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Austin's POV

"I did it," she breathes through the phone and I nod smirking while asking for all the details.

"Mr. Seavey got caught which was planned perfectly well. Timing is perfect when I do it brother, you should work on it sometime." I can tell she's sticking her tongue out and that piercing, fucking metal dot. What a slut, god I love how much she's changed.

"What did you do Addie be more specific," I groan taking a sip from my glass looking over to see the rest of the boys doing the same but crushing the metal cans in their hands.

"Grabbed him, started to you know to get onto him and pretty girl just found out busting his ass. She called me a cunt Austin, that fuckers gonna get it when you and the boys-

"Yeah yeah Kevin is saying the same thing I know, just don't call her that she's not a fucker." I scoff setting my glass down and putting my feet up against the couch.

"Oooo does Austin have the feels because I know if I tell the others they are gonna get mad at the deal you made..." I can see her smile as I think about it. The deal.

The boys and I never got what we wanted. We would fuck the most beautiful girl in school and it just happened to be Maddie two years ago. Never finished it cause of fucking Brady.

What a traitor, when you have a pack you stick to it. Brady is that guy that rapes...and now I'm falling in love with Maddie. I shouldn't the boys would be insanely furious at me. They would kill me and call me a psycho but I'm the one with the plan.

"Austin?" Addie's voice grabs my attention and I reply with a quick 'I'm listening'.

"Look pretty boy's about to walk up so let me do some swaying and we will see how this goes. Peace fucker," she hangs up leaving me nothing to say as I turn my phone face down grabbing my glass and taking another sip.

"Austin, I'm in for some fun today," Ace announces cracking his knuckles as the rest of the guys turn their heads to him.

"What is it that you oblige?" I tilt my head questioning him and waiting for an answer that I like.

Daniel's POV

"Hi," the instant sound of a deep voice gets my eyes to open and blink fast as I notice where I am. The white sheets scare me when I look down, the girl dressed in her undergarments while I have nothing on.

"Oh fuck," I rub my head, "I can't be here," I say grabbing my boxers and pulling them up to my legs along with my jeans and shirt.

I need to leave, I have no idea what happened last night nor do I want to know-

"Don't you wanna know?" She tilts her head making me turn back to her. She plays with her bra strap twisting her fingers between the fabric as my eyes rank her body.

"Lemme take a wild guess," I start, "I messed up by fucking you," I say holding my jacket on my arm and heading toward the door but before I can leave she beats me there.

"We could have some fun together Daniel, a lot like the fun we had last night." She begins to grow puppy eyes but bitch I'm smart enough to know what I want now.

"Could is a suggestion unlike that I know who I can have fun with and that person isn't you. It's-

"Maddison Lilith Carter, 19 years of age, light skin, brown hair, brown eyes, 5'8, and a model. I know her. She called me a cunt last night. Your ex is extremely rude." The girl cocks her head to the side her eyes begging as they look up to me. I watch her hand fiddle with the side of her underwear as I rank my eyes back up.

"She's not my ex, she's my-

"She left Daniel. You don't have a clue baby. It's funny really, that you don't know that she left with one of your best friends," she gets on her tiptoes reaching my ear and turning her voice into a whisper, "I heard they fucked in the car."

My skin boils inside me as she gets back against the door. My head hurts she's making this difficult god I need some Advil.

"Look, girl-

"My name is Addison."

"Look, Addison, I know we had sex last night but you don't really mean anything to me and we are going to forget this and move on alright?" I say grabbing the doorknob and turning it as she presses her back against the door one last time.

"She hates you, you know that? You're a cheater a dirty mouth cheater, do you think she would want to be yours again pretty boy?" Her vigorous blue eyes meeting my own never breaking the stare.

"My mother told me no matter what, you are never to hit a girl so could you please step aside Addison," I say through my clenched teeth and she tilts her head again.

"Hit me, babe,"


"Choke me, daddy,"

"Fuck off," I say opening the door as she haunts forward hitting my chest her fingers automatically reaching the button on my jeans.

"Addison get on the bed," I try to be seductive as she looks up reading it perfectly how I want her to. I learned how to tease from the gods but this trick is from Maddie.

"I said get on the bed," I rasp as she nods.

"Words Addison," I say as she strides her way to the sheets, I turn around.

"Yes daddy," that word used to make my dick ache but I only like it coming from one mouth.

I take my time counting to three than running out of the house and heading to the neighborhood pathway where I walk down and call for an uber.

This was a mistake, god I was so mad at her last night fuck. Lesson learned.

I pull out my phone dialing a number that I haven't really called before but it's on my phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" His voice, stern and steady as I gulp.

"Hi, this is Daniel I'm-

"You're treating Maddie very well I assume?" He asks me and my face heats up.

"Sir I need to talk to you about something." The more I talk with Maddie's dad the more he understands it. I would always think he didn't like me or would block me when I told him what happened last night.

"Yes, Maddie can be a very stubborn girl and comes straight to conclusions. She gets it from me-

"I also want to ask you another question," I interrupt him seeing that my phones about to die.

"Yes?" He questions as I inhale a shaking breath.

"I wanna marry your daughter and I need-

"My blessing huh? I will have to think about it, I'll get back to you about it soon Daniel. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?"

"Umm if Maddie calls you to tell you about me cheating on her don't tell her the truth, I want her to hear it from me." Soon later by the time, my Uber gets here I end the call and the only thoughts in my mind are about her.

Marring Maddie? How am I ever going to get back to that chance again? Maddie has given me so many chances she has probably given up by now, I don't know how her heart can take all this.

I never meant to say anything of what I said last night sometimes she just makes me explode. It's a difficult relationship of breaking up every day or so.

I just hope she'll take me back again.

Will she take me back again?



addie and ace are in australia too now?

ohhhhh goddddd-

later cheeriosssss!



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