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Maddie's POV

I don't say anything but walk past all the rows of bunks even though we've just gotten to the hotel. I wonder why they don't use the tour bus beds.

"Haylee, do you think we could get a room?" I ask pleading her with my concerning eyes of whatever feeling I have towards Daniel.

"Sure," She says as we walk upstairs to the rooms and before I can get to Haylee who is already unlocking the door Daniel grabs my hand.

"I thought we were gonna share a room." He says blankly and my face scrunches with anger. I grab onto his hand harshly pulling him with me to the closest door I can find which just happens to be the elevator.

"How, how can you be so...blank."

Daniel's face comforts as he begins to speak but I'm quick to cut him off.

"No, you don't get a say cause I'm so put up with your bullshit. I'm not your little play toy, that comes only once a year. Trust me incidents like this don't happen. It's like the moment I'm trying to recover from what you've done, you push me further," I pause, "you are the only person who knows how to push my buttons, Daniel."

Daniel has no expression on his face as I press the highest button on the elevator then every other floor.

"What are you doing Maddie!" Daniel looks over at the buttons and the ones that glow.

"I'm not exactly done speaking with you so we need more time." I sigh and begin to start again.

"You push my buttons because you know everything you do to me has an effect. It captures me and encloses me..." I try to think of an example and it hits me now, "like you and me in this elevator. It's like we are trapped in a world down here where it's just us and we can't do anything cause when you put us together guess what happens!" I scream backing against the wall.

"You get on my nerves," I mumble and Daniel speaks up.

"So I cross your mind?" He asks, and I look up at him.

"No, you don't, because you're just stuck there. You are just my main focus and I want to look away, don't get me wrong, it's just I can't. Our past was shitty, tell me something I don't know."

"I wanna fuck you in this elevator right now because you can't shut up about how much you pay attention to me and how much you love me, Maddie."

I feel like my face has turned bright red but I need to swallow and fight back because I just did not confess my love for him.

"I don't love you!" My voice cracks in the middle of my sentence and Daniel tilts his head to the side examining me as he backs into the wall across from me in the corner.

"Oh really..?" He says fidgeting with his hands looking down at his feet.

"Positive," I state trying to act confident and he finally looks up.

"So you wouldn't mind if I just," He moved his hand to the button and zipper of his jeans and my eyes widen as I move across to stop him.

I reach my hand out to cover his hand from moving the zipper down.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Mads." His eyes flick up to mine at the same time I push my lips to his.

His tongue asks for entrance as I suck and bite down on his bottom lip and he slips through tasting my mouth and playing together. Making out with me as my hands fiddle with the bottom hem of his shirt, and I hear him groan in pleasure as my hand slips down in between his jeans and boxers briefs so I'm not actually touching him.

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