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Maddie's POV

My eyes are wide. I can't sleep, I guess that's why Daniel decided we'd go late-night driving and seeing. He starts to drive down a forbidden road and my hearts thumping so fast.

He's scaring me.

Daniel's scaring me out of all people.

A person who's seen me at my worst and best.

A person that I will always trust.

A person that knows me very well.

A person that loves me.

A person that I love is, scaring me.

I take in a deep breath as he parks off to the side and turns the car off. He turns to me giving me a smile making me almost laugh as I get out of the car with him.

Daniel interlocks our hands as we begin to walk up a dirt path that only is going up. It's straight, up and only forward. Why does this seem like something out of a horror movie? My hearts beating and escalating but as soon as he talks it begins to soften.

"Sorry for being quiet in the car, it's just I really need to talk to you and look at you at the same time. I also wanted to show you something, just a bit further," Daniel's voice is so distinct making my eyes close as I hum in agreement as he swings our hands back and forth.

"We're here," Daniel says after a minute and I open my eyes to a beautiful view of Tokyo. I'm not as wowed as I should be. I'm more terrified. Daniel's making my heart beat super intense and unnatural. I'm wondering why he took me here? He said he wanted to spend time with me alone?

"Can we talk now?" I peep my voice cracking as I sit on the ledge where my feet dangle off of the small rock.

"Sure," Daniel says taking a seat next to me and staring out at the distance where the sun is fading out into the stripy clouds and sky.

"I wanted to talk about us, and how I feel about it."


He doesn't like me anymore does he?

"What do you mean?" I say my voice breaking through the words and he hears it as he looks over at me smiling.

"Relax babe nothing bad, there are just a few things that need to be done-

"Listen Seavey you're scaring the shit out of me so could you please tell me now before I end up choking or not breathing because I tend to hold my breath when I'm scared." I interrupt meaning every single word I said. I can't help it he's making me nervous.

He wants to talk about us? What is there to talk about? Cause I think we are fucking fine... that's another thing that tends to happen when I'm anxious. I'll start saying a bunch of weird cuss words and some shit that you've probably never heard before.

"Sorry," He touches my hand between our bodies as the space grows closer together as he kisses my cheek quickly then begins to speak.

"You know that thing I told you right after the wedding? How I wanted to go slow?"

"I want to go slow Maddie," he pauses looking down then back up, "every time we always go fast and things don't work out. I don't wanna mess up this time." His blue eyes are enough for me to push my lips onto his passionately taking him back as I stand up, hopping off the granite counter, backing him up against the sink of the kitchen.

The memory still fond in my mind and he snaps me out when he says my name and I reply with an apologetic sorry and tell him to continue.

"I don't wanna mess up and I feel like we're taking this a bit too fast," Daniel sighs and looks down quickly then back up at me. His eyes piercing into mine and roaming over my body then landing at our hands.

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