twenty eight.

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I let out a breath as I fall into the seat on the jet, Nat, Bucky, and I heading home. After we caught Hive, we all decided that it was best to head out. SHIELD can find that warhead on their own. I did, however, warn Coulson about my vision. I told him that he needed to keep Daisy in that room until everything was finished. I don't know what causes her to get how she was in my vision, but whatever it was, it's not going to be good.

Bucky sits next to me while Nat goes to the front and puts her headset on. Once we start out, I finally am able to ask him about something that's been on my mind the last few days, "Buck?"

He hums, looking over at me.

"What was that other vision you had?"

His whole body stiffens and he immediately tries to deflect, "Ade, it's not important. I told you-"

"James," I say sternly, "I'm serious. Tell me, or this is done."

He sighs, rubbing his hands over his face before he begins.


The last place I'm dropped is in a small room with nothing else inside. I look around, trying to see if there is anyone or anything in here I can recognize.

Suddenly, a light switches on and I realize that I'm in a room that's connected to another, a wall of glass dividing us. My eyes land on a body thats laying lifeless on the other side of the window.

"Oh, God," I choke, feeling myself start to shake, "Oh, God."

Her body is laying lifeless in a puddle of green on the cold cement ground. I try to inspect her from behind the glass, seeing blood pooling from her stomach, her hands seemingly burned.

I feel a roar rip through my throat as I try to break the window, "Adelaide!"

My head snaps up when I hear someone in the doorway. My jaw drops slightly, holy shit. It's me.

I watch him stop suddenly, "Ade."

He runs up to her, sliding to his knees as he inspects her body. He presses his fingers to her neck before letting out a pained sob, frantically searching her body.

"God, no. Please," I run my hands through my own hair.

He lets out an angered scream as he punches a hole in the ground with his metal fist, tears flowing down his cheeks. He grips her body and pulls her into his lap, desperately trying to move the bloody hair from her face, "Ade? Ade, can you hear me? Ade, please wake up. Please, please, wake up. Adelaide, please. Don't do this to me. Don't leave me. Adelaide, wake up!"

He holds her close to him, his hand gripping her head to his chest, while I scream behind the glass, "What are you doing?! Help her?! God damn it, help her!"

He continues to hold her limp body as screams and sobs rake down his own. I back away from the glass, my hands gripping at my hair and my cheeks soaking wet, body shaking with rage.

How could this happen? How could I let this happen? I should of protected her, I should of been there for her. This is all my fault.


I sit there, my stare zoned out as I try to process this information.

"Ade?" He asks quietly, "Please say something."

I feel his hand on my knee and I get up quickly, fuming as I look at him, "Are you kidding me, Bucky? You really didn't think I had a right to know this?"

"No, Ade. I didn't tell you because I wasn't going to let it happen!" He argues back.

"You weren't going to let it happen?" I ask in disbelief, "Bucky, you can't single handedly change the future like that! What- you- you think that you have a say in what happens?"

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now