Chapter 10

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Life is not always like chess. Just because you have the king surrounded, don't think he is not capable of hurting you.  - Ron Livingston

Arlo's POV

I watch the trees and hills roll by past my window of the carriage. My kingdom truly is beautiful. 

I'm going to visit this John guy that Seraphina friends with. I have to put an end to him. He is not part of the hierarchy yet he's tearing it apart. If no one else will put him in his place, I will. 

My coachman leads us into the village. Compared to the capital, this place is disgusting! The houses are small and crumbling and peasants wore torn and ripped clothing. Many of them have bruises and cuts all over them that probably came from violent mid tiers. 

I notice four commoners surrounding a peasant in an alleyway. Four mid tiers against a low tier? That doesn't sound like a fair fight. How unorderly. 

Wait... Is that John? I look again and I notice that the low tier has raven hair and golden eyes. Definitely John. 

I saw John throw some punches and dodge attacks. He's doing pretty well for a cripple, but he's too outnumbered. He's dead meat. But if he's going to die, I want to be the one that gets to kill him. 

"Stop here." I command my coachman and jump out of the carriage. I put a barrier around unconscious John. "What the heck?" says a blonde-haired mid-tier. Then they notice me. 

"AH! KING ARLO! Uhhhhh..." said the mid-tier with a regeneration ability. "Ah, sorry you had to witness this mess. You see, this cripple was annoying us."

The regeneration guy continued. "So we wanted to teach him a little lesson. You know, make sure he remembers his place."

Seriously? Since when is a 4 vs. 1 fight going to help some learn their place? I trap the regen guy in a barrier. I shrink it around him. "Huh?" he said confused. His friends watched fearfully from the sidelines. 

I shrink the barrier so much, that the regen guy is on his knees getting crushed. "Who gave you the right to speak?" I ask him. I turn to John who is lying on the concrete unconscious. I help him up and help him walk to the closest doctor. 

I remember what Isen told me last week. Why didn't he use his powers? Why would he let them beat him to that extent? 

John's POV

Thunder rumbles above me. It will probably rain soon, but I don't want to go back inside the castle, where I know I'll be back in the land of judging eyes. I prefer being outside, behind the castle. 

"John?" I hear someone say. I turn around to see Duke Adrion staring down at me. "What is it Adrion?" I ask him. 

"Urm... well it's... ummm..." he stutters. "Spit it out!" I command him. "Ahhh, sorry! It's about Queen Claire!" 

Claire? Why does he want to speak about her? "I overheard her talking to the Jack. She said the only reason she helped you leave Wellston and become her King is because she had a vision of you climbing to the top with an unimaginable ability." he says. 

"Because your father kept you in isolation back in Wellston, she wanted to get to you first. That way you'd trust her and rely on her." he says. That can't be true. He's lying. Claire loved me, she would never do that. 

"Is this some kind of joke?!" I yell at him. "No! I heard it with my own ears!" he claims. Liar. "SHUT UP YOU BETRAYER!" I shout as I punch him in the nose. "What the hell are you trying to say! How dare you mock me!" 

"Please calm down and listen!" Adrion begs. "She's been using you this whole time! She had a vision that you would be overthrown and the Jack will take your place! Claire knew she might not remain Queen, so she decided to help him! They're gathering the other royals as we speak!"

"You need to be carfu-!" "SHUT UP!" I interrupt him. "I DON"T WANT TO HEAR IT!" I shout, kicking him in the ribs. "You're spouting out nonsense! You think I'd take your word over hers?!"

Adrion lies on the floor in pain. "John, I'd never lie to you! I've been behind you since day one!" he claims. "Right now you're blinded by your own ego! Open your eyes! At this rate, you're going to lose everything!"

No. Claire was the only person who was kind to me when I was younger. I was only a 1.2 at the time. My dad kept me in the shadows because he didn't want anyone to know that the 2nd in line for the throne is a weakling. She still agreed to let me become her King and helped him become stronger. She's my best friend and lover. She'd never do this. Ever.

"NO!" I yell and knock Adrion unconscious. Claire will be by my side. 


"Huh!" I shout. I'm no longer behind New Bostons castle. I'm in an infirmary in a sick bed. Then I notice who's next to me. It's nonother, then the King of Wellston. Why is he here? Why would he, of all people help me?

"Look who finally woke up..." he says. "I leap out of the sick bed a punch him. To my surprise, the punch didn't affect him at all. I grab him by the collar and shout, "Why did you help me?! What are you planning?"

King Arlo roll his eyes. "Don't be so full of yourself." he says. "I don't know what kind of delusional world you're stuck in, but the world doesn't revolve around you."

He glares at me with his scary blue eyes. "Take a good look at who you just hit." he says. He then stands up and gives me malice look. "I absolutely despise people who don't learn their place. Four commoners team up against one guy, beat him up, then say they were putting him in his place? That's not how order in MY kingdom works."

Wait... he actually wanted to help me? That means he doesn't know my secret yet! Great! 

"My sources tell me that you could put up a good fight. You could've beaten them if you fought them separately." Arlo says. Sources? Was Sera telling Arlo about me?

"You're giving me way to much credit." I say, sitting back down on the bed. "After all, I'm just a cripple." 

Arlo winces at the word cripple. Did he know that I'm not even pretending to be a low-tier? "Ah, anyway! I'm sorry for punching you. I kinda have some trust issues." I say nervously. "If there is anything I can do to pay you back, I'll do it."

Arlo smiles at this. "Well, I do need someone without an ability to help me out in the field tomorrow. Will you come?" he asks. I was planning on getting some chocolate cake, but the King specifically asked me for my help...

"Fine. I'll be there!" I say. "What field and what time?" I also ask. "Don't worry about that. I'll pick you up in this town sometime in the afternoon tomorrow. Be ready by the time I get there." He says, and then he walks out of the Infirmary. 

Maybe Arlo isn't as bad as Sera said.

A/N: Wow! 1200 words! This is the longest chapter I've ever written! Thank you all for voting!

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