Chapter 5

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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. - Efren Ramirez

John's POV

"Are you sure you're alright?" asked Sera as she inspected the bruise on my cheek. "Trust me, I've had worse injuries. You should know." I tease.

Sera turns red and glares at me. "Hey, I told you I was sorry." 

I laugh. "I know! I'm just teasing you. Relax." I say, but Sera still looks embarrassed. 

"Umm... So what's life like in the capital of Wellston?" I ask to change the subject. "Well..." she starts but the waiter arrives to take our orders. 

"Hi there! My name is Aria!" the waiter says. "What would you two like to ord- EKK!" she squeals. She looks at Sera in surprise. 

"Queen Seraphina!" she shrieks. Of course, everyone in the cafe hears her and spots Sera. Aria bows deeply and says "It's an honor for you to be here! Thank you! What did you like to order? Everything is on the house for you and your guest!" 

Sweet!  Free food! "Okay then. I'll have whatever he's having." Sera says. "In that case, we'll need two mango bobas please!" I say. "Coming right up!"

"Anyway... how's the capital? I try to read the newspaper from there, but most of it is all gossip and drama." I say.

Sera sighs and stares out the window. "The capital is full of stuck up, rich mid-tiers and royal elites. It isn't as great as people say."

"Oh... But you still get to live in the castle! That has to be pretty cool! Right?" I ask. Sera snorts. "Not when Arlo is living there too. I have literally no freedom when he's around! He is the royal fun police!" I laugh at her joke.

"It's a shame you have to marry him too." I point out.

Sera rolls her eyes. "Tell me about it. He's such a pain in the ass. He bosses people around as if he owns them! Plus he's way too traditional."

"Here are your drinks. Thank you for stopping by your majesty!" Aria says eagerly. 

Sera takes a sip of her boba. "This is pretty good!" she says. "I know right!" I chime in.

"I can't believe you can't pick who you can marry. It's not fair!" I say. Sera sighs again. "Life isn't fair. I knew that when I took on my responsibilities as queen." 

"Why did you accept the queen tole then? You still could've been Ace." I ask. Sera tenses up at the question. "Let's stop talking about me! Tell something about you." she says.

"Umm... Okay! My name is John Doe. I'm 25. I lived in New Boston until I moved here about a month ago." I say. These were technically all true. I'm just not mentioning how I was a royal there. 

"New Boston? Did you move because of the war there?" she asks. 

"Yeah." I say. That is technically not a lie either. "I moved to Wellston to start a new life."

"Why did you move so far away? Wellston is several region's away from New Boston. It's pretty much on the other side of the world." she asks. Yikes! What do I say now?

Suddenly, a man dressed in armor bursts into the cafe. "Your majesty! Thank goodness your here!" he says. "Countess Elaine was worried sick about you!" Thank you, random knight! Perfect timing!

"Commander Holden, I informed Elaine I would be going outside the capital today. She has no reason to worry, and you may be relieved from your orders to fetch me." Sera says in a very regal voice. 

"Your majesty, you don't understand! The royals of Agwin will be attending a banquet tonight at the capital in 3 hours!" Holden says while looking like he was having a heart attack. 

Sera immediately got out of her seat and boldly said: "Then we don't have a minute to lose!" Then she turns to me and apologized. 

"I completely forgot about the banquet! Sorry but I have to go!" She says. "I get it. Go do your royal stuff. I'll see you around?" I say. Sera smiles


Sera's POV

Once I'm back in the castle, I try to sneak into my room. I can't let anyone see me wearing this! 

I duck behind a pillar to avoid a butler passing by. Then I bolt for my bedroom and slam the door behind me. 

"I did it!" I accidentally say out loud. "Ahem." I hear some say. I turn to find Elaine sitting on my bed with a 'you're so busted' look on her face.

"You better have a good explanation this time Seraphina!"

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