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"W-What?" I suck in a shaky breath, stepping closer, "Who are you?"

"Anastasia," Her smile is wicked and my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. "How do we have the same powers?"

"Well," She inches closer to me. I do too, not wanting to back down from her. "I'm your twin sister."

I look down, my mind racing. I feel like the room around me is spinning as I look back up at this woman. Her hair is bright orange, her eyes a mix between orange and brown. Freckles cover her face and her features are strikingly similar to mine.

"No, you're not," I shake my head, "That's not possible."

"You were told your dad died, yeah?" She explains. I don't answer, but she continues anyway, "He didn't. He's alive. He raised me and our mum raised you."

"Like that old movie the Parent Trap?" Pete's voice rings from behind me. It reminds me of the two men standing in the same room. I look back at Buck, who is eyeing me very carefully. My brows continue to point inwards, my gaze going to the floor and confusion evident on my face.

I never really knew my dad. I was told he died when I was around two, but I have really no memories of him at all. And I definitely do not remember having a twin.

I look back at Anastasia, "I don't believe you."

She shrugs, taking something out of her pocket. Bucky barks from behind me, "Don't."

"At ease, Winter Soldier," My jaw clenches, knowing how much Bucky hates being referred to that. She pulls out a picture, handing it to me. "You can believe what you want."

I take the photo cautiously, not taking my eyes off of her. She steps backwards with her hands up, a smirk never leaving her face. "Now."

Suddenly, a man with a deadlier rifle than Bucky's steps into the doorway, his gun pointed and shooting at me. I gasp, my eyes widening.

I feel something attach to my back and I'm yanked to the floor. I look up and see Pete detach the web, lunging at the man with the gun. The door behind us opens, the last of the Inhuman's that Peter didn't get to take out and then some ambushing the room. Bucky yells into the com so everyone can hear, "Hostiles engaged!"

I turn to Anastasia, gripping her ankles with some roots. Unfortunately, she breaks out of them easily, levitating in the air. Holy shit. That's exactly what I would of done.

"I got her!" Pete says from next to me, shooting webs at my so-called sister. They wrap around her and she struggles to break free. I turn my attention away from the pair, throwing some vines at the Inhuman that now looks like a werewolf and is attacking Bucky. I tie him up easily, dodging and punching another man who seems to be made of ice.

He musters up a huge wad of ice, throwing it in the middle of the room and filling it with freezing mist. I shiver, not being able to see anyone around me. I hear a huge whoosh of air, causing me to turn quickly, still not being able to see.

Once it dissipates, only Bucky, Pete, and I are left in the room.

I look around frantically, "Where did they go?"

Bucky runs to the door, looking around, "They're gone."

Steve, Sam, and Nat come bursting into the room from the other side, looking confused, "It's freezing in here."

I spot the photo in the middle of the room and approach it slowly. I kneel next to it, picking it up and examining it.

I feel all the air leave my body when I see my mum holding me and my dad holding another girl. We're the same age, which is probably around one or so considering I'm a baby, and dressed almost identically. It's taken at my home back in New Zealand, the one I lived with my mum and after she died. I turn it over, seeing a black, faded scribble, reading: Adelaide and Anastasia - 1994.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now