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I blurt as I back up against the wall at how close he got to me. His face inches away as his eyes become lustful. Staring at mine. They look hungry, starving like they are...missing something.

He gently moves his forehead and touches mine with it and a shock of waves hit my body again trickling down within me.

His nose nuzzles with mine as he slowly pushes it side to side. From left to right, making his lips brush on top of mine. Never touching but fading slowly and leading there. His eyes look down at my lips making my stomach churn.

My eyes meet up back to his and I look down at his lips as he does the same. I can feel his hot breath against my face.

This isn't supposed to happen...

I begin to shake my head becoming more violent with it backing out and ducking below him, moving to the side and rushing into the nearest room that just so happens to be the women's bathroom...to my luck and advantage...

I find the forth stall next to the biggest one as I sit down on the top seat of the toilet, not even caring if my dress gets dirty...or if my face gets messy because I've already started to cry.

"Maddie?" Daniel's voice echoes as I sob leading him directly to the stall I'm in.

Please don't come in here...please...please...please...

I repeat please over and over again as I can hear his footsteps range, getting louder as he gets closer to me, making my heart pound.

"Maddie please open the door," Daniel has found me hearing my cries and sniffs from inside the small wall that's blocking him from reaching me.

"No," I say straightly grabbing toilet paper and dabbing my eyes with it. He bangs on the door slightly making me jump as he turns it to a slow knock.

"Please Maddie, just open the door for me," he pleads his voice breaking while he's saying it and my heart hurts. I can't open the door.

"Just go away Seavey," I call out but he's not done yet. I can hear him take in a huge breathe and sigh very annoyed. Through the light break of space between the door and the wall, I can see him ruffle his hands through his silver hair.

Next thing you know I see that same silver hair popping out through the bottom of the stall door as he holds his sparkle jacket in his arms, he slides under the stall door, sitting upright and looking at me.

His jacket rests in his lap while his white tank top shows off his muscles and I can see them contract every now and then. My eyes travel up as I notice his eyes are looking at mine. I force myself to look down and it's gross. He's sitting on a dirty bathroom floor...eww.

"That's disgusting," I say my eyes glowing back up to his as he looks down at where he's sitting on the bathroom floor.

"You're disgusting," he plays, leaning his shoulders back against the bottom of the stall as I scoot back on the toilet seat giving him more room on the floor since my dress is huge.

"Maddie," he pauses and waits for my eyes to glue onto his, "I'm gonna try this again. I need to talk to you and I don't even care if you don't reply I'm just gonna give it my all."

He nods slowly assuring me as I just stare at him on the floor. His blue eyes glowing and his silver hair waved to one side. He has his chain necklace on and looks so tired.

Under all the concealer I can see they put on his eye bags I can see he didn't get very much sleep. His eyes are puffy and a bit red looking like the color of my dress.

My eyes lead their way back down again to his eyes and mouth. I watch him take in a deep breath as he begins to speak.

"I made a promise to you," he looks up and my eyes widen telling him to continue, "I broke it. I always break it but that's not the point. I never wanted to leave you Mads. You're the most important person in my life. It's so hard to stay away from you and do regular things when you're right in front of me and we aren't together." He pauses to think of what he's gonna say next as the water rises in my eyes. It's shallow water. Salt water.

"Like in New York, I wanted to kiss you and it happened but then I became a jealous jerk. Right now you're wearing red and you don't know how hard it is not to pin my hands at your waist from behind and unzip you. It's so difficult because I don't wanna lose what we have because I don't love anyone like the way I love you." His eyes drift down to the floor as his hands begin to fiddle with the gems and studs on his jacket.

"I told you I wasn't ever gonna leave you from the beginning and I don't plan on doing it right now. I need you with me. I want you to want me like I'm wanting you. You're my everything pretty girl. You're my world...and, and Zach's been giving me a hard time for not talking to you and not getting sleep because I haven't slept since New York," my eyes widen. Daniel hasn't slept since New York when we fell asleep together.

"Zach's been pushing over the top of me because he tells me that you're my endgame and how he notices that I'm so happy every time you're around. Maddison," he looks up quickly to see my eyes watering and tears falling slowly, "I only wanted to slow down because I thought going too fast would ruin our relationship like it did last time. I wanted the best thing I could ever have with you...and I'm staying. I'm not leaving and I never plan to. I want to do so many things with you Maddie it's insane. I'll come back to you within a heartbeat because you're it for me. I don't want anyone else, I don't want you dating anyone else. I want you to love me, Carter," his eyes flick off from the floor and his jacket to see me covering my face and mouth so I can hide how messed up my makeup is and the cries coming out of me.

"Oh Maddie there's no need to cry, please come here," He reaches out to me as he stands up grabbing my hand rising me as he wraps his arms around me and I can close my eyes. He's too much for me and I can't control my love for him...I never will control my love for him. I move my head off from Daniel's shoulder looking straight at him and he smiles.

"Surprised you can look at me right now pretty girl," he whispers as I look down at our shoes and to the stall door climbing my way back up to his eyes.

"I am too Seavey," I let go of him and push him against the wall, his back hitting the bathroom door as I push my lips on top of his, feeling the same overpowering taste that I've ached for and needed.

Daniel seems shocked for the few forty seconds I just kissed him for. I drag out slowly and look up at him.

"I'm not leaving...Not Again."


tehehehehehehehehehehe 14 chapters of my babes not gettin together...sheesh

anyways it kinda looks like this story should be coming to the end and with drama but let me tell you...we gotta a long way to go with this book

also heads up to all my dirty smutty people...enjoy the next chapter-

till the next



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