80. pt 4

887 31 14

Zach's POV

"Babeeeeeeee!" I rasp into the phone and I can hear Haylee's sweet laugh. She's been gone for so long. Doing medical school while her dad is a cop and they're both paying for the house they're staying in.

I know I could help her but she insists that she can do it on her own and I believe it. She's the sweetest and hard working girl I know and I'm proud to call her mine.

I can't believe she's gonna stay in New York full time know with her dad. Maybe I should move here too? I don't know moving too fast is scary I mean Daniel and Maddie moving fast...now that...that becomes hell.

"I'll be there soon Zach! I promise," I can practically see the beaming smile on her face. God, that flawless face. I can imagine it in so many places.

Unlike Daniel I don't think of her face in between my legs...okay maybe sometimes but definitely not as much.

"Ugh can't fucking wait to see-

"Aye Zach," Corbyn walks in, "have you seen Daniel? It's almost showtime and if he's not here we can't perform?"

"Umm, he went out with Maddie for dinner? I can check his location and go get him?" I say and Corbyn nods telling me to hurry up.

"Hey Haylee change of plans," I speak through the phone as I mark Daniel's location, "I'm gonna need you to meet me at the warehouse underneath the small bakery by Christina's apartment complex. I'll send you the address."

After hanging up with Haylee I rush to get an Uber. Why are Daniel and Maddie at a warehouse? What did they plan on having for dinner? Some old rotten baked thrown out goods?

Something about this whole thing sounds off too. Daniel being late doesn't really happen that often. Especially for shows?!

I call his phone twice and I get no answer. I try and do the same with Maddie and I get no reply. I'm genuinely scared but I can do it.

There ain't now hi-bitch-i stopping me from doing anything.

Haylee's POV

A warehouse? That's Daniel and Maddie's location? What the heck are they thinking? That stuff is a horror to the max. I really don't want Zach going there either I've called Maddie almost five times now and Daniel three times.

No answer strikes but it could just be the lacking WiFi in this plane I'm in. I know Maddie has gone through some horrible moments the past few months and being with Daniel has probably helped.

She has no one except for him. I mean that is unless she wants to get back in touch with her mom. I feel awful for her. But at the same time, she seems quite happy. Around social media, it looks as if she's having a great time on tour. And she's a model! So much has changed.

This is amazing.

Everything in my life is amazing.

I'm with someone who loves me and he is friends with the sweetest people.

I would hate to see it change and something terrible to happen to anyone.


alright... two am chapters are horrible but eeeeee we got some new news about what's gonna go down in this warehouse! and it's getting close to the New York show so they might run out of time....

excited as crapppppp!

zach and haylee are how involved hehehehe sooooooo sketchy! next chapters going to be back in maddie's pov and daniel's let's get it!

till the next



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