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"I'll come by your room in the morning so we can go get breakfast together," I mention to Pete as he heads for the door of my room. It's pretty late now and we're both pretty exhausted. It was a long day.

He hums in agreement before walks out of my room, leaving me all by myself. I get up before I have time to wallow in self pity any more and head for my suitcase. I start unpacking, putting my clothes and my suit in my closet and my toiletries in the bathroom. A sharp pain radiates through my chest as I pick up Bucky's shirts. It's really quite unfair how we finally start to act on our feelings and then I have to go into hiding.

I start to walk towards the dresser when something falls out from in between the clothing. I quickly put the shirts in the drawers and go back to pick it up.

I go over to my bed and sigh, slowly opening the neatly folded paper. Once I do, I see the scribbled black ink covering the sheet. A small smile comes to my face as I recognize Buck's handwriting.


I haven't written a letter since at least 1938 but here goes nothing.

I'm not going to lie, this sucks. When I enlisted into the army, I left behind my three sisters. My parents were dead by then and they were living their own lives. I was single, unemployed, and eager to fight. Steve was trying desperately to enlist too, but he couldn't because of his laundry list of health issues. Also the fact he was the size of an underweight chihuahua, but that's not important. The point is, I know what it's like to be separated from those you care about. But somehow, this is worse.

I don't know if it's because I'm not the one who's leaving or if it's because of that stupid vision. I know you yell at me that you can handle yourself, but the thought of you going somewhere that could be in another country for all I know terrifies me. I just want to make sure you're okay.

I'm not an idiot, though. I know that a hidden underground base filled with trained SHIELD agents is much safer than a Tower in the middle of Manhattan with our logo plastered on the front. That's just the reality, no matter how much I hate it. I guess I just wish I could go with you.

Ade, I swear to you that we are going to find Fisk and take him down. Then, we're going to find this parasite and kill him too. You're going to be back home before you know it.

You and Pete are strong, especially together. I know you'll take care of the kid. Hang onto him, the two of you have a bond not many people do. Hopefully the place your going has somewhere for him to swing around. I can imagine he'll get antsy pretty quickly.

Anyway, I just wanted you to have something that you're able to read once you're there. Just to know that you're always on my mind. You're apart of our dysfunctional and sometimes violent family now, and we don't take these things lightly.

I'll see you before you know it, Ade. Just, come back breathing.



Three weeks of living in the base and I haven't left here once. I also haven't spoken to any of the Avengers, including Stark and Cap. But Phil has, he says they're close to finding Fisk. As for Hive, the team went on an operation to rescue another Inhuman from HYDRA and they caught sight of him. Well, Lincoln did. Now they're on another mission to try and take in the head of HYDRA's right hand man, who is also working with Hive. Giyera is an Inhuman who can control anything he sees, just not people. It's all very confusing.

Pete and I are in on the agents meetings, but we are still kept in the dark on most things and aren't allowed on missions. They hide things about Hive from us, probably because they don't want me knowing anything about it. It's frustrating, but fighting it will get me no where. I just want to go back home. I miss everyone so much.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now