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Maddie's POV

"I'll see you soon Dani boy." I smile at the nickname I gave him as I squeeze his cheeks on his sad expression of a face. He pouts sticking his bottom lip out that I wish I could kiss but we are in the airport...which means public.

"Call me when you land gorgeous," he sighs pulling me closer at my waist, not caring if people are seeing, "okay?"

"Mhmm," I nod pulling him in an embrace as I try to get out of but he's not letting go.





"Why do we repeat each other's names over and over again?" I shrug back looking at him, arching my back.

"It's naturally pretty," He smiles trying to keep himself composed as I remove his hands from my waist as I move to hug everyone else.

"Bye, little Lav! I will see you as soon as y'all get back." I nod towards Gabbie and Jack as I play with Lavenders little hand, her holding onto my finger.

"Bye guys! Love y'all!" I wave bye as I head into the path to get on my plane. Hawaii was better than I expected but the wedding...I don't know.

Not again...

I didn't want it to happen again...

Falling in love with him...

I didn't want it to happen again...

I imagine the wedding in a natural order...

Like...if Daniel and I never went through Bora Bora or an elevator experience...or the shower at my apartment...or the balcony...or even just going down the slide... it would've been...

"Cheers!" Gabbie and I hit our glasses together and the champagne fills my veins sending electricity all throughout my body. I'm so happy for her and Jack. Beyond happy.

Gabbie parts her way with me, welcoming other guest and greeting them as the sweetest bride. I turn around, my lavender color dress flowing with my body.

I connect eyes with something blue. The only blue in this room. His eyes. Still the same. I breathe and look down at my glass. I can't make the same mistake, not again.

Once I look up, there he is, even closer. "Maddie, do you want to dance?" He places his hand out.

But I'm thinking it might be more like...

"Cheers!" Gabbie and I hit our glasses together and the champagne fills my veins sending electricity all throughout my body. I'm so happy for her and Jack. Beyond happy.

Gabbie parts her way with me, welcoming other guest and greeting them as the sweetest bride. I turn around, my lavender color dress flowing with my body.

I connect eyes with something blue. The only blue in this room. His eyes. Still the same. I breathe and look down at my glass. He's breathtaking. His shirt...the buttons only connect at his low abdomen doing dirty things to me and ruining me from inside out. I look down shyly.

"Maddie, do you want to dance?" He places his hand out to where I can see as he bends down to level up with me and I look up.

I gulp then smile. Then look back down at his shirt. The buttons burning into my soul reminding me of that one time where I was sick during Christmas at my mum's house and he teased me.

"Hey, babe, should I button my shirt higher?" Daniel walks out of the bathroom fiddling with the button on his shirt as I slowly bring my eyes up from my phone.

He's black jeans fit perfectly hugging his legs and my lip rolls in as my eyes connect with his chest. His shirt is three buttons down making me want him so badly but I don't want him to get sick.

"Much higher." I mouth and I watch his own bottom lip curve inward.

"No, I think I might leave it like this." He shuffles his hand through his brown locks.

What a dirty craving hungry bastard he was. I shake my head and look up at him.

"Sure...sure," I bite my lip trying to contain my laughter from the memory.

This line is sooooo long. I complain as I open my phone and a text message appears.

Daniboy: Miss u already (:

I smile at the generous text wanting to run back to him if he's still there so instead I decide to send him a picture of my face.

Sooner or later I get on my flight and I'm seated next to this forty-five-year-old woman who's shaking her head at her husband who's cowardly playing on his phone.

I decide to take a picture of the window as we fly over LA and you can see the whole city.

I send it to Daniel even though I know he's probably about to go on stage and doesn't have his phone anywhere near him

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I send it to Daniel even though I know he's probably about to go on stage and doesn't have his phone anywhere near him.

I get a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: they're talking about you.

Maddie: sorry...who is this?

Unknown: I'm Eben...better known as Uncle E but still. You left right before I arrived LMFAO

Maddie: oh...what do you mean by talking about me...

Eben: *sends video*

Maddie: ohhhhh

Eben: so are y'all like...together?

Maddie: umm, well kinda...it's complicated

Eben: I gotcha, I might be a shitty person in the love industry but I gotcha

Maddie: sooooo how are they doing right now.

Eben: *facetime call*

Oh shit, let me get to the bathroom. I make my way to the bathroom using the space as I pick up the call.

"Say hi Daniel!" Eben voice cheers and I see Daniel putting on a sparkly black jacket with silver and gold studs all over it.

"Heyyyyy!" Daniel exaggerates making a kissy face after, going back out on stage as I hear so many fans screaming, once all the boys are out there.

After chatting a bit more with Eben, the fourth five old woman...I'm pretty sure it's her is pounding on the door making me hang up saying bye as I get out almost getting punched in the face by her.

I sit back down and plug in my headphones.

I put my phone away but it buzzes fast after that. I pull it out of my pocket and see the one name rollover my screen that I never thought would pop up...



and i'm just gonna leave this thurrrr-



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