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Steve pulls up Director Coulson on the television that's in the lab, "Hello everyone."

I wave, unsure if he can see us. I think he can but I really don't understand all this technology. I feel as old as Bucky.

"How are you feeling, Adelaide?" He asks me. I swallow the lump in my throat, "I'm okay. Thank you for asking."

"You know who attacked Ade?" Bucky asks. He's still standing behind me, his hands on my shoulders. I grip onto his real hand, kind of nervous to hear what's going on.

"Yes," Coulson starts, "His name is Lash. He's an Inhuman that we've been trying to catch. After going through Terrigenesis, we think a man transformed into a creature with a prophecy."

"Prophecy?" I ask, "What kind of prophecy?"

"To rip the hearts out of other Inhumans."

"That's dramatic," Stark says as I feel my heart beat slow down drastically. Bucky moves and wraps his arms around me from behind when he feels me tense up. He rests his chin on the top of my head, rubbing my arms.

"How did he know about her? You guys are the only ones who knows she's here," Steve asks.

"We know he can transform back into a normal man," Coulson responds, "After this, I'm starting to think that he's in our base."

"But you have at least two Inhumans living there," I finally speak, "Wouldn't he have killed Daisy and Lincoln already? Or at least tried?"

"Not if he's close to them," Natasha says, "If he's still a man he would feel guilty."

"Or he knows he would get caught," Clint adds, before Sam asks, "He just rips their hearts out?"

"He tried to kill Lincoln when he wasn't with us, but failed," Coulson says, before answering Sam's question, "And yes, we've seen him in action. His hand glows and he pushes on the Inhuman's chest until it caves in before he takes their heart."

I put my head in my hands, "Wow."

"Why don't you go get some rest?" Steve offers, "This will all be here in the morning. You've been through more tonight than anyone else has."

"No, I'm okay," I try to argue, but Bucky lets go of me, "Come on. We can do this tomorrow."

"Seriously, I'm fine," I really don't want to be the weak link, especially now.

"That's an order, Adelaide," Cap says, taking me by surprise. I know he's Captain America and all but sheesh.

"Okay," I say sharply, nodding and getting up. I go to leave the lab, looking back at everyone, "Thanks guys. I appreciate your help."

"Goodnight, Flora," Stark says. I smile at everyone before I walk out of the lab. I go upstairs, walking back into my room.

I stop at the doorway, holding the blanket that's still around me tighter to my chest. The hole in the floor is huge and some of the furniture is smashed from when I threw Lash. There are broken vines everywhere and different shades of blue flowers sprouting from the walls.

I jump at the voice behind me, "You make more of a mess than any other Avenger."

I don't have to turn to know it's Bucky, "Even Stark and Pepper."

My face scrunches up, "Okay, ew."

He laughs, "Come on, you can sleep in my room tonight."

I turn to him, "Aren't you going to stay with the team?"

"They can handle it," he shakes his head, "Besides, that's the longest I've ever been in the lab and I really don't feel like pushing my luck."

I nod, letting him take my hand and lead me down the hall to his room. It's pretty much exactly the same as mine, the only thing different is photos on his dresser and some kind of mask and goggles.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now