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Maddie's POV


"What time is it?" I frog blinking my eyes deciding to keep them closed as I head to the door. I tread slowly thinking on whether or not to keep the covers and pull them with me but I decided against it.


At the smash of our lips my eyes widen as he welcomes himself in pushing me against the door closing it with my back as he doesn't waste a second attacking me and throwing his bag down on the floor.

He pushes his leg in between mine connecting with a spot that lost its ache earlier but is gaining it back much quicker than expected. He pulls out bitting on my lip roughly making the pink cracking skin wet and glossy.

"Shower, please, please right now." He hungrily attack's my neck biting down as I moan hitting my knee in his crotch.

"Shit, Maddie don't do that." He stops as he tugs at my hand while my cheeks become a brighter shade of red.

Once we get in the bathroom Daniel doesn't stop. He tackles me with his lips ripping my shirt off and throwing it to the side along with his, trying to lose the least amount of connection possible.

While I fumble with the button on his jeans he bites my neck sucking on my collar bone while I pull his zipper down.

"I know it's late but I really want you," He says through leaving love bites across my skin. I reply with a nod my heavy breathing to loud to make out any words.

After both of us are fully stripped Daniel pushes me in the shower turning the knob on the cold water hitting my sleepy body waking me up even more.

"Mmm," he licks the water droplets on my neck, making my core tremble when his tongue flicks over my golden necklaces.

"Fuck, lower go, lower please," I almost moan, bitting my lip at the end of my sentence. Daniel does what I say taking his hand and play around my entrance. His fingers roaming up my thighs as his other hand holding on to the left side of my waist.

He begins to slowly rub over my heat as he kisses me moving his hand from my waist to my neck. My arm slides around his shoulder so I don't risk falling in the shower.

The more he rubs the more I get to reach my high from just grinding against his hand and coming all over his fingers.

"I love you Maddie," he assured me looking deep into my eyes, push his forehead against mine.

"I love you." I kiss him softly compared to what we had in the shower as he savors the kiss turning it into a calm soft session. His pink lemonade lips roam over mine, his hands trying to find a place to stay on my body when they are going all over.

He turns the shower sprayer this way, splashing into the kiss as I laugh messing it up and he smiles pulling out and moving the sprayer back.

"Let's get outta here," he pecks my lips turning the shower off as he grabs the nearest towel wrapping it around my body while I squeeze as much water out of my hair as I can.

He wraps a towel around his waist, shaking his dirty blonde, almost sliver hair. I waddle my way over to him, my towel tied tight at the top of my chest.

"Mmm tired," I stay resting my head on his shoulder and he smiles looking down at me.

"You're very cute, when you're tired baby," he kisses my forehead lightly pressing his lips against it. I close my eyes as he kisses over them as well.

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