Chapter 23

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Vengeance is a monster of appetite, forever bloodthirsty and never filled. - Richelle E. Goodrich

John's POV

I stare out the window. There is nothing to look at except a clear, starry sky. Yet I continue to stare at the dots in the black sky. 

Seraphina is out there. She's surrounded by the dark sky. She is a star, too bright for the darkness to handle... or so I thought. 

Arlo let this happen! If he had just kept his barrier up when the carriage hit, Sera would be with me right now! I slam my fists against the window in anger. It shatters into hundreds of pieces and some pieces cut my legs and clothes. 

Suddenly I hear a faint knock on the bedroom door. "Who's there?!" I shout. I didn't want to see anyone! I didn't want to talk to anyone! I want the visitor to go away!

"My na-ame is Ter-rence. I've come with a mes-s-sage from the Duchess." a hear a male voice stutter. Cecile? How did she know I was here?

I open the door, only to see that there is no one there. "Show yourself!" I yell, looking around. Suddenly, a blonde haired guy who looked slightly younger than me appeared out of nowhere. 

"My ability is invisibility." the guy, whose name must be Terrence, explains. "It's an honor to meet you again." he says. 

What is he talking about? I don't remember ever meeting him. "You saved my life two months ago. I was being beaten to death when you intervened."

Oh! He was that guy I saved in the alleyway on my first day here! He works with Cecile? Terrence bows. "That is not necessary. The guy beating you up had it coming." I say. 

Terrence stands up and takes a piece of parchment out of his satchel. He hands it to me. 

"This is from Duchess Cecile. She expects an immediate response." he says. I take it out of his hands and read the letter. It says this:

Your majesty, 

The news of Ace Seraphina's disappearance is spreading throughout the kingdom. Take caution. Now that people know that she isn't around to protect you, they will target you out of spite. 

I have news regarding your old kingdom. I believe it is urgent! I have more news as well. There may be a way we can both get what we want, without lifting a finger. 

Send me a letter in response to this through Terrence.



P.S. Please stay safe.

From the tone of the letter, Cecile sounds distressed. I have to find her and talk to her, face to face.

"Do you know Cecile's current location?" I ask Terrence. "Yes. She's at Wellston's Newspaper headquarters in the capital." he says. That's not that far from the castle. If I sneak out, I could see her and be back before sunrise. 

I rush past Terrence and I say, "You have been of great service. I am going to go speak to Cecile now. Have a good night!"

Terrence looks at me dumbfounded as I run off. "I don't advise that! It's dangerous! There are a lot of guards!"

I ignore him and continue down the hall. Soon, vengeance will be mine. New Boston is going down. Wellston is going down. Anyone who hurts Cecile or Sera will be going down.

20-minute time skip sponsored by: John's new binder

I walk throw the quiet streets of the capital. It's 3:00, and not a single person was around. All the windows are dark and the only sound you can hear is a crow, hunting for prey. 

Then I notice the only building in town that had candles lit inside. It's the newspaper hq. I knock on the door quietly. The door flings open with a bang. Cecile grabs me by the collar and pulls me inside. Then she shuts the door. 

"Seriously?! You sneaked out! One of the guards could've caught you!" she yells. "But they didn't." I point out. Terrence's ability made it easy to get away. 

"You could've gotten hurt! Guards think that you're a cripple! They'll beat you to death if they caught you! I don't want to lose more people in my life!" she yells. Her eyebrows creased in worry. She looks cute when she's worried about me. 

I give her a peck on the lips. "I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mean to scare you. I'll be more careful." I say. Cecile looks at me with a flustered expression. "You better be." she mumbles. 

Cecile grabs my hand and leads me to a sitting room. There are two big couches and a large table between them. On the table, newspaper clippings, and photographs were scattered all over. "This is just some of the research I found, regarding the current news in New Boston and Arlo's reign." she says. 

Wow! This is a lot of info! How did she get all of this? Even better question: How did she know I was in the castle?

"Cecile! This is perfect! We just need to find Arlo's weaknesses then defeat him and the other royals." I say. "Then we'll become King and Queen. Together, we'll start an empire by invading New Boston, then the rest of the region." Cecile says, completing the plan. 

I grab her hand. "Let's make this plan a reality." I say. We sit down and get to work. I look through articles about New Boston. 

Apparently, Niles has gone insane. I saw that coming. I never liked that guy! The only reason he was Jack is because he is my predecessor's brother. I look at an editorial from the kingdom. 

Holy cow! The writer of this says that he'd rather have me as King! Who would've thought?!

"By the way, how did you know that I was living in the castle?" I ask Cecile. She laughs at my question. "It's a funny story! This afternoon I tried to interrogate Isen to see what he knows. When I got to his mansion, I found him drunk! He told me how everything has been so insane, that a 'cripple' is moving into the castle." She says. 

"How is that funny?" I ask. "Because while he was drunk, he admitted that he had a bed wetting problem that didn't stop until he was 14!" Cecile says giggling. I laugh along too. "What about that idea that you mentioned in the letter? What is it?" I ask. 

Cecile fiddles with the article in her hand. "Did you know that we are not the only people who are trying to dethrone Arlo?" 

What?! "There is a group of rebels who have been training for years to storm the castle and crown their leader as Queen." Cecile explains. 

"Do we consider this group as our allies or rivals?" I ask. "Both. We let their group do the dirty work, and we'll dethrone Arlo before they can." she says. 

I smile. "Sounds like the perfect plan." I say.  "What should we do with the rebels once we become King and Queen?" Cecile asks. I laugh at her foolish question and say,

"We kill them."

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