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Daniel's POV

"So where are we going?" Maddie asks me as she waddles out of the bathroom with a fresh face with her hair up in a wet messy bun.

The gray towel wrapped around his body is so tempting. I wish I could take it off, but I can't just fuck her and leave. I have to go tomorrow morning and I need to spend the most time with her as I can.

I like being tender and soft with her, it brings good memories. Being rough and hard with her is more of a challenge. I'm not exactly the 'rough' type. The fans call me innocent but I wouldn't say that's right either.

"Daniel," she grabs my attention dropping her wet hair down from her bun, "something bothering you?" She shuffles over to me standing right in front of me.

"I'm okay," other then the fact that I really want to take that towel off of your body and take you back into the bed and stay with you in there forever...I'm okay.

"You sure?" She asks as I connect both of my hands waving them over her head and squeezing them tightly behind her in the dip at her back.

"Mmmmm," she places her head on my shoulder as her hands play with the bottom hem of my sweatshirt dragging it up off of me, quickly placing her head back. My heart beats faster feeling the cold wet water drip down my body and off of her hair. My hands tighten at the feeling only wanting to hold her closer.

Her hands trickle up my arms, smoothing up and down over the skin. Her hands wrap around my neck as she stands on her tiptoes. I want to pick her up but that would send a message throughout my whole body when her core connects to my skin.

"I like you a lot Seavey." She removes her head but I'm not letting go of her waist. I need her near me, I can barely go a foot away from her.

"I like you a lot too Carter." I pucker up my lips wanting her to kiss me but she replies by kissing my neck.

"Oh fuck Maddie, don't, don't do that," I say my arms loosening at the soft feeling. She's not stopping only making it a lot worse for something down there.

"You want me to stop?" Her lips trace down licking in between my collarbones and up, making a circle around my Adam's apple. She sucks on the skin next kissing higher up my chin and then she plops back down on her feet moving away from me.

"I don't," I pause, "why'd you stop?" I whine pulling her back at me as she hits my chest. She playfully laughs looking up at me.

"My feet gave out." She sighs falling and giving her weight to me so I have total control. I carry her bridal style over to the bed.

"I can pick your clothes out?" I offer and she nods. I turn around motioning to the closet door where her Lavender dress is hanging on the outside.

"Make sure you actually bring something out!" Maddie yells and I smile running my fingers through my hair quickly as I flip the switch on so I can see everything.

I soon find three outfits but I don't really know which one she might like.

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