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i apologize in advance if there are grammar mistakes 🤪🤩 i needed to get a chapter up! also there might be a double update today...depending if i write later...

happy reading!

Maddie's POV

"Awe, look at these two lovely love birds!" Haylee's voice beams waking me up. Wait lovebirds? What?

I open my eyes and notice Daniel laying on my shoulder.

"God, why am I suddenly having déjà vu all of a sudden?" I shake Daniel up telling him that we have made it to Bora Bora.

"Can't we just stay here?" Daniel snuggles his head farther into the crook of my neck and I almost gasp when I feel his skin float over mine.

"...I've been on this plane for too long and I want out," I say getting out of my seat and Daniel grabs my hand twisting me around.

"Wait for me!" He exclaims getting up as well and following me off the plane. I make it to the airport and it's hot. Really hot.

"Am I allowed to take my shirt off?" I ask Haylee and she smiles taking her own off. I watch as Zach's arms wrap around her waist covering her and being protective.

I begin to remove my clothing but a voice stops me.

"Woah what are you doing?" I realize it's Daniel and I remove my hands from the fabric against my skin.

"What I want? Is that a problem?" I stare him down. I wish I could know what he's thinking. I'm hoping he won't get too caught up in this because we are supposed to be "friends".

"There's people around?" He points out and looks at everyone around us. I can tell there are some fans grabbing pictures of this and I grab his hand.

I pull him close so I can whisper in his ear. "There are fans around, is that what you're trying to say? Because I'm not blind Seavey? Is it that you want my attention or you just want a stupid publicity stunt to happen? First, off I don't care what anyone thinks, second I don't care if you're thinking what I'm thinking..third, I'm NOT yours." I snap and let go of him.

"Maddie wait!" He croaks.

"Daniel," I try but it comes out more like a soft whisper, "I'm sorry but it's true-

A hand covering my mouth stops me from talking.

"What were you thinking?" Daniel ask me and I gulp. I don't want to say anything so I brush my hair to the side and run off back inside the airport. Maybe Haylee will let me hide behind her. I don't want anything to do with Daniel.

Not again will I fall for him. Even though that is what I was kind of thinking. I won't have his hands roam over me trying to please me because I won't go near him or speak another word to him.

"What's up Mads?" Haylee ask me as I peek over her shoulder to see Daniel talking to some fans.

"I think this was a bad idea," I say and Haylee turns fully around to face me.

"Why? Is it because of Daniel?" She asks and I nod shaking my head vigorously. I can't let him ruin this for me. This was an invitation and I was invited, I am going to show up and have a good time.

"Never mind," I say and walk away before Haylee has anything else to say to me including shitty advice. I can handle this on my own. By myself. This is me we are talking about.

I remove my shirt and walk over to Tate and Jonah so I can have someone to talk to that I've been hanging out recently with.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Tate says as she is pulled against Jonah's chest. God every boy here is clingy or very protective at least.

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