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Daniel's POV

The boys and I have made it back to LA. The royal wedding is May 22. Which is a month away. We have bachelor parties and bachelorette parties to attend in perfect timing.

I remember when Jack was writing out the invitation guest names. I try not to think but her name pops up all the time. I haven't dated anyone since then and I have no idea what I'm going to do if she decides to attend.

This shit is all fucked up really. I'm not going just so I can see her I'm going to support Jack, and his soon to be wife and their child.

Three weeks.

I'm afraid of the parties that are coming up so soon. I'm terrified. Jack has planned to go to Bora Bora and stay there for three weeks. It's only for the best men and bridesmaids. That means most likely she will be there.

Fuck it. I can't even say her name.

Maddie. Maddie. Maddie.

Shit, this is going to be so scary. The boys make jokes about her all the time. Saying stuff like "Daniel wishes he could fuck her and he won't be able to keep his hands to himself." I don't blame them for both.

I do wish I could and my hands tend to move around to other places despite how clumsy I am. Things have changed. The boys and I have been on tour for a while and now we get a break. My hairs blonde, I thought it would be nice to get some highlights but the stupid hair cutting girl told me change was good.

I have something with her like friends and benefits but we never dated. Sheesh, I sound like a fucking player. A fucking asshole. I don't understand how our fans still like me.

I mean I'm nice on the outside it's just now that she's gone it's changed. Something inside of me has lost its place.

Three weeks.

"Hey Daniel, you should get packing!" Corbyn pokes his head in my door.

I ignore him as he walks in and takes a seat in the chair where my music mix is validly sitting on my desk.

"So, is something wrong?" He tries to keep a straight face but smirks a little through it. He already knows who I'm thinking about.

"It's been two years! I'm not gonna let her get in the way of me having fun and hanging out with all of you." I turn around.

"Damn that sounds rough. Just warm up to her. Don't try and act like everything's natural because that's so much worse bro. You need to relax and maybe talk to her. Don't ignore her. She's gonna be there." Corbyn walks out quickly before I can argue and say something any more about her.

Three weeks.

I turn around back to my bags and begin to pack. Some black ripped jeans, maybe some blue if I'm feeling the mood. I grab many t-shirts including my purple dove one. I take my swimming trunks and tuck them down on the side of my suitcase and realize having them all stacked would make Maddie want to fix it but who cares? Maddie's her own. I need to focus on myself for once. That's what happened in our relationship. We would always say that we needed time to figure out ourselves as individuals.

"Shit. Why am I still thinking about her!" I groan out loud while brushing my hand loosely through my blonde hair. I make my way into the bathroom and grab my toiletries then zip them in a separate bag.

"Hey, Jack? What time are we leaving?" I yell as I zip up my suitcase that's holding everything together as she did to me back then.

"Four thirty in the morning! We need to pick everyone up." Jack walks past my door.

Three weeks.

This is going to be one hell of a ride.

Maddie's POV

I knew for a fact that I would definitely get invited to Jack's wedding I just never thought it'd be so soon. Even though I remember when he told me he got Gabbie pregnant.

I remember going shopping with her to find some clothes for Lavender. It was fun and the way Jack described his wife, was exactly as she seemed.

Gabbie is an amazing person and I'm and proud of what she has managed to do at her age. Let alone carry her own family now.

I could never do that.

I've been staring at the letter in my hands for the longest time ever still reading it over and over again.

Three weeks.

I get a text. One that I haven't gotten in a while.

Corbyn: what's up girl? you going or not? ;p

There is another one from Jack as well.

Jack: Hey! hope you show up. trip to bora bora for three weeks Mads! You gotta pack we leave tomorrow at 4:30 am to pick you up...don't say no :)

I reply to both of them and smile now that I think about it. I am not going to let Daniel ruin this trip for me. I get to hang out with my high school friends.

As much as I am calm about the situation I only have a few hours to pack.

I grab my suitcase from the closet right outside my bathroom and lay it out on my bed.

Three weeks.

I first go over to my toiletries and put all of them in a bag. I move on to the bathing suits and put those in the top left corner of my suitcase. Some of the strings fall loosely out. Daniel wouldn't care and would move on with them like that but does it really matter?

"I mean this is me not him." I say as I tuck the loose strands of fabric back into my suitcase. Moving on from there I fold clothes and place them neatly in color order.

"Perfect!" I say as I close it, zipping it up. It holds everything together. Hopefully, I can hold my emotions together on this trip.

3 weeks.

Here comes hell.


oooooo here we goooo peoplesss

You all are in for a ride because they are moving fast!

Don't forget to hit the star so you can vote! I'd be so happy!

What's gonna happen when they see each other again? Lemme know your thoughts?

Also, the question is: where would you love to travel to?

Mines bora bora because it's so beautiful there! Lol

Next chapter coming as soon as possible!

xx hannah

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