes! We only talked about Seraphina. He's really worried about her wellbeing." I say. Cecile mutters something that sounds like "Of course he drags you out here to talk about her."

"Why are you here anyway? Don't you live on the outskirts of Wellston? What brings you out here?" I ask. Cecile sighs and looks up at the castle. 

"Arlo invited me here too. But I don't want to talk to that piece of shit." Cecile says. Wow! I know those two had some beef but Cecile looks really pissed off at him today. "So I decided to get info from you." Cecile continued. 

"Well, he wants me to find whoever influenced Seraphina into quiting." I tell her. Cecile suddenly looks interested. "Oh really!" Can you keep me posted?" 

Before I could answer, she says "Great! Thanks! Need a ride home?" Well, it's not like a have a choice but to tell her now. Might as well take her up on the ride. "Sure."

She suddenly had a mischievous smile on her face. "What's with the look?" I ask. She responds with:

"Oh, nothing."

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