Chapter 16

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Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun. - Hilaire Belloc

John's POV

What the heck! Why is there blood on the doorknob? I open the door the house I find a girl, bloody, on the floor. 

"SERA!" I shout. Sera is curled up on the wooden floor with a knife in hand. Blood is pouring out her back from a stab wound. How is this possible?!

I drop down next to her and shout, "Sera! Hey! Wake up! What happened!" But Sera still lies motionless. What do I do?! The town doctor is out of town today! 

I hear the sound of a carriage outside. I peak out the window and I see Sera's coachman outside. I yell at him. 

"Hey! You!" The coachman turns to me confused. "Summon the royal healer! Immediately! It's an emergency involving the Ace!" I shout. He nods and rides off towards the capitol.

I turn back to Sera and lift her onto my bed. Who did this to her!? Whoever did... they will die tonight!

Elaine's POV

Arlo invited me to dinner tonight! Dinner. Me. With the King. Woah.

I pull one of my fanciest dresses out of my closet. I wear a small tiara to complete the outfit. Perfect!

I make my way to the banquet hall in a hurry. I can't be late! When I get down there, I Arlo waiting in his seat at the table. "Countess Elaine." Arlo says. "King Arlo." I say bowing. 

"Thank you for dining with me." I say sliding into my seat across from him. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting." I apologize. "You didn't. Anyway, we have an important matter too discuss." he says. 

"Oh. Is this about John?" I ask. Arlo gives me a sharp glare and then turns to the servants in the room. "Leave us." he orders. The servants oblige and leave. 

Then he turns back to me. "I know the situation is quite unprecedented, but it's nothing that should be discussed around non-royals." 

"Um! Sorry!" I say meekly. Arlo sighs and says "I must insist that this stays a secret. We can't alarm anyone else." "I understand, but I do have a question." I say. "Ask away." Arlo says.

"Is John technically King now? He defeated you and he's royal Wellston blood." I ask. Arlo looks at me in shock. "Wha- Of course not! I would never allow someone like him to take my throne!" He shouts. 

I sigh and say, "I know but he's still defeated you! There's not much you can do about that!" Arlo rolls his eyes. "Actually there is." I look at him in a confused manner. 

Arlo continues. "He doesn't want to be King. He won't challenge me publicly unless we provoke him or tell anyone his secret. So, avoid him and don't blab. Simple enough. No need to be afraid or anything." 

He has a point. I sigh in relief. Then I realize something. "Is that what you're doing too? Because you're afraid of him?" I ask. Arlo turns away from me and stares out the window. Does that mean yes?! Oh no!

"Excuse me you majesties!" someone shouts bursting into the room. "This a private conversation! Leave us!" Arlo yells, glaring at the guy whom I think is a coachman. 

The man doesn't leave. "But it's the Ace! She's hurt and needs medical attention in the low-tier village!" he shouts. Arlo turns to me in panic and we both burst out of our seats. 

"Prepare the carriage!" Arlo commands to the coachman. "Are you insane?! Have you seen the traffic!?" I say. 

Wait... oh no! I just called the King insane! Eek! Thankfully Arlo doesn't notice my comment. "Prepare our horses then!" he says! 

The coachman nods and rushes off. "Arlo? Seraphina's is hurt in the same village John lives in... Do you think he..." I point out meekly. Arlo's eyes widen in shock. He raises his fist in the air and yells, "John! You're going to die tonight!"

Timeskip sponsored by the famous triple chocolate cake

"Ace Seraphina?!" I shout looking around the small house. "Where are you?!" 

I raven haired guy comes out of the room with a cold glare. Is this John? The guy that hurt Seraphina?!

"John?" I say. He ignores me and glares at Arlo. "You creep!" I shout. "What the heck did you do to her?! How DARE you harm her!? What did she do to deserve this?!"

John suddenly slaps me and says, "Shut up. I didn't hurt her!" I jump back in surprise and heal the bruise from the slap. How dare he hurt me?! I'm Countess!

"I didn't call you here to listen to your worthless rambling!" John shouts. "Hurry up and heal her!"

I oblige and go into a bedroom I see Seraphina lying on the bed, unconscious and bloody. How?! If John didn't do this, who did?!

I kneel beside her and heal her stab injury. I look up at John, and I see him glaring at me, making sure I'm doing my job. I didn't want him near me! Not after the slap!

I signal Arlo for help. "Do you know what happened?" he asks John. John hakes his head. "No. I found her like this when I got home. She was shaking a bit and she had a bloody knife in her hand."

Why would Seraphina need a knife to fight? Her ability can finish people off in an instant! Somethings off...

I continue healing Seraphina with John breathing down my neck. When I finish, she still doesn't wake up. That's strange. Is she drugged?

"What's going on? Why isn't she awake?!" John asks grabbing my shoulder. "Um... I don't know! She should be conscious by now!" I say meekly. Arlo rips John off me. 

"Don't contradict her! What have you done up until now?!" Arlo says grabbing John's arm. John glares at him and shouts, "GET YOUR HAND OFF ME!"

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