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"Alright," Stark addresses all of us, "We have to act. Pete's identity may be compromised."

"What?" Bucky gapes, "How?"

"Who knows," Tony rubs his hands over his face, "But we need to change his location. If they see Pete come into the Tower, it's all over."

"You want to send him to a safe house?" Nat asked, shocked.

"Not just him." he answers, "I want Adelaide to go too."

My eyes widen, Bucky speaking up, "Why?"

"Because there are two Inhuman hunters out there right now," Steve answers, "It's the safest place for her."

"And what place is that?" I ask at the same time Sam goes, "Who's that?" Pointing to MJ.

After Pete and MJ told Stark and Cap about the man, they went into full panic mode. I had expected it, but I know Peter was really hoping for a different reaction. They left the room for a bit to discuss things before they came back with everyone. I guess the "things" were Pete and I relocating.

"MJ," She waves, a carefree look on her face, even though I heard her freaking out to Pete earlier, "Sup."

"She's my friend," Peter explains, "We were together when the man was following us, so I brought her here."

Stark answers my previous question, "The SHIELD base Coulson and his team are at. It's completely hidden, underground. Non-traceable."

"Where is it?" Bucky asks. Stark shakes his head, "Classified."

"Are you kidding me, Stark?" Bucky leans forward, "We don't even get to know where they are?"

"No, Sergeant," Stark retorts, "It's imperative we keep them safe."

"From us?" Natasha backs up Bucky, "I mean, this is a bit much, no?"

"Peter's identity is on the line. Which means his aunts identity may be, and all of his friends." Tony shakes his head, frustrated, "Also, might I remind you of the parasite from another planet mind controlling Inhumans."

I put my head in my hands, before sitting back and speaking up, "Starks right."

Everyone looks at me, shocked. Bucky speaks up first, "You want to go?"

"Of course not," I shake my head, "But it's the safest plan. We can't keep Pete here."

"Are we going to gloss over the fact that Adelaide Morris just agreed with me?" Stark asks, baffled. I roll my eyes, ignoring his comment.

"When do we leave?" Pete speaks up for the first time, his eyes trained on the ground. I feel so bad for him.

"SHIELD is on their way," Steve answers. A sad silence falls over us, the knowledge that this may be the last time we see each other for a few months on the forefront of our minds.

"May should be here soon to drop off your stuff and to pick you up, MJ," Starks says.

"So we didn't even have a choice," Peter laughs sarcastically, "You were just going to ship us away."

"Peter-" MJ says quietly. He just shakes his head and walks out, her following behind him.

I sigh, a sinking feeling in my chest, "Well, I best go pack."

"Adelaide-" I hear Natasha say, but I just walk out, much like Pete. I quickly get to my room, closing the door behind me. I sit on the edge of my bed, putting my face in my hands. I can feel tears well up in my eyes as I let out a shaky breath. This is so messed up.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now