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Maddie's POV

He's going really fast. Like really fast with this type of whatever we're doing. Austin's pace with our 'relationship' has gotten really fast. He tried to completely make out with me in the pool and I didn't wanna go fast.

Daniel and I are the only people who go fast and stick with it. I can slow down with Austin...even though I'm used to just completely stopping.

Austin: sorry.

His text is quick to the point. The complete opposite of Daniel's. If I got mad or into the same situation with Daniel he would type out a long paragraph telling me the reason behind why he would do that.

He would probably wouldn't text me but tell me in person, not let me leave. He would end up follow into me and-

Why am I still thinking about him?

We are done with each other...no going back...not again.

"Not again," I swallow and set my phone down on the nightstand turning off the lamp as I shuffle in the bed.

I can't ever stop thinking about Daniel. It's one thing that I hate about not being with him or trying to move on. He's just stuck and embedded in my mind.

I remember locking eyes with him on my way back up the stairs. I wanna go downstairs and hang out in the lobby.

The logies are tomorrow and I have to get ready around twelve to two since it starts at around five? I think I don't really remember what Hunter said. I just know we are getting ready earlier than usual because we have to take pictures.

Lots of pictures.

I grab my phone again and scroll through Twitter and my eye catches his tweet fast.

I still think about you,
Your pretty face,
Tracing my fingers on your skin,
Tryna slow down our pace,
Cause if we go to fast,
You're gonna want space,
And then,
I'll never be the same,
I'll never sleep knowing,
Your scents still on the pillowcase,

I let out a sob almost choking on air afterward when I reply with something adding on to him.

Knowing your gone,
Knocks me out of place,
So I'll leave the door unlocked,
just in case,
Maybe one day,
We can see each other face to face,
You'll look at me while I look at you,
Then I'll steal you in an embrace,
Hope you'll take me back,
Cause you're still my first place...

The tweets earn likes faster than ever and I look at them reading both together.

I still think about you,
Your pretty face,
Tracing my fingers on your skin,
Tryna slow down our pace,
Cause if we go to fast,
You're gonna want space,
And then,
I'll never be the same,
I'll never sleep knowing,
Your scents still on the pillowcase,
Knowing your gone,
Knocks me out of place,
So I'll leave the door unlocked,
just in case,
Maybe one day,
We can see each other face to face,
You'll look at me while I look at you,
Then I'll steal you in an embrace,
Hope you'll take me back,
Cause you're still my first place...

You can love someone and hate them at the same time. I hate that you can do that. Daniel makes me crazy and such a psycho. I love it...but I'm not supposed to feel that flame anymore...it'll only drag me down into a whole fire pit where I'll burn and become nothing but ashes.

I'm in Australia for one thing. One thing only. The logies. There will be no interacting with Daniel or Austin. Just shaking hands, hugs, and quick polite conversation.

Nothing else.

Not a single word about anything other than playing along. I miss home back in LA. I miss laying down on my couch and not getting hate but feeling love. I miss so many things.

Drama's a bitch.

Nobody likes it.

I power off my phone and plug it in the charger beside me as I pull the covers down as I adjust my overheated body laying sideways on the pillow.

Can't talk to Daniel tomorrow.

He's off-limits.

Besides...the more I fall with him...the more drama sets in play.

Daniel's POV

She still loves me...

I knew it...

I miss her.

I've been crying and overthinking all night about her tweet that she sent back to me. I'm still debating on texting her back or going down into her room and sleeping with her because I'm so messed up.

I haven't slept since Japan and have already got the most of the album done for the boys and myself. I really wanna go see her.

I need to text someone about this...

Daniel: Mom, can we talk?

Mom: It's late Daniel, why are you up?

Daniel: I, I messed up mom...

I decide to call her and she picks up the second a ferocious sob leaves my lips. I can't fucking breathe, everything hurts.

I wanna cradle her in my arms or have her hold onto me because I'm weak and can't feel anything. I'm numb without her and the only words repeating in my head are Zach's.

"He doesn't deserve her Daniel, why can't you see that! Why can't you see that she still wants you! Your dumb fucked up banana ass can't see that, you motherfucker, a hole! I'm gonna have to stick sixty fucking nine fucking bananas up that tight fucking ass of yours because she doesn't like him she still fucking loves the shit out of you, you, you, you moron! Fuck you, Seavey, you don't do anything for the people you love. If you don't do anything she's gonna forget you, you're gonna forget her and you can say goodbye to everything, you know, it may look like I don't notice, but what happened to the times where you would call her your world?"

"Mom, I miss my world," I'm still crying and probably sound pathetic as my mom speaks through the phone.

"Daniel didn't she cheat on-

"I did the same exact thing! We weren't even together right then! I love her mom and Zach keeps telling me if I don't do anything about it she's gonna forget me. There's no one else that I want mom. She's it for me."

"Then put a ring on her finger," my mom's words make my eyes widen, isn't it a bit early? "If you want her to stay forever, make it happen, son. Change her mind."

...a ring?


i love you...now say it back!

where are my og readers???

babes??? love y'all!

also i'm really happy and calm it's insane!!

what do we think of this chapter? Yay or Nay?

till the next



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