Chapter 22

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Their poems spark revolution, bring down kingdoms, and changes the world. Mine is like waves, rushing back to you. - Austin

Sera's POV

After I agreed to Volcan's cause, she and some of her workers lead me to the forests. 

"Why are we in the woods?" I ask Volcan. She smiles cheekily and points to a large weeping willow tree. "You mean 'why are we going under the woods.'" she says. 

Under? One of Volcans colleagues knocks on the tree a few times. What is he doing? A hundred knocks later, the tree starts to shift. The bark moves aside revealing a doorway in the tree. In the tree, there is a spiral staircase that leads underground. 

"After you." Volcan says, pushing me forward. I reluctantly walk into the tree and slowly walk down the stairs. 

When I reach the bottom, I step into a large underground room. The walls and ceilings are made out of dirt and stone. The room had to be the size of the castle's ballroom! Was this place really in my Kingdom this whole time?!

"Welcome to the Revolt HQ!" Volcan says dramatically. In the room I notice several people in armor walking around. In the center of the room, there is a giant podium that looked like it's a place to have a public battle. 

Volcan leads me near the center. On the podium, I see two men, head to toe in armor. One of the men charges forward and kicks the other man in the face. Before the man could get up, his challenger pulls out a sword and holds it near his neck. 

"Fine! You win again." the man on the floor says grumpily. The other man smiles proudly and helps him up. The defeated guy slumps of the podium. 

"Cole! Come over here!" Volcan calls out to the winner. The guy steps off the stage and comes towards us. "This is Ace Seraphina. She has agreed to join our cause." Volcan says. 

The winner, whose name must be Cole, shakes my hand. "The name's Cole. I'm glad you've come to join our gang of ragtags." Cole says in a thick southern accent. "I reckon this is your first-time see'in sword fights and underground tree room."

I nod. "Yeah, and don't call me Seraphina. Sera will do." I say. "I was hoping you could train with her and help her get the ropes of basic combat before we give back her ability." Volcan says. 

"I'd love to! I was hoping to get a new sparring partner! Kayda and Ajax are trash." Cole says enthusiastically. "The armory is over there." he says pointing to the corner where suits of armor hung against the walls. 

I walk over and choose a suit that looks like it will fit me. I put it on. It's surprisingly comfy! I try putting the boots on, but they won't go on my feet. I struggle to squeeze my foot in the left boot. 

"Need a hand?" someone says behind me. I turn around and see a guy with messy blonde hair and striking green eyes. He's wearing an iron chest plate and combat boots. 

"Yeah, that'd be great." I say. The guy comes over and picks up the boot. He pulls one of the plates of armor on the boot upwards and it suddenly loosens. "Oh. It was that simple?" I ask, embarrassed. 

The guy laughs and says, "Don't worry I had trouble on my first day too. Are you training with Cole?" I nod. "Is he difficult?" I ask. 

"Yup! He is one of the bests swordsmen here! He's very tricky. "His ability can make him change his appearance into anyone, so don't let him trick you." the guy advises. "Thanks." I say, putting on my boots. 

"Good luck!" he calls out as I head towards the center of the room. Cole is waiting for me with a goofy grin on his face. "Let's get started" he says. 

We both step on the podium with our swords drawn. "I'm going to charge first. It's up to you to dodge." he tells me. I nod and we begin. 

Cole charges with his sword pointing right at my head. Instead of going left or right, I duck and grab his leg. He trips and lands face first onto the ground. Above me, I hear clapping. 

I look up and see the guy from before flying above the stage watching the fight. I give him a thumbs up. 

"That was good! Your unexpected moves will serve you well on the battlefield!" Cole says. "Let's try that again. This time, with my ability."

So, he charges again. To my surprise, it's not Cole who's charging at me. It's Arlo! How!? Why!? Arlo points his sword at me and pushes me down with the tip. "Arlo?!" I yell. 

Arlo kicks me in the shin and ignores my words. I look up at the flying guy. He's shaking his head. Of course! Cole is pretending to be Arlo to trick me!

I use my sword to block his next attack. Arlo/Cole is surprised by this and drops his sword. I stand up and pick up his sword. I aim both swords at his neck. 

"Impressive." Arlo/Cole says. Suddenly he ducks under the swords and grabs them out of my hands. "Just remember not to let your guard down" he advises. 

"Alright. I surrender." I say defeated. I can't believe I was defeated by a low-level elite tier!

Arlo/Cole glows a blue hue and suddenly, he turns into normal violet-eyed and red-haired, Cole. "You did really good for your first try! I'm undefeatable anyway!" he said in a cocky tone. 

The flying guy deactivates his ability and drops in front of me. "Did you really forget my advise that easily?" he says. 

"Sorry! I saw him turn into Arlo and I froze!" I say. The guy laughs. "No need to apologize! You were awesome!" he says. "You should spare with me sometime!"

"Sure, why not." I say, taking off my armor. 

The guy glares at Cole. "One day I'll be better than him. That'll wipe the smile off his freckled face!" he says. "He doesn't have freckles." I say looking at Cole talk to another girl in armor. "He changes his appearance every day. When I met him he had spiky purple hair, yellow eyes, and freckles." he says. 

"What does he really looks like?" I ask. The guy shrugs. "I don't know. I think he mentioned having brightly colored eyes."

"My names Sera by the way." "I know." the guy says. "You're kinda famous. You're the Ace of Wellston!" He has a point. 

The guy flies into the air near the tree exit. "I'll see you around then!" he calls out. 

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" I shout. 

"My name is Adrion." the guy says, and flies off.

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