79. pt 1

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Daniel's POV

Less than twenty-four hours...

Ugh. This is so difficult. Maddie left to go get me soup while she insisted on how I have to stay on the couch and shouldn't move since I have a fever. It's not like it's contagious or anything...

Okay well according to google they are but hey we only have one life.

We are already in New York, we landed an hour ago and I had the boys text me, even though Jonah and Corbyn left to go pick up Tate and Christina from the airport and Christina's apartment. Haylee is supposed to be coming down since she had a late flight last time.

Zach and Jack are watching movies in the main room, the first part of the bus you enter on. I'm pretty sure Zach is sleeping because I can hear someone snoring.

I'm excited to see Mia our little doggo. We have three hours till five o'clock and Maddie has informed me that he's dating a girl and he wants to go on a double date with Maddie and me. It shocks me to know that Austin...

The fucking boat fucking tour fucking guide from fucking bora bora

wants to go on a double date with Maddie and I. Not to mention the article...

He fucking kissed my fucking girl

As much as we were on a break...

You had to fucking kiss her and then have fucking sex I mean like come the fuck-

"I told Austin we'll meet him at five-thirty," Maddie's voice cuts my thoughts off. We're going to dinner with a prick. An actual prick are you shitting me?

"Maddie I don't think that's a good-

"Last day," she says, "and besides we can make it back in time before the show!" She leans down placing her arms around my shoulders from behind.

"Things will be fine," she says as she sucks onto my neck caressing my stressed body as I can't help the groan escaping my mouth

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"Things will be fine," she says as she sucks onto my neck caressing my stressed body as I can't help the groan escaping my mouth. I know exactly what she's trying to do to me. I know as much as she wants Austin and me to remeet since Bora Bora didn't go that well...I just don't see this one working any better. She's trying to seduce me into it. Sometimes I hate that it works.

Maddie's POV


We've made it to the restaurant and I somehow was able to drag Daniel out here with me. We're waiting at the front for Austin and his girlfriend. I take a seat next to Daniel who then gets up and paces the entrance room. Going back and forth.

"Baby come sit down?" I ask and Daniel looks at me. His clothes are turning me on. Some nice black ripped jeans, Chelsea boots, and a floral button-up t-shirt...not to mention it's top three buttons are undone. My dress is a royal blue one that matches the flower design on Daniel's shirt. Everything else I'm wearing is silver including my wallet that Daniel insisted I won't need.

Daniel hasn't stopped pacing making me get up and wrap my arms around his neck, resting my forearms on his shoulders. I put my hands against his cheeks, trapping him to only look and focus on me. His hands swing around my waist holding them there at the dip in my back.

"Baby relax," I soothe him, rubbing his back when I place my arms below the shoulders, hugging him closer. Daniel plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Sorry Mads, I just really don't wanna be here. I wanna spend time with you and I really really really need to ask you something in private," Daniel says and it's obvious that he's stressing. He needs to relax and calm down. My poor baby...maybe we should've stayed on the bus, on the couch, toppled over one another and breathing each other's breath. Feeling consumed in one another.

"It's okay, I kind of forced you here to dinner anyway. We can go back to the bus it's alright. I can just tell Austin I didn't feel well and besides, you have a show to do right after." I offer and Daniel's eyes widen. He really wants to go back. He's nodding so fast and I feel my feet lift up off the floor as he spins me in his arms.

"Yes please let's go!" He shouts as he places me back down on the ground and I laugh at him.

"Someone's in a rush...I wonder why?" I smirk and Daniel smiles grabbing my hand and joining ours but once Daniel turns around he almost bumps chest with a platinum blonde girl.

"Daniel?" Her voice is raspy and deep but at the same time so lovely and light. Her dress is silky and a coral orange and pink color. It's so short and tiny. The girl's small as well. Skinny as fuck and her dress showing and revealing her cleavage that honestly...has nothing there.

I mean not to be rude but at least I have boobs. They may not be big but at least their existent.

"A-Alissa? What are you doing here?" Daniel stutters and I'm beginning to wonder why. Is he like scared of her or something? Am I missing something? The second when she's about to speak again Austin enters the door, this small entrance room only holding the four of us.

Austin is wearing a suit with no undershirt. The black suit pants and black suit jacket buttoned just like Daniel's but the back of it is the same coral color as this Alissa girl's jacket.

"Austin hey!" I say letting go of Daniel to exchange a hug with him.

"Where's your date?" I ask and instantly regret it when I see Austin wrap his arms around Alyssa's body. Oh... they're together?

Daniel gives me an awkward look right after he shakes hands with Austin. Why is he acting so weird?

Daniel's POV

Alissa is Austin's date? This is gonna be so fucking weird. My friend with benefits, my hairdresser, is dating my girlfriend's friend with benefits.

Holy shit this is awful and Maddie doesn't even know who Alissa is. This is horrible. I grab Maddie's hand quickly, pulling her closer to me.

Ughhhhh, fuck we were getting g so close to leaving. I would've taken Maddie somewhere so I could fucking purpose. I decided not to bring the box so all I have with me is the ring.

"Well, are we ready to go?" Austin says and I wanna punch him so badly. I nod at him and give Maddie a sweet smile as we walk through the doors heading into the restaurant.

This'll be fun.

My sarcasm is at its highest right now I swear.



so if you haven't heard i have a new book out and it is called apathetic (you should go read it (always plug)). anyways it is so addicting to write and i'm obsessed with it at the moment! i needed to come back to not again since i haven't published a chapter since last year and i am so incredibly sorry for that! these last chapters are so hard to write and this one is short because i split it in two. so the next chapter will be the next part of the dinner.

let's hope all goes well for maddie and daniel!

not to mention i really picture alissa to look like alyssa violet don't ask me why hahha!

hope you enjoyed this chapter haha even though it is extremely short i still hope you liked it at least!

till the next


hannah (:

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