Chapter 29

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People die, beauty fades, love changes, and you will always be alone. - L. J. Smith

Remi's POV

I glared at my foe. The woman's cloak that was draped around her was lit in flames. Taunting me. The woman had bright, golden eyes that looked at me with a mocking expression. As if I was just another bug for her to squash. 

I'll have to prove her wrong then.

Lightning swirled around me as I shot a bolt right at her. The woman's hands burst into flames and moved to block her face. The fire somehow absorbed my lightning. She charges forward and her hands turn into sharp fiery claws that scratch my armor. 

"What a waste. You're strong and young yet you insist on doing this." the attacker chides. She puts her fiery arms onto my chest armour and tries to burn it. The armour felt really hot, but I had to keep going!

I shot another bolt of lightning at her. This time, the attacker was electrocuted. She dropped down to her knees. I allow lightning to swirl around me to make the killing blow. 

"Remi! It won't work!" Isen called from a distance. "She's too strong! RUN!" Blyke yelled at me. 

I don't care.

I cock my lightning-filled fist and aim for the face. Out of nowhere, she catches my punch. What?!

"That was cute." she cues. "But you'll have to do better than that."

Fire surrounds me and blasts me about 20 feet back. I'm on the ground and my armor is smoking hot. I rip the chest plate and kneecaps off. They were heavy anyway. 

The woman charges towards me again. I jump up and try to kick her before she can reach me. "Too slow." she says with a sigh and tries to slash me with her fiery claws. 

Suddenly a bright red beam appears out of nowhere. It burns a hole through the woman's leg. The woman looks around in shook. She spots Blyke from the top of a burning house. Isen was nowhere in sight. 

"Ah, a royal has come to fight! This should be fun! I'll deal with the Jack after I'm done with you." the woman says cheerfully. 

There is no way I'm letting this psycho near Blyke! I charge again but she dodges. As I run past her, she grabs my helmet with her claws. It falls to the ground with a clank and my face is revealed. 

"Oh my! If it isn't the new Queen herself! I'm shocked! I thought you and the King would be watching this village burn with glee?!" the attacker says. She seamed happily surprised. How sickening. Although considering what I heard today, I wouldn't be surprised if Arlo was happily drinking wine, watching the flames from his balcony.

She slowly moves closer to me. "I can tell you have a certain distaste for him. Perhaps you would like to join me and the revolution. We'll bring down your King and you could rule the kingdom with justice." she says offering me her hand.

I chuckle at the thought. "Like you did with my brother." I say, grabbing her hand and electrocuting her. 

It hardly does anything to her. Instead, the attacker extends her fiery claw and stabs it into my shoulder. "ARGGGGHHH!" I scream. I've never known what it was like to be burned or stabbed but I can imagine that the pain is intolerable. Right now I have been both stabbed and burn. And to pain is more than intolerable. 

"Ah, of course! How could I have forgotten!" the attacher exclaims. I fall to my knees in pain. I look up at her. Her piercing eyes stared at me with glee. "Former King Rei was a decent king. He believed that everyone, no matter what their ability was, is equal." she said. 

A red beam came from the sky and almost hit the attacker in the head. "Oh dear! It looks like the royal family is dreadfully out of practice."

"As I was saying, King Rei was the only sane ruler. Shame I had to kill him." she says. 

My brother was killed fire and this woman was the arsonist. 

"He was morally right, but he was doing it all wrong. He thought that if he had just told people to play nice, they would. I admired his confidence though." she said. 

No one talks about my brother like that! "NOOOOO! YOU HAVE NO IDEA JUST HOW WRONG YOU ARE!" I shout. The woman kicks me and I fall over. My blood splatters across the grass. "Please shut up. You sound like a dying animal."

I see Blyke shoot another beam from the corner of my eye. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" he shouts. This time he hits her left arm. "I was going to make his death fast, but it seems that I've changed my mind." the attacker says, grabbing her arm to stop the bleeding. 

"Oh no, you don't!" someone says. A masked figure suddenly scoops me up and runs. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see who it was. 

"Isen! Run faster!" Blyke shouts. "I'm trying my best dude!" the masked guy shouts back. Isen!

I can see the edge of the town. We are almost safe from that woman! 

"It's cute that you think you can run away." a familiar voice says. Out of nowhere, Isen suddenly drops me and I roll across the muddy floor. I try to find the strength to stand up but I can't. I look around but I can only see fire. Everywhere. 

I try to turn myself around so I can see what happened to Isen, but I can't move.

"ARRRGGGHHH!" I hear someone scream. Then I hear someone giggle. "The Duke came to play too! To bad your game had to end so quickly." 

No. It's not possible. 

I try shifting my body to see what happened. I regretted it immediately. 

Isen was on the ground, covered with flames and his blood. 

"NOOOO!" I yell. Someone else comes up behind me and pulls me out of the attacker's line of vision. 

"We have to get out of here!" the redhead says in a panic. I wrap my shoulder around him and he leads us out of the village. 

He puts me on his horse and we ride back to the castle.

I look back at the blazing town. "What about Isen?" I muster. Blyke doesn't respond. He doesn't have to. I know the answer. 

A/N: Man, I'm bad at fight scenes.

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