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Maddie's POV

His light snores and deep breathes are the cutest thing in the world. I woke up at seven forty and have been softly running my hands through Daniel's hair for twenty minutes, his eyes are still closed.

I pepper small kisses on his forehead across his hair line, lightly as he begins to shift his body towards me and nudge his face more out towards me as I move my lips down his t zone and peck his nose, threading my hands back throw his hair as his roots quickly start coming in.

I'm still mad at him for everything but I gave him time and now I guess it's my turn for him to let me be till I'm ready.

My head darts to the clock noticing how we slept for a good three hours as I pull my phone off the nightstand looking at the many notifications all over the screen.

Daniel lays straight on top of my legs as I sit up with my legs folded underneath me as I multitask brushing my hands through his dried out greasy hair and scrolling through news on my phone.

Zach: take care of him :)

Christina: text me when u make it back to ur hotel babe

Austin: we still on for tomorrow??

Oh shit I forgot! I have to go out for brunch with Austin since he wants to show me more of New York that most people don't get to see when they are there. He also said he's gonna teach me a few tips for modeling while we go out.

Shit. Fuck. Daniel's here and he's gonna fucking react. Oh my god this can't be happening. I swear to god Daniel's gonna-

"Why'd you stop?" Daniel opens his eyes looking up at me in the dark as I look at him, the only thing lighting up our faces are the city lights.

Daniel tilts my phone down looking at the name on the screen. I can feel my insides flip when he looks back at me, shoving my phone back in my hands as he gets up off the bed and begins to put his shirt and jacket on.

"Daniel, it's not what-

"It's not what it seems like? Trust me, Maddie I've heard that sentence over and over again from previous but now that it's coming from you, I'm not ever going to want you. Not again." He says slipping his shoes on not even bothering to tie the lace as he walks out the door leaving me stunned.

Daniel's lying. He hasn't heard that before. He hasn't dated anyone except me. Unless Zach lied to me. Which I doubt highly because Zach can't ever keep secrets to himself.

It's not what I'm most worried about. I'm more worried about what Daniel's gonna do now, or where he's going. I'm worried that now that I've hurt him he's not going to forget it.

He'll still remember the pain but that pain shouldn't be felt when I have nothing with Austin compared to what I feel with Daniel.

Besides Austin and I are friends. Good friends and I'm sure he doesn't want anything more. I know I don't want anything more with him.

You know what, screw Daniel and his fucked-up mind. I wanna go out tonight. Maybe party and drink up because I'm in the mood to have fun all this depression is too much to cope with.

Fuck it.

Next thing I know I'm calling Austin as I apply some make up and fix my hair, curly it in loose waves as I put on a black tight dress reminding me of the one I wore when I kissed Daniel for the first time. Stupid high school parties. Time to move on.

I add a black thick choker around my neck and pulling the dress as far down as it goes still nervous as hell because I haven't be to a bar or club in so long.

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