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Maddie's POV

"Wait, so you two are like...fucking but not together?" Harley asks making me spit my coffee on the sidewalk.

"No, no not like that," I say as he laughs looking at the coffee on the sidewalk. "We just made out," I say complete confident because well that's what we did...okay a little lie is fine.

"Mhmm," Harley sasses and I nod trying not to smile and act serious.

"It was a dirty make out session that was it! I swear." I smile to myself taking another sip of my coffee before I throw it into the nearest trash can.

"Yeah, sure." Harley chuckles holding the door open for me as we walk in and the first thing I see are maniacs covered in sparkly dresses.

"Oh, goodness this is going to be scary." I look around walking down a hallway of dresses and then Harley grabs my shoulder.

"Maddie look!" He points to a dress all alone by itself sitting there with the perfect color and perfect style.

it's just a little overdone for a bridesmaid dress

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...it's just a little overdone for a bridesmaid dress.

"Don't you think it's a little too much?" I tilt my head to the side as I walk closer to get a better look at the dress that has caught my eye.

"Not at all. I mean Jack did say satin and long...and lavender?" Harley shimmies his shoulders touching the fabric and playing with it in between his hands.

"I know but it's just...so much and this is Gabbie's wedding, not mine." I shake my head putting my hands up and stumbling back into a worker.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-

"You're fine!" The girl puts her hand out at me making a concerned face, "Do I know you?"

"I'm Maddie, Maddie Carter?" I shake her hand and she nods.

"I knew I recognized you! It's Aspen, from like what was that two years ago?" She places her hand on her hip.

"Oh my gosh, I remember you! It's so nice to see you. About two years yeah, also do you think you could help me pick out a dress-

"The lavender one has piqued your interest I see. It's great for many things actually. Very stunning and dazzlingly. Captivating very." She sets down a box and asks for my size as Harley basically shouts it out looking in between Aspen and me.

I watch her leave to go back and into a staff room while I turn over to Harley.

"What was that!"

"I don't know, it's just we need a dress and then you have to pack for Hawaii. Also, you two know each other?"

I begin to tell him parts of Mine and Daniel's story that I left out the first time.

"...Also, you didn't really mention that much that happened last night...mind giving me a recap?"

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