Chapter 19

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A kingdom is not complete without its queen. - Anonymous 

Seraphina's POV

Usually, when I wake up, I'm in a nice comfy bed in a large room with breakfast ready to be served as soon as I step out of bed. Apparently, today is quite unusual, because it looks like I'm in some sort of basements. 

I start to come to my senses. I'm tied to a column in a stinky dark basement. Where am I the last thing I remember is... HOLY COW! I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!

I try to use my ability to free myself, but for some reason, it doesn't work. I squirm a bit to try to loosen the ropes. No luck. 

"Comfortable?" I hear someone say. I look around, but I don't see anyone. "Who are you?! Where are you!? Let me go!" I shout. 

The mysterious voice says, "I don't know if you've noticed, but you are in no position to make demands. You're literally tied up and you don't have an ability." The voice has a point. I see a figure emerge from the shadows. 

"My name is Volcan. A pleasure to meet you, your highness." the voice says. I realize that the person who's talking to me is a tall and slender woman. She has bright, blonde hair pulled up in a tight bun. She's also wearing a long black cloak and a mask that covers the bottom of her face. 

The woman walks closer to me. I hear her footsteps clink as she walks. Is she wearing heels?! Holy cow! I respect anyone who can actually walk in those! Even Elaine tripped down the stairs in heels!

"What's with the outfit?" I ask, looking at her mask. "Well, the mask is to hide my identity. Duh. I'm wearing a clock because I'm cold. Oh, and I'm wearing the heels because it makes me look taller and scarier." Volcan says casually. 

I try to squirm out of the ropes again. Still no luck. "What do you want from me?!" I ask angrily. "If it's a problem with the kingdom, I can't help you! I already quit!"

"I know you quit. It's all anyone talks about! It's getting annoying. Would you rather me kidnap Queen Remi instead?" She asks. "No thank you!" I say quickly. 

The woman walks toward a table that I didn't notice before. She lights a lantern on it that eliminates the room. There isn't really that much to see though. There are no windows, but there is a ladder in the corner, and I'm pretty sure that there's some sort of board behind the table that had drawings on it. What's up with that?

"Behold... the board of terror!" Volcan says dramatically pointing to the board. "What am I looking at?" I ask. 

"You can't see it? It's a map of the kingdom labeled with every single attack, act of violence, and even the-" "Yeah I still can't see it from all the way over here." I interrupt her, squinting at the board. 

Volcan rolls her eyes and walks towards me. "I'll untie you, but don't try to escape. I'm not here to hurt you." she says. Of course, I'm going to escape! I doubt she'll kill me, but I want my freedom. 

She unties me and leads me over the board. There's a giant map on it with small hand-drawn pictures of dead bodies. "This is a map of all attacks to low-tiers from high tiers." Is she serious?! There are so many on here! Could all this have happened in my kingdom under my rule?

"Every kingdom needs a ruler who will bring true order." Volcan says. "True order?" I question. 

Volcan sighs and puts her hands on my shoulders. "Seraphina, King Arlo is corrupt. After his successor died, he became cold and heartless." she says. "He's aware of the attacks, but he doesn't want anything to do with it."

"Why?" I ask. "I know he's a jerk but he would never do that!"

"King Rei died trying to save low-tiers. He was a rogue knight." Volcan says. I stay quiet, trying to take this all in. Arlo let people die. I know I've hurt people, but I've never killed. 

I look at the board and see that most of the icons were around the capital. How could I have not known about this? Was Arlo hiding information from me?

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask. Volcan smiles enthusiastically. "I'm glad you asked!" she says. "You understand! You talk to cripples like their your equal. Right?"

I nod. "Yeah. I don't pick my friends based off of abilitie-" "Exactly!" Volcan says interrupting me. "Abilities are the problem! They bring people to unequal footing."

"So what if I told you that we can get rid of all abilities, everywhere!" Volcan continues. "And complete this broken kingdom."

Arlo's POV

John sits on the couch completely still. If he wasn't sitting up, I would think he's dead. "Umm... Are you okay?" Elaine asks him. He just glares at her. I guess that's his way of saying, 'what do you think.' 

"We'll find her." I assure him. "I've already sent out hundreds of knights to search for her."

John rolls his eyes and says, "There's no way they'll find her. Her kidnappers are probably well past the kingdom border." He stands up and glares at me. "This is your fault you know." He says. 

"What!?" I shout in confusion. "You had one job." he tries to clarify. Elaine looks at John in shock. Does she agree with him? What do they think I did wrong?

"All you had to do was keep the barrier up when the carriage hit it. I could've still stopped them before they got away!" he yells. "Oh please! You got stabbed in the back!" I shout back. 

John snorts. "As if. Unlike you useless people, I can fight without an ability." I stand up and grab his collar.

"You want to talk about useless! Who's the one who left Seraphina alone in the first place?!" I yell. "Evaluate yourself before you throw the blame on me you fool!"

Suddenly, John punches me in the nose. "SHUT UP!" he yells. I feel blood trickling out my nose. I'm about to punch him back, but Elaine grabs my arm. 

"Stop it!" she cries. I look at her in shock. She's crying. "Seraphina is probably being beat or killed and you two are worried about who's to blame?"

She kneels down and clenches her wounded arm. "I can't lose someone else." she chocks out. Rei. Elaine and Rei weren't that close, but they were friends and royals. 

John sighs and sits back on the couch. Maybe we aren't so different. Me and John both do awful things when the people we love are in danger. 

"This place is comprised. They could come back here." I say. "You should move."

John gives me a weird look. "Are you kidding? I have a lease! Do you know have expensive this place was for me?" he says. Oh right! He lost his fortune when he was kicked out of New Boston. 

"You're welcome to stay in the palace if you wish." I say. Elaine gives me a 'are you crazy' look. 

"Why would you do that?!" John asks accusingly. "I know what it's like to lose someone important to you." I answer. John seems to accept this answer. 

I look out the window at the starry night sky. Seraphina, where are you?

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