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Maddie's POV

We've been on the plane for at least 10 hours and sitting next to Daniel is weird. Every now and then I felt Daniel's head rest on my shoulder until he'd jolt up again. He'd repeat it and as much as I would tell him to stop I don't really think he has gotten any sleep.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

"No, it's, you're fine. You can just sleep." I gulp and sigh. Turning over and laying on the window. After five minutes of staring at the clouds, I turn around to see Daniel still sitting upright.

Well fine if you don't want to sleep....then don't sleep on my space. I rearrange myself in my seat laying comfortable and warm. Leaning almost over Daniel's chair.

Never would I ever thought that I would be sitting let alone seeing this man again. I can't even believe that I'm talking to him. I mean only a few words can't hurt. Oh for fuck's sake I can't even say the dude's name.

Daniel. Fucking Daniel.

"I..." I try to speak and watch Daniel open his eyes connecting his blue with me. The ones I got lost in...and couldn't swim out. Well, he pushed me out. I remember our break up very clearly.



Boy has a dream to play and sing in front of people.

Girl is happy for him.

Boy's dreams come true.

Girl is happy for him.

Boy loses contact and tries to make up.

Girl is depressed.

Boy thinks she deserves a 24/7 person.

Girl wants him.

Boy breaks up with her.

The fucking end.

Gosh, our stories are terrible. Holy. Now that I think about it, it's pretty stupid.

"What?" Daniel says and I feel like I just woke up from a nightmare.

"I don't know...no lo sé," I reply and Daniel's eyes widen. I almost laugh. Maybe a little chuckle.

"God, you still know how to speak Spanish?" He pushes his hands down on the sides of his chair, slouching downward.

"I mean, those are just iconic words but yeah I can still speak a little bit." Wow, I'm talking a lot. Ugh, I honestly don't wanna talk at all even though I began to say something.

There are some questions that I wish I could ask him, but they sound personal and this trip isn't about Daniel and me.

I feel like this is too early. Early like our first love story. That was such a wreck. I remember Harley asking about it. He fell in love with the story behind Daniel and me.

It's so...fast. Way to fast. This trip is slow but us connecting is way to fast. It's always fast. Mine and Daniel's pace is fast.

We had sex the first or second week into our relationship. We're like the...touchy type.

I stare at his hands. He begins to flip his phone and I have déjà vu. From the train and the first time we kissed- fuck why do I remember all of this?

Daniel's POV

Stupid feelings. I brush a wavy hand through my hair. Maddie watches me as I flip my phone from being bored. We have at least five more hours and I'm not excited. Well it will be nice to go in the ocean again but to be honest I like sitting next to Maddie.

She's biting her lip which is turning me on some but I can't touch her. In that way or just naturally. I wish I could grab her hand and pull her into the bathroom. Once we would get in there I'd pin her against the wall and make out with her.

"Hey can you stop?" Maddie blushes. I smile and continue. Maybe if I bust my lip again she'll kiss me.

Doubt it.

Just earlier I almost fell asleep on her. Wow, I sound so desperate. I mean I find myself always as a clingy person but when I'm with her that clinginess has to be close, really close, I can deal with not shoving my dick up her but then again that sounds nice.

She's not talking very much to me and we have only made small conversations since I arrived to get her and since we made it on the plane.

The conversation I remember the most is when she spoke our inside Spanish joke. I almost died when the words fell from her lips. She's so hot and I wish I could tell her. I mean I can but it would ruin everything. I mean we could try being friends? That's not a bad idea?

"Hey so I was thinking-

"You thinking doesn't tell me anything good." She cuts me off and with a whole mood swing.

"Look, we both know how this trip is for Jack and Gabbie, I think the only way for this not to be awkward is to just be friends or a least try to be." I put my hand out hoping she'll take it.

"Sure, but I don't do hands very well." She puts her hand in mine and I feel an electric shock through my body. I watch as she intertwines her fingers with mine and something in me is craving for me to touch her more.

Can't be sexually though.

"Is it okay if I go to sleep now?" I ask and she nods.

"I need to sleep too." She responds and lays the opposite way as I do. I plug in my airpods hoping this time I don't loose them since these are my eighth pair.

"You want to listen to music?" I offer her the right airpod.

She nods again putting it in her ear. "What song is this?"

"Three Nights."

Well you lucky bastard you don't have three nights you have three weeks.

The song fills my ears relaxing me as I lean back. I almost squeeze Maddie's hand but realize it's higher up now, resting on my forearm.

My breathing ascends as I feel her skin rub back down and into my hand. She doesn't interlock her fingers but she just rest her arm there. I don't want to move mine. Damn I sound like my high school self about being super clingy.

I open my eyes peeking at her. Her shoulder sticking out of her shirt and I can see some of her bra. Normally I would pull it up since we're on a plane and people are around us but then again I don't ever get to see her like this.

It's been to long. Ugg something's aching in me to just touch her shoulder. I could fake it by acting like I'm actually asleep and my heads just resting on her shoulder?

I move my head down lightly on her exposed skin and I feel another shock thriving through my body, craving for more. Her breathing escalates as she feels me laying down on her.

She's probably looking at me right now like I'm crazy...I mean I'm crazy about her. My heart thumps faster as I realize I can take in her scent. It's much different this time. Along with her actual hair color. It looks a bit lighter but I guess I couldn't see it earlier since it was fucking five in the morning.

I miss her even though she's right next to me. I do miss her, but she wants nothing to do with me. I feel her head move on top of mine instead of staying in its place. Something in my heart is beating and I have a feeling it's the part that she took when she left.

She took my heart.

I'm so close to getting it back...but I don't just want my heart. I want hers too.


ooooo dani has feelings again!!!


also three nights is such a good song! 8d version thooo ok ok I see youuuu!


till the next chapter lovelies!

xx hannah

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