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Daniel's POV

"Maddie!" I wrap my arms around her. She looks tired and her eyes look red. I tighten my arms around her grabbing her suitcase in my right and, pulling her closer with my left.

"You okay?" I whisper in her ear and she shakes her head shivering, I back out to look at her.

"No no, keep your arms there," She says grabbing my hands and placing them back around her, "please, it's cold."

I hold her in my arms for about five minutes before she finally let's go and twirls her hand in mine. I lead her to the car letting go of her hand as she heads into the passenger's seat while I put her bag in the back.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask and she nods locking our hands as I start the car and pull out of the parking lot.

"I'm just really tired. I never do crazy stuff like this Daniel...it's all new to me." She says propping herself up on her elbow and bending her head that way she's resting on her hand.

"I love you," I grab our joint hands kissing hers and setting it back down. I'm already dressed for the tv show we are about to do and I'm on my way right now.

"I love you more," she whispers moving and shifting her body weight closer to me and stay as close as possible. She swings her legs over and put them on top of mine so she can lay straight out.

"Impossible," I say and she shakes her head laying on the shoulder of my chair, "we are going straight to the show, it's like twenty minutes away," I tell her and she nods resting her head on my shoulder and I smile.

"You're so cute," I look down at her quickly then back up at the road. She blushes and nuzzles her face back into the crook of my neck.

"You smell good," She whispers her hot breath on my collarbone sending chills through my lower half. Her lips attach to my neck leaving soft pecks and sweet kisses trailing up to my jaw, "really good." She stops putting the side of her face back down and I can hear her begin to lightly breathe.

"Fuck why do you do that, and how?" I break out jolting her saying sorry under my breath but she doesn't hear it.

"Do what?" She asks looking at me her hand tightly wrapped around my arm and I look at her then back at the road.

"How you get me...how you get me in the mood to... to do... stuff...and then you just go back into a regular state of being." I clench the wheel turning off and getting onto the last road before we get to the show.

"What stuff?" Maddie asks biting her lip and holding her finger up against her mouth to stop her from laughing. I look down a chuckle escaping my lips as I look back up at her, then at the road.

"You know," I state through the sincerity of my smile. She just shakes her head playing around with me. You don't play with me when you know what consequences might happen later tonight Maddie.

"No I really don't know Daniel, you should be more specific." She lays back down on my shoulder making me soften.

"Don't play dumb with me Maddie, I know you know what I'm talking about," I say turning and pulling up at the place and parking in the far right corner with this rental car.

"A soft make out session isn't too bad sometimes Dani." She grabs both of my cheeks pulling me at her and kissing me slowly. My hands trace down to her waist then slip down to unbuckle her. My fingertips glide back up and down at her leg so she can sit on top of me and straddle me.

The kiss deepens but is still soft and passionate. It's like she's promising me something. Taking care of me in some way. I feel like I haven't kissed her like this since senior year. It's different though, in a way. I kind of like it...I really like it.

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