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"This," Sam motions inside a very large space that basically takes up the entire floor, "Is the training room."

I look up, seeing that not only is the space the length of the floor, but it also goes up a few stories. This is wild.

"Care to show us what you can do?" Bucky asks, causing me to look back at him. Sam and Bucky have been showing me around today, giving me a feel for my new 'home'. I tried to fall asleep last night in the room Stark told me was mine, but it was hard. The bed was so soft. I've been sleeping on what felt like a rock for years. It almost felt wrong.

Tony walks in then, Bruce by his side, "Just in time," Stark says, "I'm ready for a show."

I sigh, not really fond of my new audience. I shake my head, slipping off my shoes before walking into the middle of the room. I take a deep breath, excited to use my powers once again. They make me feel free and strong, but there's sometimes pain in my arms when I do.

I close my eyes, my toes wiggling against the floor as I start to raise my hands from my sides, my palms facing the sky. I feel the grumble below the surface of the earth through my feet, the feeling shooting up through my body, even though I'm high up off of the actual ground in this Tower. I open my eyes, the tingling back as I stare at the men in the room, their eyebrows raised as they watch.

I take another deep breath, before I feel my feet leave the ground and feel the vines, flowers, and branches fill the room. My hair floats around my head, leaving my shoulders and surrounding me. I look at the guys who are now standing below me, an idea popping into my mind.

I smirk before I extend my hand towards them, waving my fingers into a fist. A bed made out of twigs, vines, and flowers grows under their feet and raises them. They all brace themselves, taken by surprise. "Holy shit."

They become eye level with me as I look around at the mess I made. I continue to float before Sam speaks up, "You're glowing."

"We're a human flower bed right now, and that's what your notice," Bucky shakes his head. I laugh.

"Okay," Tony says, his eyebrows furrowed. He's being uncharacteristically quiet right now. "I know what we have to do. If you would let us down, Flora."

I turn my wrist, causing my palm to face the ground. I wave my fingers so my fist is turned into an open hand, and my new friends are lowered slowly to the ground.

I lower myself as well, one foot hitting the floor before the other. My eyes stop tingling and my hair falls back down my back. The men look at me as I put my hands on my hips, "Tada."

"Impressive, blossom,"  Sam smiles, "You're a walking forest."

"Guess so," My corner of my mouth is turned up.

"You know your eyes glow green, right," Bucky volunteers his voice next, "When you-" he motions at me, hinting at what I just did.

"I did not know," I smile at the information. That's pretty bad ass, "But they get tingly, so it makes sense."

"Tingly?" Stark raises his eyebrows, "Is that the scientific term?"

"It's my term," I answer quickly.

"We contacted the Director of SHIELD. He's coming by with a few of his agents today to index you and run some tests. Friday will let you know with they arrive." Bruce speaks up, putting his glasses back on. Apparently, he's the one that  turns into the large green beast called the Hulk. That was very unexpected.

I nod, looking down. I feel like some kind of science experiment. They told me yesterday that the organization called SHIELD is the head on the Inhuman Project. Apparently, they have a few of their own on their team. They even have a team of Inhumans, which is pretty cool. A lot of information was thrown at me last night.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now