80. pt 2

701 28 5

Daniel's POV

"Where the fuck is she?" I breathe huffing out the blood dripping from the side of my mouth. I wish I could wipe it but before I can even try to get out of the rope wrapped around my hands another punch collides with my jaw.

"Don't worry buddy she's fine. Breathing cooler than you ever will. Those sexy black undergarments are treating her just fine. The way her hips curve. So fucking hot-

"Shut the fuck up!" I scream, "quit talking like that it's getting you nowhere. Just tell me where she is...

My voice fades out when I see Timothee step through the door and takes a step towards me. He has a knife behind his back in his hands. He's shaking.

"Tim..." I sigh and watch as he takes it out from behind his back and twirls it in his hand the way it dips in between all his fingers. It glides in his hand and he grows closer and pushes it up to my neck. He's squinting his eyes. He's scared.

"Tim," I gulp again, "what are you doing?"

"We're telling secrets here right?" He states and no one answers. The guy who punched me seconds earlier has backed up and is leaning against the wall with his foot up and arms crossed.

"Daniel James Seavey. We were best friends. Best friends. I loved you as a friend so much. You were the first person I told about me being gay and you were okay with it. You were my ride or die...and I wanted you."

"God fuck I wanted you. I wanted you to be mine. I liked you and I had to watch you fall in love with someone else." He deepens the knife into my neck not making it hurt but deep enough that I can feel it.

"I'd get my revenge one day. That's what I told myself, Seavey. That I-

"I know you liked me, Tim. It's obvious, but I like girls and I can't help who I like-

"Did I ask?" He's shaking again, pulling the knife away from my neck.

"Austin is going to fuck your girl. He's going to shred her and every single other is going to. She's gonna get raped while Hunter films it and takes pictures that will be released to the world," He whispers in my ear, "and they're gonna make you post it."

"Think about it, Seavey. Your career...done. Your relationships with everyone...over. Your life...ended." He drops the knife onto the floor stabbing it in the dark wood.

"Oh and...you're gonna watch it happen." Timothee turns back around water falling from his eyes. He's crying.

"Timothee I'm sorry," I say and he turns around.

"Guess I'll never be a good person," He scoffs turning his back towards me as he walks away and the lights dim.

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