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I motion my hand up, gently waving my fingers into a fist as the branch lowers to me. I grab some of the berries and fruit off of the tree, placing them into a basket I have woven from vines. I take my time, placing them neatly and orderly on one side of the basket. Once I'm done, I wave my fingers in the reversed direction, causing the branch to go back to its original place. 

I saunter over to the lake, putting down the basket and closing my eyes, taking a deep breath. I open them, my eyes tingling as I forcefully push my hand forward, causing the water to be pushed back. I hold it, seeing three fish flopping on the rocky sand where the water once was. I take my other hand and forcefully push it like the other, killing the fish and causing them to stop flopping around. I then turn my palm up and start to raise them, before pulling them closer to me. I take a few steps back once I let the water go, a wave coming crashing at my ankles and bare feet. I learned the hard way before about not stepping back when I did that. I place the fish on the other side of the basket, before picking it up and walking over to my garden. There, I pick some carrots and corn, placing them on top of the berries.

Once I've collected all of my food, I pet the rabbit that came to my side while I was picking the vegetables, before looking down at her, "You have to stay here, mate."

The bunny's ears go down, making me chuckle. I open the door to my house and walk in. I take the food to the kitchen, placing one fish, two carrots, and a handful of berries on my counter. I go to the table set up on the other side of the room, placing the basket filled with the food I am going to sell at the market down there.

I go back to the counter and pull out a pan, placing the fish on it and turning on my stove. I turn again to grab a cooking utensil, but I jump out of my skin when I see someone I don't recognize standing in my kitchen. He is tall and dressed in the nicest suit I have ever seen, a Black Sabbath T-Shirt under his jacket instead of a nice shirt. He has tinted glasses on and a beard the covers his upper lip and chin, a smirk on his face. He saunters over to my basket and pulls out a berry, popping it in his mouth. He speaks, his voice telling me he's American, "Can I get some of these to-go?"

"Who are you?" I demand, my fingers curling into a fist at my sides. I feel the roots and vines surrounding my house as we stand there, him having no idea that a sharp branch is ready to come straight through my window and go right through him at my command.

"That's insulting," He points at me, walking back to the position he was in before, "I'm pretty, what you call-," he ponders, "Famous."

"Is that suppose to impress me?" I ask, which causes him to smile, "Is the twig threatening to come through the window supposed to impress me?"

How did he know that?

"I'll ask you again," I threaten again, "Who are you?"

"Tony," He shrugs, looking out the window, "You can put down you flora friends, Adelaide."

"How do you know my name? How did you find me?" I demand, but he rolls his eyes, "I know everything about you. I can catch you up on the jet."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I shake my head, shocked at his entitlement, "Why the hell would I go with you? I don't even know you."

"Because I have a team of super people, much like yourself," He motions to me. "And I want you to join us."

"How did you know about me?" I ask.

"I know everything," He says, which kind of shocks me. "Is that your superpower?"

"No, someone posted a video of you stopping a tree from falling at a small market," he says and I curse at myself. I was positive no one was around then. I could of let it go but I didn't want it block the road. Plus, there was a family of chipmunks living under it and the fall would of surly killed them. "Seriously, that stick is crippling me with fear."

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now