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Maddie's POV

I wake up to Daniel on top of me and is slowly tracing circles on the side of my hip along with his skin right against mine.

"Morning," he rasps, the darker and deeper his voice gets the more I can feel my core physically whine. Painful and so impatient, but it is way too early for sex at this hour.

"Mmm, come back to bed," I whine as I feel Daniel's weight shift off of me as he gets up off the bed. I flip myself over on my stomach putting my arm out, only to put it back when I see him opening the curtains. I feel instantly cold the second he leaves but then my core starts to whine again.

My eyes connect to his abs and his arm muscles, along with his back flexing as he twists the curtain strings, pulling each side to the end of the wall.

"Fuck," I moan as Daniel's eyes met when I push my hips down against the bed trying to grind against the mattress but it isn't working.

"Come help me," I exaggerate the word 'me' but Daniel just tilts his head like a confused puppy, trying to tease me as I roll my hips back against the sheets.

"Please," I groan pushing my head back as Daniel shakes his head, pulling the desk chair from behind him and taking a seat across from me on the bed.

"Touch yourself, I wanna watch...see how much you want me." He leans back, slouching in the leather chair as pout, sitting up and fiddling with the drawstrings on my gray cotton shorts.

I move my tense hands up so they rank over my aching body. I slowly palm my chest with my hands cupping my breast through my shirt as my hips continue to roll on the edge of the bed.

I move my hands back down beginning to pull my shorts off, keeping my eyes connected to his as I undo the knot.

"Room service!" a sudden knock on the door stops me as Daniel's eyes look at me then down at his crotch. I bite my lip trying to hide my laughter as he rushes to his bag pulling a shirt on, then sliding me to the end of the bed.

I squeal lightly as he ties my nike airs on my feet and pulls me up to stand.

"Sorry about that," he says to the lady with her cart outside. She just nods, understanding as she works her way into the room as Daniel pulls me down the end of the hall.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he turns around hitting my chest and I laugh as he apologizes softly. He wraps his arms around my waist, gazing into my eyes with his blue ones.

"Mmmm depends, should I eat breakfast now or later?" He says furrowing his eyebrows together than looking down at me, smiling.

"I don't get it," I squint my eyes thinking over what he just said and I finally understand when his hands roam down to my ass squeezing as my mouth forms an 'o'.

"Oh my god stop!" I push at his chest as he puckers his lips fixing his hands back up at my waist.

"Never," he pulls me close again kissing him as I keep my hand on his chest the other one behind his neck. His hands travel back down and I try grabbing them but he moves his lips down to my neck.

"Mmm, stop it!" I exaggerate pushing him away but still holding each of his hands as he whines pulling me into a hug as I laugh at how close he's being today.

"Let's meet up with the rest of the boys and go out for breakfast," I try and argue with the urge to laugh which I lose when Daniel smirks at me.

"You wanna have breakfast with all of them too? That's not happening. You are mine." He says holding me closer and tighter wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Here," he says handing me my phone and I nod as we intertwine hands walking down the hallway and to the elevator.

Daniel tells me that he has texted the rest of the boys to meet us in the lobby while I look at the notifications on my phone.

noodle boy: hey just checking in, everything good?
dad: love you goodnight! ❤️
Josephine: are we still on 4 2night? 🍻
@seaveydaniel tagged you in a post

I check through them replying to everyone and by the time I'm done every boy has made it down in the lobby.

I hug Jack, telling him I'm fine and heading over to Corbyn and Jonah as I talk to them once we sit together in the car.

Daniel's POV

"So...how was the last few nights?" Zach purposefully asks me as I park the car.

"Must have been bananas since that post was-

"Shut up, they were fine," I groan and Zach laughs pointing a finger at me telling me he's right which I agree with but highly act as I disagree.

We make our way to the restaurant and get in a booth where I take the seat in the far corner as Maddie slides in next to me along with Corbyn. Jack, Jonah, and Zach sit across from us.

"Not exactly the breakfast I wanted but I'm sure I can save it for dinner," I whisper to Maddie and she turns to me putting her hand on my thigh.

"Seavey's got it bad," she whispers moving her hand up higher and I can feel my dick throb in my pants.

"Make it lunch," I whisper it coming out as a groan when she actually places her hand on my crotch palming it.

"Stop it," I whine as she continues her act looking up at me.

"Never," she mimics sticking her tongue out.


cute superrrrr short filler chapter!

also hit 15k on not again yesterday! wanted to say thank you guyssss y'all are the best like actually love uuuuu!!

is it sad to say that not again will soon be coming to an end? we are about three fourths done and omgggggg ugggg soooo cuteeee!

also if you haven't yet...check out the new book coming out once this ends! any corbyn girls will definitely love it!

sparklers |[c.b]|

i'm so excited!!!!

and more big things to come for not again and the whole story in general, you might wanna go look for clues in tbl and in the early chapters of not again!

let's gettttt ittttt...also daniel u still need to follow me on twitter-

till the next



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