twenty three.

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When we get back to the hotel room, Mack and FitzSimmons are standing there.

"What happened to your neck?" Jemma asks immediately, "Are you alright?"

"Daisy," I shake my head, "They took Radcliffe."

"She hurt you again?" Mack asks. I nod reluctantly, knowing I need to tell the what she said but really not wanting too.

"She strangled me," I say quietly, "She said she knew what she was doing and what she was saying. She said that we have to stop trying to save her."

"She sent Hive after her," Bucky adds, his jaw clenching, "We got out before he got there."

"I shot him, not that it was going to do anything," Jemma adds. My eyes widen, "You saw him?"

"He pretended to be Will," She refers to her ex boyfriend. Will lived with Jemma on that alien planet but Hive killed him when Jemma escaped. "He has the memories of the people he inhabits."

I sigh, shaking my head, "So what now?"

"Let's get a few hours of sleep. Barnes and Simmons booked some rooms earlier," Mack says, "The jet will take off in the morning. The base has been fortified so no one unwanted will be stopping by. We'll go back there."

We all nod and head to our rooms, Bucky and I staying in the same one. When we get in, I flop down on the bed. I kick off my heels, my feet and neck throbbing. Tonight sucked.

Bucky stands over me with his hands on his hips, a small smile on his face, "Hi."

I look up at him, "Hey."

He puts his knees on each side of me, crawling up my body. A small smile covers my face as he connects his lips with mine. He pulls away for a minute, "You know," He starts, before pressing a kiss to my lips again. "I've thought about this a lot the past few months."

"Yeah?" I ask against his lips, "I guess I could say the same."

He laughs into the kiss, moving his lips from mine to my jaw. My eyes flutter shut at the feeling before he pulls away. He runs is fingers over the bruises on my neck. I flinch slightly, a subtle pain radiating as he does. He looks at me with concerned eyes, "It hurts?"

"A little," I say quietly.

He lowers himself down a bit, his lips gently touching the black and blue spots. I let out a shaky breath at the feeling, feeling flowers bloom around the room. He spreads small and light kisses along my neck and up to my jaw again, before connecting our lips again. His flesh hand runs up my bare leg as his metal one holds him up. His fingers dance on my skin as he pulls the hem of my dress up just by my thighs. I run my hands through his hair and to the back of his head, tilting my head slightly into the kiss.

He pulls away, leaving me breathless, "Come on. I want to show you something."

He gets off me and holds his hand out. I furrow my eyebrows and take it, standing up. He grabs his jacket and I ask, "Are we going somewhere?"

He nods, shrugging it on.

"Okay, well I'm going to put pants on," I say, quickly running over to the clothes we brought with us here. I grab a pair of leggings, a long sleeve shirt, and boots, going into the bathroom and changing. I also take off my lipstick because I'm really over wearing it.

When I walk back into the room, Bucky is standing patiently with my jacket. I put it on, giving him a questionable look. He just gives me a closed mouth smile and opens the door, gesturing for me to go first.

When we walk out of the hotel, he takes my hand in his. I smile slightly as we start walking. "I actually feel normal."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now