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*this chapter has not been read over so sorry for mistakes*

Daniel's POV

I never agreed to do this.

A double date never crossed my mind until Zach brought up the idea at dinner. Surprisingly two days from now we leave for New York which is when Maddie is leaving and I'm surprised she agreed with Zach about going out to eat dinner at a steakhouse place that reminds me of Chile's.

Remind me what show are we at now?

Zach got really happy yesterday when he came up with the idea. Apparently Haylee is flying back early and her flight lands at the time we are supposed to get there. Zach is on his way to go get her at the airport while Maddie and I are on our way to dinner.

"I wish we were back at the hotel right now," I whine not even caring when she shakes her head telling me this will be fun and I'm gonna enjoy it.

I enjoy watching my dick go in and out of you even more woman.

I lay my hand across the space between the passengers seat and the drivers seat and rest it on her thigh. She already looks so fucking hot in this cheetah print over her black turtle neck. This dress is way too damn short on her but it gives me an easy advantage. I move my hand higher on her leg as she pretends not to notice but I do.

You like them goosebumps don't you baby?

I start to play with the bottom hem of her dress and I notice one of the straps falls down off of her covered shoulder. She moves her hand to trace it back up and keep it there as she rests her hand on top of mine, preventing it from moving.

She thinks this is fun?

Oh I'll show you fun.

I keep my eyes on the road but when we hit a red light I squeeze her thigh shifting it higher and under her dress. I can hear her take in a deep inhale. She does stuff to me. Makes me wanna be a bad boy.

So naughty.

I pull her dress up by her hip pulling the strand of her black underwear down. She lets out a moan, but covers her mouth quickly. I smirk, fidgeting my hand down pulling the fabric with it.

I lock my eyes back onto the road driving further until we reach a parking lot by the side of the road where I pull over. It's empty. If only it were full, shed probably love all the attention as I'd fuck her sideways by the tinted windows.

"Daniel, we need to get to dinner-

"Relax pretty girl," I say sliding my phone into my pocket, "Zach is still at the airport." I unbuckle my seat and hers as I pull her into the back seat with me.


I cup her jaw pulling her onto me and now I can only hear the sounds of her soft moans through all the wet lips and tongue clashing. I move one of my hands down to her ass and grip onto it slapping it and rubbing back down onto the flesh.

I lift her dress up off of her, along with her shirt in one swift motion I'm pushing my lips back onto hers. Never breaking off our connection unless I'm trying to take it a step further.

The black bra is paining me as I let out a hoarse moan as I fall down on top of her and plant kisses trailing them down on her neck. I suck on her sweet spot as she rips my shirt off of me and I move down to where her heat is.

The wetness is pooling through the fabric as I push her legs up as I lick my tongue against the black cotton. I push my tongue up and she lets out a moan as she digs her nails into the car seat beneath her.

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