Chapter 9

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Upper class to me means you are either born into wealth or you're Royalty. - Benedict Cumberbatch

Isen's POV

Okay. I'll admit it. I've an expert stalker. I can follow anyone around without being detected and gain info quickly. I'm a bit of an expert. 

But compared to that amateur invisible guy, I was the master. Yesterday I follow Seraphina out of the castle and she lead me right to "the Influencer's" house. Now, all that's left is to figure out who lives there. 

I'm at Cecile's office room looking through records of residents in the low tier towns. Finally, I found the file for The Influencer's address. 

In the record there was a grainy picture and and his basic info. His name is John Doe and he... wait, he doesn't have an ability!? How is this guy still alive with the mid tier village near by. He would've been used as a punching bag there. 

"I thought you only liked stalking girls." Cecile says, sneaking up behind me. "This is apparently the guy that influenced Seraphina into quitting. 

The guy in the picture has golden eyes and messy raven colored hair. "I feel like I've seen him before." Cecile says. I have to admit, I do too. Maybe on the streets somewhere? "I doubt it. I better give the record to Arlo." I say as I start to leave. 

"Hey, clean up your mess!" Cecile commands, tying me up with her ability to stop me from leaving. "Fine!" I groan. Cecile deactivates her ability and leaves. 

While picking up the several scrolls on the ground, one scroll catches my eye. It's the file for the old King of New Boston. I know I should be cleaning... but something in that file could make a good article to submit to the news!

The first thing I notice in the record is the picture. "HOLY COW!" I shout in surprise. "What's wrong?!" Cecile yells from another part of her mansion. "Umm... NOTHING!" I yell back. 

I look back at the picture to make sure I didn't imagine it. I didn't. I can't believe it. 

John Doe is the Shadow King, he former King of New Boston, and perhaps, the true King of Wellston. 

Arlo's POV

Order is natural. The weak cower in fear of the strong. Those with similar status get along. And the strongest among us fight to rise to the top. Everyone has a rightful place in society. That's why hierarchy is natural. People naturally gravitate to where they belong. 

Except for Seraphina's "new friend." He's a weakling that brought her down to his level. He some how completely changing society. Where does someone like him belong?

"Arlo!" Isen shouts as he bursts into my throne room. "Isen. Did I give you permission to be in here?" I ask. "This is important! I know who convinced Seraphina to quit! You won't believe it!"

I sigh and let him continue. "I followed Seraphina and she went to this address so I decided to go over to Cecile's hall of records to find out who lives there." Isen says. 

"His name is John Doe. He claims he's a cripple according to his record, but then I found the royal files, and found out he used to King of his own Kingdom. He's not a cripple at all! He is a God tier that can copy abilities!" he says. 

"He's more powerful than you! Don't take him on or anger him! He'll destroy everyone and everything!" he shouts. We'll see about that. "Thank you Isen. Keep your mouth shut about this. You're dismissed." I say gesturing him to leave. 

"Wait! One more thing!" he shouts. "I said you're dismissed." I say activating my ability to scare him. 

Isen cowers and runs out the door. So... this King guy thinks he can mess with Wellston's hierarchy...

I would like to see him try. 

Remi's POV

I knock on Seraphina's bedroom door. No answer. I hope she's here. I knock again. Still no answer. 

Suddenly Seraphina appears around the corner in the hallway. "Good morning Remi." she says to me. She opens her door and turns to me. "Didn't you want to come in?" she asks. Oh yeah. 

I follow her into her large bedroom. I notice that she's not wearing a dress. Instead she's wearing a navy blue blouse and a nice black skirt. It's going to difficult to get used to her in such casual clothes. 

I notice a teddy bear on her bed that I've never seen before. Something about it is throwing me off. According to my ability, there something inside. 

"What is it?" Seraphina asks me. "Oh right!" I say snapping back to reality. 

"Thank you for giving me my new position. I will carry it with pride." I say bowing. "You don't need to thank me." Seraphina says to my surprise. 

"You've taken the Queen burden off my shoulders. I should me thanking you." Seraphina says. Seraphina... wants to thank... me! I feel honored. 

I look at the bear again. "What's wrong?" Seraphina asks. "It looks like there something in that stuffed animal. Do you mind if I take a look?" I ask. 

Seraphina nods me an okay. I take the bear off the bed and look for the seam. 

I find a seam on it's back and open it up. Sure enough, there's a small magnetic device inside. "What is that thing?!" Seraphina asks. 

"It's sort of like a tracker. There's another device that is like a compass. The arrow will always point to that chip in your teddy bear." I explain. Why would someone need to track Seraphina?

"In any case, Seraphina you should stay alert from now on." I tell her. I crush the chip with my foot and say,

"We may may be strong but we're far from invincible."

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